Friday, April 13, 2018

Civilization and Humankind

Let’s go back in time about 2.5 million years when there were hunters and gatherers. These nomads simply met their safety and survival needs, such as food, water and sex. In order to survive. However, they fearfully had to deal with ferocious beasts, and infections. When hungry or thirsty, they would search for food or drink. If they ran across something very tasty, they would gorge themselves and not worry about gaining excess weight since they were extremely active and likely didn’t reach middle age. The drive to procreate was based upon availability. In fact, back then there was collective fatherhood. That meant that the child was not born on the belief of the importance of a single sperm. Instead, the accumulation of sperm from different men in a woman’s womb was considered important because of all the multiple qualities such as the greatest hunter, the greatest storyteller, the greatest warrior and the greatest lover from multiples of males compared to one male. Further, there would also be more males available for protection and child care. The Bari Indians of today share a similar sentiment. Those hunters and gatherers, as far as sex was concerned, did not have to consider ideas, and increase fiction or consequences of monogamy, marriage, divorce, nuclear family, sin, child support, me too etc. They also did not concern themselves with obesity, reading nutrition labels, joining spas and purchasing workout equipment, diets, cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, health and prescription insurance. These nomads also didn’t have stress related to career, retirement, self-esteem, pursuit of happiness, being killed in school or at a concert, or nuclear annihilation. They were not exposed to daily propaganda, “brainwashing,” bombarded by social media, radio and TV. There were also not influenced by the idea or fiction of good or bad unions, corporations, political groups, capitalism, socialism ,democracy ,communism, free trade, tariffs and a whole host of rules, regulations and laws decided by a few. To Be Continued

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