In the June 14, 2015 edition of The New York Times had to do with
finding or acknowledging life’s meaning. The writer talked about putting his 4
children through high school and then reflecting on the current economic circumstances.
He went further, and suggested that the founding fathers idea of happiness as
an inalienable rights seemed correct. He thought that often people go about
seeking happiness in the wrong way, but that doesn’t distract them from their
sincerity. This quandary took place within a college commencement presentation.
Roger Cohen commented on Malcolm Gladwell’s
“10,000 hour rule”- the notion that this is the time required for the
acquisition of perfected expertise in a particular field -and that in today’s
get it now society, grind is underappreciated. The writer thought that duty was
more than likely related to happiness. He also thought that life was not always
revelatory. He included by saying if you want to be happy mow the lawn; collect
the dead leaves; paint the room, do the dishes or get a job. Make sure to
persist and endure, day after day. Money,
fame, peer pressure, parental expectations, are simply distractions and may get
in the way and not solve the happiness problem. He quoted Rilke’s notion that
companionship is a strengthening of two neighboring solitudes-you have to solve
the conundrum of your solitude .Cohen was also not convinced that the notion of
living your dream solves the problem either. He illustrated the punishment that
was handed out to the Greek mythical figure Sisyphus, by the gods-he was with
the task of pushing a boulder up the hill and repeating the task through all
eternity. Remember the large stone rolled down again and again. Could this arduous
task be reframed and looked at not as being a source of despair but maybe the
beginning of happiness, he questioned?
Roger Cohen quoted a passage
from Albert Camus’s book “The Plague.” Bernard the doctor at the center of the
novel, battles pestilence, day after day. And that the whole thing is not about
heroism, but about decency and that the only way to fight the plague is with
decency. Cohen concluded with the notion that decency consists of doing his job
and that he didn’t think he had any taste for heroism or sainthood. He just
wanted to be a man, and concluded it’s in the everyday task at hand were
happiness lurks.
I agree that many are looking
for happiness, and likely don’t know where to find it. Likely, it is
idiosyncratic in nature and everyone might have their own definition. But I’ll
wager that many believe they’re on their way to happiness but they are simply
deceiving themselves and live an illusionary life. I just received a phone call
from a friend that I met, but 18 years ago, in a Ride and Tie competition. At
that time he was 34 years of age and involved in the business world, making money
for him and his new family. He got involved in real estate, land acquisition,
while the market was great. He built an energy-efficient straw bale home and
was exploring his self in a variety of ways. He threw great parties and was
still searching through the use of drugs and non-drugs alike.
The market crashed, my dear
friend became depressed and went through
a psychological crisis. Coming out of that, he started downsizing and became
involved in a superfood retail business. During the years, he traveled all over
the world and presented his kids with unusual experiences. Homeschooling with
this family was not traditional in any way.
Jerome is now 52 years of age and still evolving. One
might say that he has been pushing that rock up the hill over and over again,
or that he has not put in his 10,000 hours as of yet. He certainly is not
mowing the lawn and finding happiness that way. However, he is connected to his
wife and family and can be characterized as being a decent, loving human being.
Has he found happiness, maybe, or maybe not?
Perhaps, happiness is not an
inalienable right per the framers of the Constitution. Maybe the key to life
relates to “Know Thyself.” The more self-awareness of conscious and unconscious
motivations might be the tool for navigating one’s life space. It’s important
to see reality and not get caught up in the illusions, distractions of an
industrial society that’s so economically driven. There are certainly many
illusions, as well as distractions that go on day-to-day. We are given and fed
so much meaningless and trite information. Just watch a news program where they
show you a picture, and then get a so-called “expert” to tell you what’s in the
picture. It’s important to use your own brain and figure as many things out for
yourself as you can.
Lifespan is about many things,
and developmental stages present different challenges and tasks. For me, know
thyself is a beginning step. Additionally, making decisions, having and
achieving goals, making mistakes are an important part of the life process. I
believe my aunt Eva was correct when she said something to the effect “when you
have your health, you have it all.” My goals and decision making are related to
my philosophy. I pursue health as opposed to the pursuit of happiness. Find
your step, you’ll know
the way.
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