Friday, March 27, 2020

Fear and Anxiety

A doe or buck responds to danger with either a fight, a flight or by freezing. Humans, on the other hand with more advanced brain evolution, respond to danger with fear and/or anxiety. Both conditions are the result of an overpowering danger, powerlessness, defenselessness and inability to combat it. With the case of fear, the danger, comes from an outside threat, is reality based and accompanied with the feeling of helplessness that has been previously conditioned. Now with anxiety, the danger is generated, and /or magnified by intrapsychic factors in which the helplessness has been conditioned by one’s own attitude. With both fear and/or anxiety, the physiological sensations exhibited can be trembling, perspiration, or rapid heartbeat. Moreover, death can also be a consequence of fear. A fear response or experience can be objective like with the Covid-19 pandemic especially if you are 65 or over, have a respiratory illness, are mentally or physically disabled, or have an impaired immune system.  In the case of anxiety, it differs from fear in that it is subjective and hidden underneath some intrapsychic conflict. Moreover, anxiety can exist even without knowing it. This brief essay pertains to a fear and anxiety response to Covid-19.
Tom Brady, perhaps the greatest quarterback ever, is a good example of a person experiencing anxiety and may not even be aware of it. It’s clear that Tom Brady is highly competitive and wants to play as a first string quarterback at young age of 42 and rapidly approaching age 43. Recently, Brady signed a contract with the Tampa Bay Bucs for $30 million. For an oversimplification regarding Brady’s intrapsychic dynamics, let’s postulate using his competitive nature accompanied by his dread or fear of failure. For Brady, his fear of failure easily goes back to adolescence. For example, he began his high school years, as quarterback, sitting on the bench. At one time, he started out as the 6th string quarterback for the University of Michigan. After graduating from the Michigan Wolverines, Tom was in the NFL draft. He was selected by the Patriots near the end of the draft selection. Initially, Tom, at first, sat on the bench.  This player had to demonstrate and prove that he could compete at the next level. What followed was historic. Once again, Brady had to prove to himself and now coach Arians .He had to avoid failure all over again. Again, he has to prove to Patriot Coach Belichick that he can still play at this high level. Brady is not physically gifted by any means. However, his dietary, physical and psychological regime, early bed time and football drills are legendary suggesting he employs an excessive amount of discipline required to compensate for his dreaded fear of failing.  With this being said, for Brady, the possibility of contracting Covid-19 is anxiety producing. This virus could interfere with him playing quarterback by negatively affecting his readiness and body conditioning and thus interfering with his career. Being concerned about one’s body, a 10th century BC Chinese saying comes to mind “To Manifest the Way, First Keep Your Body Safe.”
Would Tom Brady, if tested positive for Covid-19, be fearful or anxious about losing about $30 million this coming year? Probably not, as his wife has been reported to earn more than him. Would Tom Brady, if tested positive for Covid-19, be fearful or anxious about not having a doctor to treat him; not having a respiration device available to him; or not having a hospital bed for him? Probably not, as the Tampa Bay Bucs and the NFL have the finest medical health availability in our country. The Bucs are going to protect their investment. These athletes have to be given the latest medical knowledge and technology because of their income value that they generate to their teams. Are the other 99+ % of the US population as fortunate as an NFL superstar? Of course, not as fear and anxiety are now staples for the rest in our country.
We humans, often go to any length to escape anxiety and/or to avoid feeling it like in Covid-19. There are number reasons for not wanting to experience anxiety. First, with anxiety an individual perceives danger and feel helpless with a loss of power/control in dealing with the threat. With Covid-19, in addition to being without treatment, does being 6 feet away from another guarantee that one does not contract the virus? No!  In fact, one could contract the virus and not even know it. A second element of anxiety might be the apparent irrationality of contracting Covid-19. For instance, one could become contagious in a nursing home or even while going to a hospital for testing or treatment. A hospital, at the moment, is the last place that I want to be near. Linda, for this reason, is postponing her cataract treatment consultation. Stay away from the hospital as you might contract the virus there. A third reason related to this irrationality suggests that we might have to overcome or even change our behavior by challenging our delusion that we are really doing everything we can to protect our self from this disease. Linda, for example, was wearing gloves while cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen. Then I saw her put her gloved hand in a bag of food for a snack to eat.
There are generally four ways we, with higher developed brains, use to escape from our anxiety. With intelligence, we have perfected defense mechanisms like denial. Some deny the existence of the virus by excluding it from consciousness. Witnessing, from TV, the young at a Florida beach during spring vacation milling around is a good example. I’ve had people tell me that they’re not infected. I asked them if they been tested and they replied no? They might even reply with” I have no symptoms. It’s a hoax. “Are you a carrier? Some, even make a conscious decision to overcome their anxiety by putting themselves in situations where they could contract the virus. Interacting with others while going to work, train or even frequent visits to stores are examples. Even though one may exclude anxiety from consciousness, a physical  concomitant could be shivering, sweating, accelerated heartbeat, choking, frequent urge  to urinate, diarrhea, or vomiting  .On the mental side would be a feeling of restlessness, being rushed, bored  or  paralyzed.
Another defense mechanism employed to escape anxiety is rationalization which consists of turning anxiety into rational fear which is simply the evasion of responsibility. This is like arguing with an individual and suggesting that they are not taking the best precaution of protecting self and others from Covid-19. The individual will mobilize and generate and put a tremendous amount of intellectual energy in proving you wrong. It might be like” I don’t have pneumonia symptoms; my immune  numbers are good; I’m wearing a mask and gloves; I’m working in a good and safe environment;  or I’m staying 6 feet away from people at all times.” With these responses or responses like these, individuals can feel rational and justified in their behavior. And they have the delusion that they are able to realistically see or understand the motivations for their irrational behavior. Defense mechanisms do not protect from this virus.
A third way of finding some release from anxiety is to ingest alcohol or drugs. One can also engage in social activities and/or become extremely busy. Our psychological needs to affiliate and have sex is a real challenge when it comes to telling the community to hunker down and isolate from others. When anxious, we often want to be around and associate with another human as well as engaging in sexual activities. So avoiding others, can be really conflictual and actually produce more anxiety from the isolation because of our primary need to affiliate.
It’s also difficult to avoid thinking and hearing about Covid-19. If we watch or listen to news on the TV or radio we are given numerous updates regarding this deadly virus. It’s important to seek out credible and reliable sources of information and use reason to filter the good data and updates from the bad. Listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Going to Mars to escape the virus doesn’t help, since we take our fearful and anxiety driven mind with us. Our mind is who we are.
In conclusion, any individual in our country not experiencing fear and/or anxiety about Covid-19 is either unaware or lying. If you experience fear and anxiety you are normal. This deadly danger is real and affects all individuals, male-female, young-old, different colors of one’s skin, all religions, where you reside, and all socioeconomic groups. It doesn’t matter if your movie star, in Congress, medical doctor, a head of state, a super star athlete or even Jeff Bezos. This virus does not have boundaries and has affected too many of us. Stay safe.

