Saturday, March 2, 2019

Fake News Part 2

I totally support gathering information from a wide array of sources. As we know, many of the pundits [Hired guns] seen and heard on radio and TV are not really experts. On TV and the radio, questions asked by the host are often based on what might be, or predictions. When someone states, I think, it is my opinion or I believe then I am suspicious of their bias. Fair and balanced means what and was determined by whom?
In essence, it’s clear that man has made great strides intellectually. Einstein was a good example. However, man is also irrational and does not always act in his best interests. Clearly that’s a result of his emotional makeup.  This suggests that emotions contribute to man’s motivation regarding his tendency to believe erroneous information. Man frequently becomes irrational or emotional when it comes to discussing religion, politics, and prejudice. One only has to take into account the bias or slant of the messenger or the prophet. As a result, emotions and cognition play a significant role when it comes to understanding fake news. In order to analyze believing in the absurd, additional research is required as in utilizing the scientific method, replication of studies, employing the null hypothesis, clinical insight, use of projective testing, statistical analysis, etc.  Do not, under any means, fail to utilize cognitive dissonance findings as well.
This is my take on a quote attributed to Einstein and others as it applies to fake news. Stupidity is believing in the same repetitive message over and over again, even though the reality of evidence suggests otherwise.

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