Friday, April 24, 2020

Love and Hate

With the Covid-19 pandemic there have been contradicting and erratic behavior from individuals, governors and the president. Even though we lead the world in the number of cases and the number of deaths, not surprisingly, many take this virus seriously and too many take it less seriously. Sigmund Freud provided a psychoanalytic model of man. This essay applies the broad categories of Freud’s life and death instincts thereby providing insight into man’s rational and irrational Covid-19 behaviors.
Sigmund Freud has a comprehensive model explaining man’s psychodynamic mental functioning. Briefly, Freud originally postulated about the biological instinct Eros under the life preserving umbrella. Eros was related to life instincts, sexual gratification, genital love, the pleasure principle, reality principle, the creation of the family and the community, happiness, the necessity or compulsion to work, productivity and artistic creation. In other words, generally speaking, the self-preservation instincts were the driving force in man. Then, Freud experienced World War I with man driven by destructive cruelty. Freud, the scientist, wasn’t convinced that man’s destructive quality was adequately explained by Eros. As a result, Freud postulated a second biological drive-the death instincts or impulses that have been called Thanatos or destrudo. The death instincts, destructive instinct or death wish relates to man’s aggressiveness, sadomasochism, repetition compulsion principle, cruelty, hatred, murder, narcissism, sadistic and self-destructive and self- mutilation tendencies. In other words, this drive can be directed inward toward self or outward toward another or object. These two instincts interact with and against each other. Thus, they may fuse, neutralize each other, replace one another which results in many combinations of effects. In essence, as man develops he proceeds towards his death.
Our country leads in the number of guns, murders, aggression towards spouse and children, and incarceration rates. We also spend the most money on defense far exceeding other countries. We have weapons of mass destruction and have the best fighting force in the world. This means we have better trained killers than anyone else. With tax breaks and subsidies to the fossil fuel industry we are racing and expediting toward the destruction of our planet. One might argue that our country is rapidly heading towards destruction and death.
Currently, the United States has over 850,000 Covid-19 cases and about 45,000 deaths and these numbers are rising. These numbers far exceed the number of Covid-19 cases in other countries. For example, we have more cases confirmed than Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Turkey combined and more deaths than Spain and Italy combined. Let’s give gratitude to individuals like Bill and Melinda Gates, Mike Bloomberg, Anthony Fauci and to the many scientists and researchers in our country and all over the world. They work round-the-clock to come up with a vaccine or cure for Covid-19. There are numerous organizations and agencies like CDC and the World Health Organization that also deserve respect and gratitude for their service. Scientists from other countries have also shared their knowledge about this deadly virus with ours.
Do not forget all the doctors, nurses, technicians and other allied medical personnel also in this fight. They put their health at risk daily. Even past retirees have entered this fight. There are countless workers in the food industry that also put their lives at daily risk so we can have food available. There are many that deserve our thanks. We know that there are not enough PPE equipment, ventilators, all forms of testing and other medical supplies currently available. However, this does not stop them or impede their efforts to help others. We can help the process by staying away from others and making our own facemasks to reduce the contagion risk. Furthermore, there are number of governors like   Jay Inslee, Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Larry Hogan, Gavin Newsom and other elected officials that have put in place social distancing, shutting down state parks, requiring facemasks etc.   These many individuals in the fight against Covid-19 suggest by their character the drive for self-preservation.
In contrast, we have others that express oppositional behaviors suggesting a different character development with emphasis on aggression for the death instinct. When traveling to the market or pharmacy, there are many that wear a facemask and a number who don’t. Driving down the road, there are many who seem to ignore social distancing and do not wear a facemask. On television, there have been scenes of the numerous people congregating and not wearing a facemask while either visiting a Florida beach or other venues.
This past week there have been protests against social distancing orders rising up from many parts of the country. These white protesters, according to Yahoo News, carry non rational signs as well as firearms. These demonstrations have largely been organized by conservative activists. The Republican governor of Georgia announced that his state would be opening up fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, Hair and nail salons, and massage therapy businesses on Friday followed by theaters and restaurants on Monday, April 27. The protest in Michigan was organized by the Michigan conservative coalition, a group cofounded by a GOP state representative and his wife. She’s on the advisory board for an official Trump campaign group. At another event, the promoter is a longtime political advisor to the Betsy DeVos family. These are just two examples of Trumps conservative Republicans. It doesn’t appear to matter that according to Yahoo news/you government poll, 60% of Americans oppose protest while just 22% support them. The same poll found that 71% respondents were more concerned about opening things up too quickly versus too slowly which is in line with other polls. In fact one state GOP Rep stated “Unfortunately some people have lost their lives to the virus. My heart goes out to every one of those people. My heart also goes out to the 1.5 million in Pennsylvania out of work. Equating death to being out of work is what?  Furthermore, some right-wing commentators and right-wing economists have urged Trump to reopen the country despite warnings by epidemiologists that it could result in a wave of additional infections and deaths and another potential wave this winter.
Unfortunately, one can ignore medical advice and exhibit behaviors that hurts self. There is no law that restricts one from eating or drinking too much. It is only against the law to commit suicide. Exhibiting or turning inward self-destructive behavior generally affects others as well. In the case of a virus easily transmitted, when one becomes contagious, one also can transmit the virus to others. Although one can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater, there is no law or commandment that prohibits infecting others. Our healthcare workers and healthcare system do not need more to treat during the pandemic. In other words, these sadistic, lying and hateful individuals by potentially infecting themselves and others are also putting us and our health care system in jeopardy. The sadomasochistic character development and the displayed degree of aggression, in these individuals, is unhealthy and dominates the Eros life force of  care, protection, respect, assistance and nurturance with the result that it puts the rest of us in jeopardy.
Let’s take and use Washington, the state, as an example of life maintenance. On January 20, 2020 the first Covid-19 patient was diagnosed in Washington. These medical and health individuals in this state were prepared for this epidemic. They had earlier put in place procedures from A-Z in how they would handle a positive diagnosis individual. All individuals that came in contact with this patient had protective gear and covering. In essence, from pickup to hospitalization was handled appropriately as far as health procedures. Gov. Jay Inslee, Bill and Melinda Gates and Jeff Bezos were pleased and proud of their state government. Clearly, competent government with an Eros dominated personality can and does work.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Our Plagues

