Thursday, March 21, 2024

Neanderthal Intellect


Homo sapiens have psychologically and biologically  evolved.  In other words, current sapient motivation has its emotional, cognitive , and behavioral “roots' ' and traits related to those classified and lived as hunters and gatherers  . Current anthropological ,archeology , and zoology research of primitive tribes in remote areas provides additional input and hypotheses related to our ancestors.   This disquisition suggests that not only biologically speaking, but of our mind , neural mechanisms , and the unconscious is carrying  information from our ancestors.

It's been calculated that a small portion of human DNA  1- 6% from modern populations of the Middle East, Europe, East Africa, Australia and Siberia are similar to the DNA of the Neanderthals. There are two theories as to  why the Neanderthals have become extinct.  It could be by some, yet to be discovered,  combination of  interbreeding or the replacement theory with its  genetic mutations . Factually,  Neanderthals were eliminated. Surprisingly, Neanderthal brains are larger than ours , born helpless,  required to be reared,and were able to walk upright with the ability to run.  And,  in the past 10,000 years or so , our species is the only human species that has been able to manipulate the lives of a few animals and plant species.  However, prior to that time.hunter -gatherers spent time in stimulating and varied ways ,had in depth knowledge of animals and plants ,and were more likely to not starve, get disease or become poor .

Hunter gatherers  gorged on high calorie foods.  If they came across food that was sweet  ,ripe  like fruit , they likely ate as much as possible before the competition from another tribe of other  powerful critters arrived to have picked it clean.  Gatherers became  extremely knowledgeable of what and what not to eat.  They identified the " right" mushrooms as an example.  They had to learn and become knowledgeable because their survival depended upon it.  They knew about various  healthy wild plants, acorns, fruits, vegetables, grapes, apples and seeds .  In other words, they ate  a variety of nutritious foods and periods of fasting that  were advantageous to their health.  And , they also incorporated protein and fats for muscle mass, strength,and hunting . In doing so, they met the following ego needs:1. Achievement,  They accomplished  something difficult , mastered , excelled,and increased their ability for survival.  2.  Affiliation. They cooperated with others to accomplish these tasks and established friendship with their commitment.  3.  Defendance . They had to defend themselves against assault from others.  4. Dominance .They were able to control their human environment with their successes.  5  Nurturance .They provided food  for those unable ,  gave sympathy and assisted in caring for survival 6.  Understanding . With trial and error they were able  to speculate, formulate and analyze edible from non edible.

 They also  became knowledgeable and experts  about tracking, establishing  safe and proper techniques for their kill and retention .  Hunting became an art and based upon skill ,endurance and physicality.  They might have had to pursue their prey for long distances and have the ability to climb rocks, navigate streams, mountains for safety, etc. in other words, hunter gatherers were able to use their fingers, arms, legs  effectively with strength and have the ability to run long distances.  Our physiology was  not designed to sit for long periods of time in fancy chairs, seats and sofas.  Physiologically and psychologically they were  smart, strong and were able to survive. Examples of ego needs met Included :1.  Abasement.  They had to submit to external force ,accept injury ,defeat at times when encountering an unknown or superior prey.  They seeked  pain and punishment while tracking down dangerous prey.  2.  Achievement.  They accomplished the difficult 3.  Affiliation, With  cooperation, they were able to be successful.  4.  Aggression . They overcame the opposition ,  prey  forcefully.  They had to fight , and attack for their dinner  5. Defendance.They had to defend themselves from potential failure or inability to  successfully gather, track and kill prey.  7 Deference . They admired a  superior alpha tracker 8.  Dominance . They had to control  and succeed against obstacles and barriers 9 . Exhibition . They made an impression with their ability to succeed and overcome so many difficulties.  10.  Understanding .They learned, they understood once again by trial and error and figured out and developed better techniques,  tools, etc.

Our ancestors were not monogamous,  nor resided in nuclear families, but were pollysexual human beings..  Having multiple sexual partners was advantageous to both male and female in that they believed that many sexual partners resulted in a wonderful array of positive traits that would increase the probability for beauty, intelligence, cunning ,strength, compatibility, and so forth.   They didn't have issues of possession, private property, jealousy, nor any need of any 10 Commandments , Oedipal issues , infertility, Viagra, abortion and so forth.  Their communal configuration was based on a collective fatherhood , cooperation and parenting with many role models and not with rivalries . The following ego needs met include : 1 sex.  They had sexual intercourse.  2. Succorance.  They had their needs gratified by a sympathetic allied other 3.  Sentience .They seeked, and enjoyed sensuous  impressions .

The culture of our ancestors included few artifacts.  These peoples moved around a lot and often  more than likely did not stay very long in one place.  That meant being able to transport oneself easily without a lot of "baggage."  They didn't rely on stuff, state-of-the-art or the latest fashion trend.  They didn't have to have it.  There was no dream house, nor exotic vacation location.  They didn't have to work, save, discriminate nor exploit others or themselves to attain.  Less  was considered more.  If a fire was coming , they weren't in conflict about what to take with them.

Our ancestors did not have to spend eight hours a day hunting and gathering food for their survival.  Their work week for survival was much less than the 40 hour week.  Their activities were varied, meaningful, with a variety of things to learn about, having sex and taking in the beauty of the outdoors.  Not only that, they ate nutritiously, with proper amounts of protein without carbs or worry about putting on weight.  They didn't die from heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and so forth.  Infections were a problem because they didn't have antibiotics. Ego needs met included: 1.  Play.  They could engage in fun without purpose and were able to laugh, make jokes, participate in games, sports, dancing, etc. 2.  Harmavoidance.  By their leisure activities ,they were generally able to avoid pain ,physical injury, illness and were able to take precautionary measures.  3.  Autonomy .They were able to avoid  activities prescribed by dominance of others and to be independent 4.  Affiliation. They were able to remain loyal and have friends.

Anthropological and biological research has studied the alpha male.  For example, chimpanzees have a dominant alpha male in which others submit.  The alpha male mitigates the violence between aggressiors, manages the concept of food  and can interfere with the mating of females. His position results  not because he is the most powerful, but because he has a lot of  mutual based coalitions in which they  spend time together, share food  and help one another in times of trouble.  It's like they are empathetic and know how to relate to one another with cooperation.  The Hunter gatherers. With their alpha male  interacted with smaller more manageable groups.  Ego needs like  Dominance (controlling human environment) ; Aggression (to attack and  kill another ) ;Autonomy (to resist coercion and restriction); Achievement (accomplish difficulty ,to suppress ,rule over  others and to excel ) are attributed to the alpha male.

 Suggesting diversity , barriers and conflict , our Neanderthal relatives had similar  ego needs fulfilled by their quest for survival.  In essence,  human history is a repetition compulsion . We repeat behavior over and over again. In  order to more fully understand our motivational behavior,  we can look to the past and view how our ancestors met with barriers, obstacles for their survival as well as our future . The Neanderthals do  provide some insight into the  motivational behavior of man. Of course we are unable to fully get into the minds of the Neanderthals for a more concrete understanding of their anxieties, beliefs, attitudes , irrationalities and prejudices.  The cliché "fly on the wall" would tell us more about our relatives.  


I recommend viewing Dr. Mark Hyman's  KVIE Public Television presentation "Eat Your Medicine: The Pegan Diet,"   Dr. Hyman is a functional medicine physician and in his presentation he talks about  fruits, veggies, nuts ,seeds, paleo ,exercise, stress reduction, and intermittent fasting for healthy longevity.


Harari ,Yuval Noah .  Sapiens  , A Brief History of Humankind.

Murray, Henry A.  Explorations in Personality.

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