Friday, March 20, 2020

It's Real

Covid- 19 is here. This essay addresses the behavioral health differences between and among individuals. In the past few months, more and more information surfaced about this deadly virus. In fact, we along with another couple, had tickets to attend Hamilton in San Francisco on March 7. On March 3, I called my friend, who happened to be in Florida visiting his brothers, about my concern about attending the show. During that conversation, I told him that Linda and I decided not to go but that I would pay for the tickets. He understood but Dave and his wife attended Hamilton anyway.
I remembered hearing president Trump state something like “we have good numbers; we got this-no problem; once the weather changes and becomes warmer, the virus will go away” in an attempt to downplay the health concern. Did Trump know or realize the seriousness of the threat? However, medical people had a very different slant regarding this virus and gave a contrary message.  Despite the evidence, Fox News individuals like Pete Hegseth stated “the more  I learn about this, the less there is to worry about;” Trish Regan “liberal media using the coronavirus to impeach the president;” Sean Hannity and Laura Ingram “the press are panic pushers stirring up mass hysteria.” It was reported by the other press that in 2018, Trump reduced funding for the disease-control unit of the CDC prevention unit by 16% from the 2020 spending levels.  Did you believe or see through those lies and propaganda messaging?
Then last Friday, the 14th, while going into the local market an individual that I didn’t recognize yelled out to me something to the effect that “he’s on top of this, he’s providing a stimulus.”  This past weekend, Linda called her friend to tell her that she would not host next month’s Winning- Women gathering nor would she attend this month’s gathering due to the health concern- a group of women that get together and drink wine.
More recently, the president changed his tune about Covid 19. It was now recommended that no more than 10 people gather at one time in one place.  The NBA, NCAA, MLB and other leagues had already been canceled. Airline flying restrictions were implemented along with subsidies going to corporations and businesses. The House submitted a bill to the Senate. Governors like Andrew Cuomo implemented closing of businesses, schools while recommending limiting the number of people in groups. More and more restrictions surfaced from canceling a primary election in Ohio to news that basketball super star Kevin Durant tested positive for the virus. One doesn’t have to be over 60, have a respiratory illness or be in superb physiological health to test positive for the virus. According to Johns Hopkins University, there are now 13,314 cases and 199 deaths and rising across the country. The stock market continued to decline.
As of Tuesday, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and CNN’s interviewers were appalled and worried about the number of Americans not taking this virus seriously. They talked about partying of college students, on their spring break ,in Florida, attendees at Disneyland’s theme park, and video of San Francisco residents walking hand-in-hand, lack of social distancing, skateboarding, jogging, being on bicycles like normal. They asked how individuals could continue this behavior? Don’t they know that they could be carriers and infect others? Don’t they know that they are putting our health system, our health workers, the number of hospital beds, and the number of ventilators at risk? The media said these people must be selfish and not care about others. They are harming all of us. We have to be together.
Let’s examine these assertions more critically. We know that when born we continue, for a number of years, to be the most helpless of all. In fact this physical and psychological condition sets the stage for man to develop various needs to confront his emerging insecurity, dependency and helplessness. Not only that, but man eventually realizes that he’s going to die and return to that inorganic state.
In man’s development, the existential problem of his birth and of his existence are somewhat satisfied based on the conditions of his various physiological requirements and psychological needs and passions. As man evolves, he becomes aware of his aloneness, separateness, powerlessness and ignorance. The need for affiliation or to unite with another becomes of paramount importance. There are various ways to reduce that anxiety of being alone. One way to achieve this human dilemma and to transcend loneliness is by submission to a person, a group, an institution, political party or to God. By submitting to something bigger than oneself, is to identify or to connect with a larger power. This submission or masochistic behavior allows a sense of identity and union. But unfortunately it facilitates that individual becoming dependent on and becoming dominated or heavily influenced by it. A person, a group, an institution, a political party or God can be sadistic and controlling.  With submission, facilitates a buying in to various messaging that does not have to be truthful or even moral.  We can be easily misled.
