Saturday, April 21, 2018

Modern Man and Humankind Part 2

With this routine or way of life, visits to the doctor, dentist, and shopping are likely .The family likely experiences stress, anxiety, depression, overweight issues and other physical health concerns like arthritis, slipped disc and other back related issues known to modern man. There’s plenty of diversions, such as cell phones, TV, movies, novels, sports, etc. but they do not provide or resolve mental and physical health conditions. Instead, for example, cell phone dependency has addictive habit forming qualities. You cannot leave home without it. Now let’s turn to the fictional life of a hunter and gatherer. He may awaken as result of the rising sun, or from the barking of his trusted and dear domesticated canine. He throws off the pelt and rises from the bed of leaves placed beneath him. Today, may be a hunting day. If so, he is likely to be joined by others for possibly the group chase without his sunscreen, orthotics, fit bit, compression socks, hydration pack etc.; corner, trap and kill. The animal has to be skinned and quartered. All parts of the animal are used by these talented individuals. Each has become an expert in tracking, running down and killing the beast. Large motor skills are well developed for this athletically conditioned individual. He’s able to run, climb and utilize his endurance by being able to outlast, with help of others, the four legged prey. He likely doesn’t suffer from meniscus, MCL and other injuries. His small and fine motor dexterity is outstanding as he’s able to make a flint, attach it to the spear in record time. He’s in touch and in tune with his bodily functions because it is necessary for survival. He doesn’t require going to the gym, running on the elliptical or using free weights. Nor does he have to engage in yoga as his dexterity is superb. He has become a knowledgeable specialist in so many areas of the outdoors. Yes the outdoors. To Be Continued

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