Saturday, April 7, 2018

Searching for Integrity Part 2

Throughout life, one is faced with numerous contradictions, inconsistences and double talk. For example, religion preaches that human life is important with its “do not kill” commandment, but the government wages military wars and lies about weapons of mass destruction .Local police forces kill unarmed civilians without due cause etc. Religion may “ban “abortions, but the government then limits food stamps and other important aid to single mothers for child rearing. Save the baby so it can be malnourished. Economics also comes into play with mass manufacturing of weapons and bullets. As a consequence, there are approximately 100 gun related deaths per day. The media, movies, TV, Interactive games, continues to glorify shooting, destruction and killing of humans as well. Furthermore, how important is human life when schools conduct lockdown drills during school hours? That unhealthy message within that institution is clear. What a great learning environment and an important lesson in civics. Because of the insecurity of the nature of man, politics and the media take advantage by promoting so-called hope, but drown it with fear. Guns, walls, immigration restrictions, supposedly promote safety, but instead prey on insecurities and create divisions within people. Carl Sandburg’s poem “A Fence” portrays division with fence, separateness, and death and rain references. Other confusions and irregularities of morality are expressed by our so-called leaders and celebrities. Some of these individuals are disrespectful of others through abusive verbal tweets and/or sexually inappropriate interactions. These political types, wage war, are indicted, lie, cheat, and exploit. These are our leaders and role models? There ethics are what? So much for integrity. To Be Continued

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