Another way to overcome separateness is to unite or merge with others by making others part of oneself. In this way, it’s a transcendence of individual existence away from domination as well as not being involved in a symbiotic dynamic. The push for affiliation can then become more of a union, a bonding, or a solidarity. This is a move toward others, an involvement in a more humanistic and productive way.
In his separateness, man can also move toward others in an aggressive, manipulative, destructive or hostile manner. The move against another can be passive, aggressive, verbal and or physical. It doesn’t take much as man is easily frustrated, and the consequence results in one individual dominating another. History, has demonstrated over and over  man’s dominance over another be it female, male, color of skin, religious belief, state, country,  economic and/or other reasons.
Narcissism is also related to the affiliation need. At first, we are all narcissistic. Our only reality, as an infant, is our physiological needs for warmth, affection, or food. The “I” is not experienced differently from the “the other.” Slowly through perception, and with cognitive development, we begin to differentiate changes. We form individual and separate entities. The capacity for love can now be established as well as the reality that one’s thought process, feelings, and needs can be distinguished and are different from another’s. The importance is the ability to experience and perceive another’s realities as being separate from one’s own. In other words, through nurturing development, we begin to experience it’s not about only “me,” “me,” or “me” it’s about the importance of” you” as a separate, significant and human individual as well. However, with excessive narcissism, my partying on a beach is about me and I don’t care that I might infect you by being a carrier of this deadly disease.
Another way to view man’s behavioral health interactions with another is to be able to look at the world, nature, other persons and oneself as they are and not to be distorted by ones desires and fears. Reason, in man’s development with maturity, is his faculty for developing objectivity and reality with thought. Intelligence on the other hand is man’s ability to manipulate the world with the help of thought. Reason assists at arriving at the truth, while intelligence are man’s tools to manipulate the world within his subjective need structure.
Reason must be practiced in order to be developed. It’s about acquiring knowledge about the world, oneself, and one’s society. If we have illusions in one aspect of our life then our capacity for reason is restricted or damaged while attempting to utilize the use of reason. Reason can also inhibited with regard to other factors. Reason can help us with orientation and help us to be in touch with reality or in other words to look at the world more objectively. Reason is important and fundamental for man’s well-being. With intelligence, we create mechanisms that distort reality. We can deny, rationalize or use other defense mechanisms to prove to ourselves or others that our actions are right, just or even moral as in I feel great, and I do not have the virus. This is what Epicurus meant when he said “nothing is good or bad but thinking made it so.”  We can explain away any action by ourselves or any action by others as being ”okay”  even by God as in Manifest Destiny.
There are a significant group of individuals that have submitted, identified and are being dominated by president Trump, the Republican Party and certain media. The messaging is brainwashing propaganda. One buys into the messaging regardless. Truth or the use of reason does not have to be utilized. Intelligence or folk science with the defense mechanisms are apparent. Information that counters the message has to be viewed as evil, wrong, terrible, bad and threatening. Thus, one becomes easily angered by hearing the opposing view. One does not use reason as it’s simply not available when one submits to a force greater than oneself. Covid 19 is just a plot, it’s not real are examples.
When one disregards a physician’s recommendation based on science, and goes on and acts as if nothing is wrong, this suggests that narcissism is interfering in the interaction with others. By potentially infecting others and creating possible overwhelming demand on the health system and its workers, is not only hostile but destructive. When we treat others with disrespect and hostility, we are disrespecting ourselves as well. This behavior is not only counterproductive it also speeds up our own mortality. Once again, reason is not employed but intelligence is misused to distort reality.
Yes, to deny and to disregard health recommendations and information coming from most Governors, Department of Health or CDC are not just selfish but suicidal. The human need to submit to a force greater than oneself can also be detrimental. The degree of narcissism affects the ability to relate to others in either hostile, productive or creative ways. When there’s an absence of reason, we have distorted reality with an emphasis on common sense, defense mechanisms, nonscientific, self-defeating and irrational thinking. We are in this together like it or not. It’s serious and real.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Taking Cuts