We learned from Albert Camus’s novel The Plague. This historical, classical and award winning work was published in 1947.The story takes place in a French Algerian city called Oran. The inhabitants, of the city, were portrayed as money centered, bored, inauthentic, superficial, and non-loving. This work has been considered existential. Camus raised questions regarding life and death. The Plague also provided an allegorical treatment of French resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II. An article titled” Camus on the Coronavirus “in the March 22, 2020 Edition of the New York Times was timely. This essay foreshadows Camus’s insights with today’s inept handling of Covid-19 and further suggests that our plague are the political policies of” neoliberalism.”
In Camus’s work, the protagonist, Dr. Bernard Rieux, was a man of about 35. He treated the first victim of the plague and used the word “plague “to describe the disease. Initially, he was uneasy and had difficulty in confronting the grave danger facing the town.  As a consequence, Dr.  Rieux minimized the risk. Shortly afterward, he acknowledged the gravity of the situation. He warned the authorities that unless steps were taken immediately, this epidemic would kill off half the town’s population of 200,000 within a couple of months. He was initially met with denial and resistance by the town’s authorities. They were unwilling to take the necessary steps in shutting down the town by employing “social distance,” or by quarantine. Additionally, the doctor viewed the townspeople people as stupid, pitiful with dupes of illusion.
In the Plague, Camus foreshadows the denial of death and destruction, Camus’s character The Prefect was a perfect example. The Prefect, the chief magistrate, at first, believed that the talk of plague was fake news. He’s a self-deceiver, a coward, and quibbled over the health information provided. He used optimistic language and downplayed the seriousness of the threat. But eventually, on medical advice, he authorized limited measures to combat it. The death toll rose and the country’s emergency medical reserves were depleted. This inept character did everything he could in falsifying information. He refused to take responsibility for the deaths. Another Camus character, Grand spoke with empty phrases, clichés and generalities. Camus’s characters are like Trump.
We know that Trump was given early medical input. His early apparent denial or disregard, downplaying its severity, flip-flops, Covid -19 testing fiasco, promoting a drug in which he has interests, talk about the early opening of the government, limiting deployment of military health personnel resources suggests that his reelection is more important than death to the elderly with their diabetic, immune and respiratory diseases. Some might say, what about the sanctity of life? The sanctity of life for whom? We have been at war for over 20 years and have the highest incidence of gun deaths. The wars have accomplished what other than death and more hate? Soldiers, death, maimed with high suicide rates are not heroes. Soldiers are victim’s .The second amendment has facilitated death as well. These Covid- 19 patients are expendable.
Other examples of Trumps propaganda supported by biased news coverage has attacked Covid- 19 for the singular purpose of supporting this president and his policies in order for him to be reelected. Some of their false claims have included: 1. The Democrats were overhyping Covid- 19 in order to hurt Trump 2. The cure of shutting down the government was worse than the disease of Covid- 19 3. The statistics on the death toll of Covid -19 were exaggerated. Yes, fake news is alive and perpetuated by Trump’s media for those in power.
The federal government’s response to Covid -19 has been appalling. At one time the government was the Arsenal of democracy, mobilized the country with its resources and won World War II. The government also faced a terrible infectious disease that attacked the immune system named poliomyelitis and called polio for short. With the expertise and government assistance for virologist Hilary Koprowski, Dr. Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Sabin an inexpensive oral polio vaccine was developed with the assistance of the NIH. This vaccine became the only polio vaccine used worldwide. Trump’s federal government had shipped 11.7 N95 masks and 79,020 ventilators but for some reason are now stockpiling or withholding these necessary supplies.
While Trump’s federal government response has been inept and criminal, state governors such as Andrew Cuomo, Jay Inslee, and Gavin Newsom have been spectacular in their knowledge, organization, planning, and helping other states in dealing with Covid -19.  Social distancing works; retired healthcare workers rejoined the battle; and plans to disinfect N95 masks and send additional PPE resources were heartwarming to see. Dr. Bernard Rieux in Camus’s novel stated that he wasn’t a hero “the whole thing is not about heroism,… It may seem a ridiculous idea, but the only way to fight the plague is with decency. Decency is doing my job.”  Presently, my friend Paul is a driver who transports warehouse food to the supermarkets. He works many hours of overtime and does his best to stay safe by disinfecting the truck’s that he drives. He doesn’t consider himself a hero but is doing a necessary and vital job of providing food and supplies for all of us.
Neoliberalism, our virus, has assaulted the majority by weakening the role of government while increasing the power of corporate and private wealth. The negative propaganda regarding the federal government was labeled as too large; to ineffective; and hampered by bureaucracy. The idea, in place, was that private enterprise was more efficient and the model to be followed. This propaganda was expressed by Ronald Reagan’s claim in the 1980s that “government is the problem.” Unions were attacked as being the enemy; privatization of prisons became the norm; wage stagnation and inequality for 90% of the population was initiated; infrastructure spending was hampered; limited manufacturing ability and outsourcing of manufacturing; and the nonsensical war on drugs accompanied by privatization of prisons and imprisonment of the poor are a few examples of discrimination, maximizing wealth and power for the few. Additional illustrations included rigging the tax cuts and tax code for the elite; dismantling regulations for the banking industry and Wall Street; maximizing the importance of lobbyists in writing favored legislation; and hobbling revenue for the federal government while increasing the national debt. For those that remember, the increased national debt worked in World War II.
Pandemics, as a threat, was presented by Dr. Fauci in 2017 and CDC funding was subsequently reduced. Trump has weakened the federal government by numerous firing of those called “disloyal;” hiring incompetents to cabinet posts per Betsy DeVos, Rick Perry, and Dr. Ben Carson. Other illustrations of a weakened federal government include the Senate impeachment sham ; attacks on the media; employing fake news propaganda; and the  disinformation and humiliation  of presidential news conferences  while attacking legitimate questions of reporters as to Trump’s competence and responsibility are more of the same.

