Sunday, July 1, 2018

Dynamics of Nationalism Part 3

They have a political philosophy that is based on an emotionally driven narcissistic orientation- me first. My needs, my being are more important, more privileged, more righteous, more God-given, and more racially pure than the others. Unconsciously, the primary emotional weakness dynamics of dependency, helplessness and fear, provide the platform or foundation upon which perception, cognition, conscience, emotion, and identity evolves. Because of unconscious underlying primary dynamics, Homo sapiens are driven to compensate for their vulnerability, and find the resolution and/or protection. Additionally, conscious concerns about health, economic instability and significant other worries and emotions tend to fill in the life space of many. They are driven to submit and participate with a force larger and greater than self. That merging or identification might be to a God, a religion, a political system, an economic philosophy, a country , a conscience, a psychic compulsion or even an authoritarian paternalistic individual. These identifications can be part, or all, and make up the emotional component of one’s identity. Now, the individual can share in the strength, power, glory and glamour. Ideas and slogans of natural law, individualism, demagogic, absolutist, corporations, capitalism, pulling one’s self up by their bootstraps, fighting for freedom, law and order, free markets or trade, Second Amendment rights, excessive money for military budget, make America great etc. and fit within the composition of dependence, narcissism, helplessness, fear and protection on one hand, and current gloom or insecurity regarding the present. Not only that, these emotional psychological components becomes internalized and becomes the master supplanting and interfering with conscience and intelligence, but not our defense mechanisms. It is now who we are and gives significant meaning to our lives. It’s our Homo sapiens identity. They worship the slogan of nationalism/populism. Nationalism is supreme. Do not worship or create any other false gods or idols before me. Other ideas such as humanism; It’s a shrinking world; love one another; love thy enemy; unions, socialism, “better angels of our nature” and we’re all Homo sapiens take on the division between us versus them. Those, the other, are not perceived as belonging to our tribe. Simply put, they are the emotional/hated enemy. More To Follow

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