Let’s place Jeff Bezos first, Bill Gates second, Warren Buffett third and so forth followed by the rest of the 300 million or so in our country. In other words, imagine a straight line of people going from the richest to the poorest.  Everyone has a place on that line up regardless of income inequality. There may be a significant wealth gap between the person ahead or the person behind. The idea is that everyone has their place on this imaginary line.
Let’s go back to the time of our founding fathers. In the 1770’s, imagine a line going from the wealthiest to the poorest. The WASP’s were at the head of the line and the slaves and indigenous followed. That socioeconomic system continues today with capitalism being the engine. Today, the concentration of capitalistic wealth and power continues to exist and favors a few individuals, Wall Street, corporations etc.  Further, the politicians are elected and reelected based on the contributions of the elite wealthy groups and keep the power structure secure and in place.
 Humans are competitive and there is a significant positive correlation between competition and capitalism. Capitalism favors, in large part psychologically, on competitiveness. Humans are also self-centered, prejudiced, stingy, exploitative and narcissistic. Humans think and act in the present. Humans have difficulty delaying gratification. It’s about gratification and short-term pleasure in the here and now. Forget about tomorrow and take all that you can when you can. Corporations similarly think in the short-term with their quarterly goals, and maximizing profits. One never knows about tomorrow. In fact, the fossil fuel industry is speeding up the process of self-destruction regardless of the existential threat of climate change and the Earth’s demise. They certainly don’t care about the grandchildren. In fact, the second coming of Christ or Armageddon may happen first. So, don’t worry because we have honor, glory and power.
Let’s focus on the current president and his party. This WASP has a history of lying, cheating and taking advantage of others in order further his self-interest. So when he says Make America Great;  I’m going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it to keep out the rapists, criminals drug’s etc.; or calling somebody a traitor, a snake etc., he’s sending a clear fear  message. The message is to the uneducated white males and others. The message is that people with a different skin color or people who believe in a different religion or God are not going to get ahead and pass you in line. Your place in line is secure. You may not like him, but like his policies of tax cuts for the elite and keeping others out of the country because he’s saving your place in line. Furthermore, the same God that’s on our coin; the God reference on our Pledge of Allegiance; also gave the Wasp power elite the permission to wipe out the Indians as in Manifest Destiny. Our God further supports the discrimination policies against the poor, vulnerable and weak.
Immigrants and these other peoples are not going to receive citizenship, minimum wage, health insurance, Social Security, or even Medicare for all. A socialistic government that provides subsidies and entitlements for farmers for not growing crops; for the fossil fuel industry; or for Wall Street, Boeing etc. is okay because they’re God-given entitled. But, if we start paying people a minimum wage and give them health insurance then this form of a democratic socialistic government is bad because these people may get ahead of you in line.
Politically, Bernie Sanders is bad because he’s saying “no” to the corporate world with their money influencing lobbyists. More importantly, the country’s demographics are changing and people are supporting Bernie which, if elected, will enable many people to pass and then take cuts in line in front of all those old, uneducated, white male WASP folks. Forget about love thy neighbor as thyself and replace it with me first, me first and me first. Keep your place in line at all costs and certainly do not allow others to take cuts. As far as messaging goes, what propaganda group is behind not wanting workers lose their health insurance? Who loves their health insurance? The goal of each health insurance group is profits. Medicare for all will interfere with profits for the insurance company.
If most understood about pure or traditional socialism, Bernie would be the hero and not the capitalist villain. Instead, the politicians, the brainwashing by the sophisticated government media system cleverly equated socialism with Soviet and Chinese communism. These totalitarian systems are diametrically opposed to pure socialistic practices in which the workers control production. The truth doesn’t matter when it comes to government propaganda. The uneducated belief is that socialism is bad and evil just like communism. Bernie does not have a chance because too many are ganging up on him with their hands extended out to the lobbyists. Who wants to bite the hand that feeds them?
In our form of a Republic, capitalism is our God with the pursuit of greed, profit, power, exploitation, destruction. and control. Thus, the pursuit of happiness is largely defined and based on socioeconomic status. Within our political and economic system, competition, aggression, narcissism, dominance, and achievement flourish. The result allows the powerful to rule by keeping most others in their place. The antithesis is Judaic-Christian principles and moral socialistic ideals with its qualities of humanism. Love thy neighbor, assist the poor, welcome strangers, not lying, killing and cheating, absence of jealousy, rule of democracy , highest development of man etc. are principles and qualities of and for the people. Jesus, a true socialist, and his teachings are not requirements for our mixed-oligarchy-autocracy --limited democratic, capitalistic republic.

