Part 2 - The Science of Men
Briefly, let’s take a look at some of the ways in which men and
women differ within brain function. The human brain is primarily composed of
two halves-the right cerebral hemisphere and left cerebral hemisphere. Although
the two hemispheres look pretty much like and can do some similar things, there
are differences. Generally speaking, left hemisphere usually controls speech
and language, including basic reading, writing and arithmetic [The 3Rs]. The
right side of the brain may control some aspects of language such as
intonation. Further, it also controls visual-special functions like recognizing
forms, geometry, navigation, complex mathematics, art and music.
Would you believe that hand preference- left-handed men have a
greater chance of being more highly successful in life than right-handers. A
John Hopkins study found that left-handers were 15% richer than right-handed
college graduates; and other studies found that higher than normal numbers of
left-handers consist among lawyers, architects, artists, musicians, and actors.
On a side note, left-handers have some advantage in some sports such as
football. Who can forget the” Snake”-Kenny Stabler of the Oakland Raiders in
the 70s and 80s? In the past, there was brain dominance theory, which proved to
be more myth than science. No one is necessarily “right brained” or “left
brained” in their dominant manner of mental functioning. PET and fMRI studies
show that most activities are done using both cerebral hemispheres in concert.
The left atmosphere is more
language oriented, and overall, women have better language skills. This left hemisphere is sometimes referred to
as the “social” brain. This translates that females, with their greater
language, also have superior person perception of social behavior, including
better recognition and facial emotional expression. While the right hemisphere
is more visual- spatial, men have exceptionally good visual -spatial skills.
This corresponds into excellent mechanical abilities but do not leave out the
role and importance of genetics, hormones and the environment regarding male-female
differences in the cerebral hemispheres. For example, studies show that
excessive testosterone in males slows the growth in the left cerebral
hemisphere while accelerating the growth of the right hemisphere.
Men, it seems, have larger frontal lobes with a greater density of
cells in the right parietal lobe. This importance is associated with improved
movement control, abstract thinking, planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring
behavior. This is referred to as the executive functions within the brain.
Spatial analysis and mathematical reasoning are additional strengths for men.
In comparison, women’s right frontal cortex are bulkier, coupled with a greater
density of neurons in parts of the left temporal lobe. This translates into
language processing and comprehension, which allows girls to develop language
faster and more comprehensively than boys. Additionally, with more attention
and greater impulse control, women have half the number of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] diagnoses than the boys. Other findings suggest
that women use more of their brains than men in nearly every cognitive task possible.
On the other hand, a man’s brain seems to be more compartmentalized.
Even though our brains do not differ significantly, individual
differences differ greatly among men and among women. And speaking of
advantages, men do better with: 1. Target-directed gross motor skills like
throwing a ball 2. Visual-spatial skills. 3. Navigating through a route 4.
Complex university level mathematics. The nod go to the women in the following:
1. Most types of language skills. 2. Fine motor tasks. 3. Accuracy and object location.
4. Empathy for others. 5. Social interactions.
Deficits or damage to the frontal lobes in the brain have
significant negative consequences. This
area of the brain regulates many things such as: controlling impulses and
emotions, planning; organization, movement, overall social and cognitive
behavior, including judgment and decision-making. In other words, antisocial
personality disorder [APD] characteristics in men include: increased violence, more
impulsivity, impaired judgment, failure to conform to social norms,
aggressiveness, disrespect for the safety of oneself and others, lack of sense
of guilt or remorse, lack of empathy, employing rationalization and blame, glibness, inability to feel love , deceitfulness
, shallowness with displays of lying and manipulation for personal gain, having
a distorted sense of potential consequences of actions, not only for oneself,
but for others, and emotions which characteristically are usually short-lived
and egocentric.
To illustrate, when convicted multiple murderer Gary Gilmore was
asked why he killed all those people at the filling station, he replied, “well,
I didn’t intend to kill them, but, hey, they got in my way.” In the movie “No
Country for Old Men” displayed countless illustrations of a disregard for
others with uncontrolled violence and murder without remorse. These behaviors
are not all genetic as learning history and the environment also play a role in
the development of antisocial behaviors.
Chronic stress is associated with the shrinkage of the cortex and
hippocampus of the brain, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and many
other diseases. No one is immune from the posttraumatic stress [PTSD] diagnosis,
which is correlated with an individual’s response that involves intense fear,
helplessness, or horror. Interestingly, more women receive a PTSD diagnosis such
as in certain situations-sexual trauma. For men, it’s different, since a PTSD
disorder is more typical for returning Iraq war veterans [Re-experiencing of
symptoms with intense feelings of distress]. A substance disorder and an
antisocial personality disorder often follow for the soldiers.
A few facts about depression and suicide as related to men and
women. Depression is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder in United States.
Boys and girls have a similar risk of depression until puberty. Starting with adolescence,
there is a greater incidence of depression among girls. Additionally, the
lifetime adult risk is also greater for women compared to men; however, by 55
to 60 years of age, sex differences in depression disappear. It is believed
that the sex differences are the result of emotional memories being more
powerfully encoded in a woman’s brain; with stronger connections between the amygdala,
hippocampus; accompanied by lower levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter.
A lethal danger of having a depression diagnosis is suicide. Within suicide, there are significant sex
differences regarding attempts, and completions. For instance, three times as
many women attempt suicide as men. However, four times as many men successfully
commit suicide.
Genetically speaking, the nature of man is influenced by the complexity
of the brain, especially between the brains left and right hemispheres. On the positive side, men have good mechanical
abilities [Engineering]; do well in executive positions with the ability to
plan, organize and implement decision-making [CEOs]; be navigators; and become
physicists like Einstein and Hawking with their exceptionally high abstract and
mathematical ability. Men’s visual spatial and gross motor skills dominate in
professional sports, such as in baseball, football, tennis, soccer, swimming
and track and field, to name a few.
Women have stronger skills as a whole with language and within social interactions. They make super ,loving mothers and good wives with
their socialization ability to empathize, care for, nurture, communicate, and
express feelings. Because of their attention to detail, fine motor skills, they
are excellent in office situations.
Source: Institute for Natural Resources [INR]
More to follow about the role of the environment as well as hormones
affecting the nature of men.
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