Saturday, November 24, 2018

Neurotic Anxiety Part 2

Neurotic Anxiety  Part 2
Ken, another friend wants to buy my firearm when he goes camping with his wife. Ken is about 60 years of age, good physical health, active, gun knowledgeable and an experienced camper. When asked about my gun, he says he wants it for protection. Protection from what or whom is not clear. Ken has neurotic anxiety in that he does not go to remote places to camp, nor has he ever been threatened by anyone. I am unable to convince him or argue about the gun; or safety; or the likely hood of him being attacked. How many camp killings have occurred in California? He is simply not receptive nor understanding about his anxiety.
Neurotic anxiety means that Ken has some underlying issue perhaps pertaining to a weakness, not in control or helplessness that results in the prompting, promoting or fueling his underlying insecurity. Ken was simply not able to identify the cause. He might not even be able to identify that he is anxious about his going camping. Having a gun is simply the belief that he can protect both him and his wife from some unknown danger. He does not address that having a gun, does not solve the underlying dynamic in his personality. Moreover, Ken told me that his wife calls him passive aggressive.
To Be Continued

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