Albert Camus struggles with man’s existence of life and death. Man is aware of his vulnerability, helplessness, dependence and that he’s going to die. With God being dead, so is man’s immortality. How does one face the absurdity of life? How can man face the paradox of life and death? In the past, he relied on the illusions of democracy, freedom, capitalism, religion etc. How can man lead an authentic life, not become robotic and fight the power and influence of propaganda and advertising? Advertising simply creates a desire for some product, generally not needed. It’s simply about consumption and profit.
Man’s initial test is to admit and accept his existential existence. Man must realize that he is going to die, has strong irrational forces within him, and come to realize that he can’t be comforted by religious, political, scientific or other illusions. According to Camus, suicide is not a viable option. One of his characters, Cottard contemplated suicide but with recovery of the plague, succeeded in living.
Man has to deal with the frailty, contradictions and the absurdity of living with the many natural and man-made viruses affecting existence. According to Camus, the plague is within us. With that being said, we are more than likely transmitting primitive beliefs, false idols, folk science, fairy tales, illusions, mythology, political stupidity, irrationality, rationalizations, paranoid hate along with sadomasochistic interactions. As a result, we have to deal with our dark side which Jung refers to as our “Shadow.”  Hopefully, solidarity, reason, wisdom, and sublimation can prevail. Past religious prophets have provided the road map.  If actually followed, we can create meaning for ourselves, combat behaviorally the ongoing man made and biological virus’s {neoliberalism, climate change, nuclear war, Covid-19, hate etc.} and threats as well as interacting with others more humanely.   Thank you Camus for your insights.

