The initial weeks of this presidency has resulted in a sadistic amount,every day or so , of a staged performance of executive actions and irrational crazy talk with superficial, incoherent and vague explanations irrespective of intended or unintended consequences. In any event, these initial exploitive controlling and harmful actions are consistent with Trump's history and can be an expected norm. This disquisition describes two of his character orientations .
Character is formed by experience, especially the varied and multiple occurrences that happen in early life ,as in the first 5 years.These experiences are often retained in the unconscious. As a result , a person's motivational behavior is complex with many aspects resulting in the person being unaware of why they do what they do. For instance, the motivational dynamics of Donald’s pursuit of the White House might be related to the following 1. Desire for power as the US presidents are considered to be the most powerful person on the face of the earth. To escape incarceration for all his felonies. To create a cabinet of loyalists To put forth employing the 2025 playbook that has executive orders discriminating against others 2. Possession or the ability to control his environment and generate quid pro quo monetary advantages 3. Status , to be universally recognized by so many followers over the world. 4. Ability to reward his supporters. 5. For public service. 6 His historical legacy. 7. Punish his enemies .8.To unconsciously compensate for feelings of helplessness, inadequacy and humiliation.
Essentially,a person's character orientations are changeable, connotative and dynamic. Further and importantly, the way a person acts ,feels, believes,and thinks is largely determined by one's character. Also, since character traits are underlying behavior , they can be inferred by one’s behavioral actions as he relates to his world .
In man’s quest for survival, he either acquires and/ or assimilates. He can acquire things either by producing or securing things from others, as in taking. He also interacts with others when asserting as in procuring sexual satisfaction, for play, acquiring material possessions or assimilating as in acquiring knowledge,and learning . In other words,character is distinctive ,descriptive as it explains the behavior dynamics of that person
Character dynamics can be seen as a tendency for being productive or nonproductive . The individual can love, hate, compete, cooperate, build social systems on equality or authority. Marketing is a description for a non-productive character orientation. The emphasis of a marketing character orientation is for the exchange value.This means that Trump is a commodity and his value is related to how well he can use or sell his personality for exchange in the marketplace . His material success is based on the personal acceptance by those that need his services or a belonging. It's how well he sells himself, how much he is in demand. Few examples of how Trump sold himself follow: 1. Trump had a history of being a guest on the Howard Stern radio show. According to Stern, Trump was a terrific guest as he was outgoing, impulsive and an extrovert during numerous interviews. 2. Trump had a history of contacting newspapers in New York, especially the New York Times. He impersonated and planted stories about his varied exploits, especially economic ones. 3. He easily sweet talked and manipulated banks by falsifying the value of his properties for loans . 4. He ran a fraudulent Foundation and a fraudulent University . He has made millions selling merchandise like Bibles, coins, watches, sneakers, etc. 5. Trump and co-authors wrote a number of best-selling books including hardcover ,paperback and audio. Tony Schwartz in Trump: The Art of the Deal exposed Trump as being narcissistic, inadequate, a fool and not very intelligent in the sphere of writing. However, the book glorified his business acumen, irrespective of the fact that he had gone bankrupt six times. 6 Trump had a popular TV Show, The Apprentice. Producers, after the 20 year nondisclosure agreement reached its expiration, apologized for promoting Trump "I helped create a monster." We created a false narrative by making him seem more successful than he was. He also added that he loved the attention and that we created a positive picture of him that wasn't true. 7. He's always tweeting on social media irrespective of the time of day.
Trump’s a master at selling himself, as his motivation is not about happiness but about making himself attractive. His self-esteem depends on his success. It's not surprising that his defeat in 2020 was a severe threat to his security and a sense of his much thought after popularity. He has to be admired ,liked and/or loved .It’s who he is. His anxiety and insecurity is masked by his bravado. The 2020 loss was so devastating that he had no difficulty in breaking the law, lying constantly, plotting, contacting government officials in various states to falsify election results and employing a series or team of lawyers assisting him even though his White House attorneys told him otherwise.
His identity is based on "I am as you desire me" which means that his identity is based on what others think of him. He has to be liked. He exaggerated the size of his 2016 inauguration claiming it was larger than Obama's ; he sucks up to dictators for their approval and demands loyalty by all or they are fired. That's why he promotes his prestige status , intelligence, success etc to others . it’s really a genuine substitute for his real or genuine feelings. Unfortunately others are experienced as commodities . He has no real in depth relationships. He's a commodity, not a real genuine person, He's marketed himself to women as well. The superficiality of his current marriage is obvious. According to the capitalist marketing myth, he's a real success. Accumulating money, property, wives and children do not define success as a humanistic ,moral and ethical human being .
Another non productive character orientation in Trump's makeup is the exploitative. This character orientation is based on the feeling that the source of all good is outside and that whatever one wants to get must be sought. He’s unable to produce anything himself. This character style is based on the individual not expecting to receive things from others as gifts but to take them away from others by force. This non productive orientation extends to all spheres of activity within this character orientation. Everyone who is an object of exploitation is judged according to their usefulness. Trump finds himself suspicious, cynical and jealous. He's most satisfied with things that he can take away from others.
Furthermore, with submission ,dependence and control , he must be feared ,admired and/or loved. Secondly, his domination is characterized both sadistically and masochistically in various degrees .Greed is characterized by his frantic activity in stereotyped ways and . It's counterproductive to reason and objectivity. Lastly, power equals domination as individuals are there to serve him ..
A few illustrations of this exploitative character orientation 1. In the 1970s. Trump and his father, Fred discriminated against Blacks from moving into their apartment building 2. Trump exploited the banks by falsifying information for receiving loans as well as for not paying accurately his federal and state taxes. 3. Trump went bankrupt six times and exploited others by not paying for their services. 4. Trump ran a fraudulent foundation and University..5.Orchestrated attempts to overthrow the 2020 election.
Within the past month., DT signed over 200 executive actions. We have witnessed this unprecedented display of sadistic cruel and exploitative behavior. Joe Biden,civil service employees, FBI, Inspector General's, criminal justice ,and so many others have experienced the negative deplorable consequences of his attempt at withholding congressional approved funds, in part , for upcoming tax cuts for the wealthy Further, Government agencies , email termination notices ,not allowing employees to enter their offices. Individuals going hungry, medical treatments being halted and so forth are taking place .
He added EM along with the Republican sheep in Congress to assist in pursuing his attack on the rule of law, the government, the Constitution ,,immigrants in lock and step with the 2025 playbook. This attack has put so many fellow Americans in danger with major threats to their safety and security. The full consequences of his actions are yet to be determined. On the other hand, we have witnessed challenges in court and massive demonstrations. Do not forget about the tariffs and taking over Greenland, Canada ,Panama Canal, and Gaza .
DT, on TV ,reminds me of that familiar voice of John Wayne . The Duke’s personification on the big screen was rugged, straight talking, no nonsense ,everyone “loved “ him and someone you'd want to have a drink with but you didn't want to cross him. John Wayne was larger than life . However, off the screen, he had physical complications and was an alcoholic.None of that mattered since he was admired as a true American hero.
Watching or listening to the “ news “is like experiencing an American "Holocaust." Likeh Hitler with his lies, half-truths restoring his country with revenge started his assault. He scapegoated his enemy’s , gathered support from his complicit followers and began his cruel destruction and assault. Many stood by and denied the reality of what was taking place. Hopefully , this nightmare ,this really bad dream will end with decency and a different reality .
Fromm,Erich. Man For Himself.
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