Sunday, September 15, 2024


  An article titled "The Key to Longevity Is Boring"  found in the July 14, 2024 edition of The New York Times got my attention.  There are many ideas related to longevity.  This disquisition questions whether longevity is boring or not.

The article lists the  numerous health and longevity recommendations popularized by the Internet and podcast hosts.  He pointed out there were a substantial number of contradictory menus , shortcuts for improving one's biology without  firm scientific evidence .  He added that there was an obsession with health and longevity and pointed out that the global supplement market is $250 billion and projected to be nearly$310 billion within the next four years.In short, he pointed out that health and longevity relates to five fundamental lifestyle behaviors: 1.  Exercising regularly 2. Eating a nutritious diet 3.Eschewing cigarettes 4.  Limiting alcohol consumption.  5.  Nurturing meaningful relationships.  He added that these choices are  somewhat boring and harder to make money off of than trendy supplements, complex sounding theories and new gadgets.

In the article, findings of a study in the journal  of Health Affairs reported that 50 year old non-smokers who drank alcohol in moderation and who were not obese could expect to live an average seven years longer than their peers who did not share these traits. The average life expectancy for women having this trio of lifestyle behaviors was just shy of 89 years and for men nearly 86 years old.  In the journal  of Nature Human Behavior , it was reported that in any given age there is a 14% higher risk of dying early associated with loneliness and a 32% risk of dying early associated with social isolation.  The Harvard Study of Adult Development found that good relationships lead to health and happiness.

My take regarding longevity.  First, the definition of boring is "Not interesting, tedious."  A few Synonyms of boring include deadening, dull,  deadening, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, and worrisome.  According to the definition, the pursuit of  longevity seems awful and uninviting.  Who would want to live a life of boredom?

Exercise, if boring, becomes nonexistent.  In other words, running on a treadmill is boring If it is without any goal or meaningful purpose.  If one is passionate about running because of the necessity of conditioning for track, football or some sport, then exercise becomes both meaningful and necessary .  In other words, start with a  goal. Then devise strategies in dealing with all the barriers and pitfalls that can interfere with goal completion.  If the goal is filled with passion, then the psychic energy necessary is available regardless of the obstacles . For instance, the ego need of abasement is based on an individual's behavior.  The perseverance of behavior continues irrespective pain, discomfort or even injury.  In order to excel in any sport,  it requires tenacity which refers to mental toughness. More than likely ,severe or overuse injury exists and is common for individuals that engage and are passionate about extreme sports.  Man pursues potential pain and illness, but not  too long in an activity that is boring .

Meaningful relationships are also not boring, by definition.  Just think of a professional basketball player like Steph Curry?  Curry does not train alone but works out with others meeting his ego need of affiliation  In other words, Curry is exercising and incorporates  and fosters a relationship during the process.  Ask any individual who was a member of his  team about their camaraderie?  In fact, Bo Schembechler preached “ the team”," the team.” His players developed significant personal relationships as they coalesced and became the team.  In fact, working out with another person can be and is more enjoyable than working out by yourself.

Additionally, other ego needs can be met during exercise and competitions.  For example, the ego's need for achievement is based on accomplishing something difficult.  Setting and accomplishing  personal goals during the exercise while raising aspirations . In so doing, it Increases self regard and displays mastering obstacles while excelling.  The ego ‘s need for aggression can be met which is to oppose and compete against others. The ego’s need for counteraction  which is a commitment  and perseverance  through exercise when one overcomes a weakness and develops  mastery. The ego’s  need for deference can also be met which is to admire, support and praise others  such as other competitors or even teammates.  The ego’s need for  exhibition is met by standing out, making an impression by  participation ,achievement and excellence.  Further,  even the eg’s  need for play can be met working out with others when joking, laughing  and/ or removing stress while participating in various activities.

 With a mentally and physically healthy personal identity and character , are certain core characteristics. In which ego needs are met. Meaningful personal relationships and unions are important and necessary for anyone's well-being as studies concur.  Being physically active is also necessary for well-being irrespective of whether it's yoga, walking, gardening or hiking either individually or in a group. Longevity studies indicate and suggest that lifestyle choices around obesity, smoking and drinking are hazardous to one's health. How happy are chain smokers or alcoholics ?  Nutritional eating with a significant partner is not boring, but a way to taste, enjoy ,relate. and met ego needs of affiliation and play. To learn more, I presented in” It Has Nothing to Do With Age ,“ 7 prescriptions for a healthier life span.  

 Successful living has to do mental and physical well-being, while  meeting one's ego needs with passion and commitment.  Being healthy as a goal makes more sense than longevity being the goal. It’s not about longevity .Living fully also has to do with the amount of pleasure, pain ,conflicts, frustrations, surmountable and insurmountable barriers.  What is  the current ratio  of positive to  negative valences as well as expectations for the future?   Fully living is not boring at all . In other words, being healthy is the key . 

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