Friday, April 10, 2020

A Smile

Despite all the doom and gloom facing us there have been bright spots . I just got off the phone with Tony who told me that he wasn’t running today because of the rain. We both laughed at that excuse. Then he asked if we needed any groceries as he was in Auburn? Linda and I provided him with a list. This was the second time that he has gone shopping for us. Thank you Tony, again. Another bright spot was when my temperature read 98.6. I had nine days of a low grade fever that finally broke .What a relief. The third bright spot was the title in the March 22, 2020 edition of The New York Times-The Perfect Sport for a Pandemic. With smile, this essay addresses running as the perfect sport.
There are many advantages to running. Despite the numerous park closures, there are many places and trails to run. Location is not a problem for a runner. Running gear can be shirt, tights, running shoes and a water bottle. Equipment is simple and not a problem for a runner.  We all know the aerobic activity of running is beneficial to one’s mental and physical health as evidenced by numerous research studies.
Tony, my running partner, and I have not partnered up for quite a while because of the pandemic. It’s certainly not as much fun running alone but certainly potentially healthier. When on the trail, Tony, Dale and I spend much of our time laughing while talking about important and unimportant matters. The friendship gets nourished during and after our runs. Traditionally, after the run ,`Tony gets to drink a beer with maybe a cookie. This routine has gone on for years.  I miss the routine. In many ways, the mental, emotional and intellectual components are nourished in a greater dimension than the physical side. In any event it’s a good combination for my wellbeing.  I like this sport.
In essence, I am blessed. 1. I have a long-term friend like Tony 2. I have a 98.6 temperature reading 3. I have the ability to run. 4. I have a supportive and solid union. These blessings bring a smile to my face.