Friday, March 6, 2020

It Ain't Easy

For those of you that are auditory learners, the article “Get Healthier Through Listening” found in the New York Times dated February 2, 2020 might be a good fit. The article lists seven interesting podcasts regarding health. This essay pertains to both physical and emotional health.
The following are the 7 podcasts:
1.     Hurdle- pertains to stories from numerous experts and their useful tools in the fitness world of health. The starter episode is titled “How to Start [and Stay] Running.
2.     Mental illness Happy Hour-pertains to intimate and private conversations with guests about their humorous and traumatic psychological issues. The starter episode is titled “Best of: Rob Delaney [2011].”
3.     The Nutrition Divas Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous- pertains to variety of topics, dietary advice and simple lessons by being better informed. The starter episode is titled “10 Nutrition Worries You Can Stop Stressing About.”
4.     An Arm and a Leg-pertains to dealing with the cost of healthcare and wellness and how to navigate the pitfalls. The starter episode is titled “Can They Freaking Do That?!”
5.     Food Psych-pertains to stories about how individuals unlearn years of restrictive unhealthy behaviors by listening to various body cues. The starter episode is titled “Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size FAQs.”
6.     Outside Podcast- pertains to stories set in the great outdoors where well-being is placed at the intersection of physical endurance and psychological upheaval while looking at the amazing ability of the body in overcoming many stresses. The starter episode is titled “Struck by Lightning.”
7.     The Model Health Show-pertains to overall health by overhauling lifestyle, accelerating fat loss and building muscle mass. Combatting chronic pain from generative disc disease is one example. The starter episode is titled “T MHS 383: How Your Thoughts Control Your Biology and How to Transform Your Thinking.”  

These podcasts fit well within today’s electronic media savvy population and provides much information. Just sit back and listen. However, 200,000 years ago our ancestors were hunters and gatherers. This suggests that they just didn’t sit around and learn by listening. For information gathering, they used other senses for survival too. Then, about 10 to 12,000 years ago agriculture was introduced and with its many labor saving devices that diminished physical activity. So presently, one suggestion, if you’re going to listen to a podcast, begin by standing. Sitting in chairs, sofas etc. are unhealthy.
 Consider, taking a look at what might be holding you back from engaging in and in making better decisions regarding physical and mental health. Obviously we are talking about lifestyle and the numerous behavioral reinforcements or lack of reinforcements made over time. Another factor to consider but related is that likely the problem is not about lack of information but about doing or simply put, motivation to do.
As for motivation goes, it’s important to have a significant, important and meaningful measurable goal. It takes more than saying to yourself I want to get in better physical and emotional shape. There has to be an important reason; a priority; enough time and energy; realistic markers that show growth and improvement; and ability to navigate and work through the barriers or obstacles. Saying I want to get in better physical and emotional shape does not work because the goal has to be measured or evaluated effectively. For example, I’ll list 6 of my goals: 1. Consuming a minimum of 7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day 2. Writing at least one essay per week 3. Running – walking at least 45 to 55 miles per week 4.Competing in at least three   10 mile trail running events per year 5. Taking I scoop 100% Whey Protein, 1000mg Omega3, 100mg B1  ,and  100mg  B2  daily 6.Performing  at least 300 crunches per day
If you are auditory learner, the seven podcasts might be helpful as a starting point. Physical and mental health take a lot of work and as I said in an earlier post “It Ain’t Easy.”