Friday, April 3, 2020

American Exceptionalism

American exceptionalism is on my mind. This idea was coined by Joseph Stalin in 1929. It is the perception or belief that our peoples, country, society, Democratic Republic, health care system etc. are extraordinary. I have no difficulty thinking about various Americans that excel and have made extraordinary accomplishments. People like  Curry,  Durant,  Lee,  Sorkin,  Jackson,  Friedman,  Krugman,  Bezos,  Gates,  Buffett,  Chomsky Sanders and  Fauci easily come to mind. This essay challenges “American Exceptionalism.”
The Covid- 19 pandemic exposes the “exceptionalism” of our American healthcare system.  Our country, at start, looked good as we had not done testing. This meant we had the absence of diagnostic criteria. Then we learned that we had to test for a diagnosis and that we didn’t even the tests.  We took care of that little problem and we now lead the world statistically in cases and deaths per population.  We still hear from the governors that their hospitals do not have enough PPE gear, respirators, beds and other supplies. The Defense Production Act could be used to reduce PPE shortages and the government could step in and eliminate the bidding by FEMA and the 50 states on the purchase of ventilators. Trump’s capitalistic exceptionalism in action .Hospital personnel get sick. Schools have graduated nurses early and other healthcare workers have come out of retirement and returned to work to deal with the shortages.
Unfortunately, there are a number of red states without stay-at-home orders. These states are adding to the numbers of the Covid-19 statistical model that suggests we’re going to lose over 200,000 to this deadly virus. How does contributing more disease thus increasing the death rate dovetail with the religious right notion of the sanctity of life, love thy neighbor and not kill thy neighbor? We place our war hero dead with medals at the Arlington National Cemetery. Where will we bury our Covid-19 victims? We will have to come up with some storyline like they died to save Trump’s capitalistic economy.
 The expertise and leadership from the governors has been impressive while our top guy is inept, flip-flops, and says one thing to our public and another thing to various governments. One can’t keep track of all that comes out of his mouth. In fact, he denies what he says. And at times it’s difficult to determine, from his words, what is a lie, from a non-lie, or just ignorance. He’s exceptionally incompetent and sadistic and an example of the Peter Principle.
Our exceptional democratic republic process continues to be hampered by divide, pettiness and dysfunction. We live in political exceptionalism. Yes, there was a $2 trillion government “socialistic” bailout. It’s okay to print money as long as the majority of it goes to the corporations, pharmaceuticals and big business. The lobbyists made sure of where to send the money. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said that 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. These 80% do not have any lobbyists working for them and the credit card companies still charge interest or late fees. Will this handout, save the economy for the big and powerful or will it further divide the haves from the have-nots; keeping wages low and stagnant? Time will tell. Having a dysfunctional and incompetent person in the White House leading an exceptionally dysfunctional Senate seems a perfect fit.
We the people, at one time were labeled the “melting pot. Detroit, in the 50s, was no melting pot then nor is it now. In fact I can’t remember, when our country could have been called a “melting pot.” Despite our exceptionalness, we don’t seem to get along very well as evidenced by the divorce rate, physical abuse, and child sexual abuse statistics. We could lead the world in these categories too. We do lead the world with a number of owned guns, with the number of deaths, the number of hate crimes, and the number of incarceration rates. How does our God, in our God loving country, explain? We are the home of the brave in the land of the free. I’m not sure what is meant by in the land of the free. Free from what?  Are we really better than other countries?  What is our definition and our measuring tool? Regardless, we are exceptionally exploitive among our own.
We’ve also been told, that we have the best educational system. Inner-city statistics with its low graduation rates quickly challenges that idea. Moreover, our students can attend college and then they can pay off their massive student debt with exorbitant interest rates. I’m not sure that we want to compare our education system to Singapore’s, Hong Kong’s or Finland’s.  But we are dumbing down; many question the validity of science; and many legitimize creation beliefs. We are exceptionally ignorant.
Yes, we have exceptionally talented people that have achieved within our unbalanced society that favors the rich and powerful. For America to become exceptional, which means for more to benefit, would require a different functioning society. The society would favor the individual over the corporation; favor opportunity over discrimination; favor union over alienation and aloneness; favor significance over conformity; favor wisdom over prejudice; and favor education over ignorance are a few examples. Hopefully, the society would reinforce the development of creativity and artistry so that more could have a better opportunity to develop their potential .More than likely that would promote better and more productive human interactions.