Thursday, September 7, 2023

A Derisory Person


The 10 Commandments , found in Exodus and Deuteronomy, were the first moral and ethical principles for mankind . The majority , in our country, have a tendency not to commit murder or kill , while others have a tendency to ignore moral and ethical principles . Recently,  a white person murdered three black individuals. Also , I  viewed Dan Buettner's documentary titled Live to 100.  The Secrets of Longevity.  This essay incorporates the above ideas .

Sigmund Freud,  who witnessed World War 1, had to include an instinct of  death to more fully explain man's craziness.  Craziness occurred In Jacksonville , when that  21-year-old male murdered Angela, A.J. and Jerrald .We  heard more about guns  and the fact that he purchased them legally than we did  about  the moral and ethical problems facing this republic . Why does a Christian nation remain silent on  amorality  ?   Have we  become numb to murder and suicide because were living in the age of craziness ?  Perhaps , we are a Christian republic in name only ?

This white person followed Nazi propaganda and had a swastika mark on his gun.  Did his irrational and absurd beliefs and rationalizations  justify murder of self and others as did Hitler ?  Nazisim represented a  hateful dictatorial fascist political party that was intolerant, racist against Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and against  justice and the rule of law . 

 Did this white Nazi have a rational foundation for murder and suicide ?  If not, he was insane.  Why kill a black individual ?  Yes, in 1619 there were slaves brought to our shores ; yes, they have black pigmentation and a certain amount of melanin; yes, they are exceptional athletes; yes, we've had a black president and yes we  currently have a black female VP.  And the reason to kill a black is because ? If  there was no rational foundation for murder then he was insane. Moreover , those who accept the murder of others suggest that there is no higher value to guide behavior and that thou shall not kill is irrelevant.  If nothing is either true or false, good or bad,  just or unjust.  then we become slaves according to Camus in his book The Rebel . If  murder , in this case is justified , that means that  scruples , conscience  and guilt  are nonoperative and irrelevant   In other words, if murder and suicide are considered the same thing and accepted as such, then the justifications for murder and suicide  mean an indifference to life, which is the definition of nihilism .

This person had no grounds for murder and  his absurdist beliefs cannot defend the existence of acceptance and sacrifice  of the lives of others.  Others have a right  to live .  Was this resentful person rebelling ?      Scheler describes resentment as an evil secretion in a sealed vessel of prolonged impotence, passive, highly colored by envy of what one does not have, which turns into unscrupulous ambition or bitterness which is in wanting to be something other than what one is which means always a resentment against oneself. And, he was rebelling against the will , desire for survival, growth, life , humanism and  the respect  or value of self and for others. What irrational authority gave him permission for this violent crime  ? 

It was reported that he locked his bedroom door while living with his parents.  His identity was based on resentment, hatred and he alone was a lone wolf killer but had a shallow  attachment to “others” on social media, to those expressing malignant beliefs.  He was not developing skills , planning for a career , preparing for a  family,  teaching ,contributing, producing  or helping others . He had no future ,he was  a  narcissist with a necrophiliac attitude and character structure.

This individual with necrophilia  tendencies exhibited  indifference and a hating  of life and humanity with the tremendous capacity to destroy.  He was enamored by force, his power to kill those who lacked this power  as they were defenseless.  He was  in “control.”  Actually, he was fearful of life’s  uncertainty and  was willing to kill and die for some irrational and hateful idea of "justice."  Is he now a martyr ? An example of necrophiliac  was found in the biblical story.  It was a woman who wrongly claimed to be the mother of the child in the story of Solomon's judgment.  This woman would rather have a properly divided dead child than lose a living one . The true mother was willing to give up her child to live as opposed to having him cut in half.


Dan Buettner visited a number of countries interviewing many . In fact, one area was located in  Loma Linda, California.   Also, Michael Howard, PhD reviewed approximately two dozen centenarian studies across the world.  He came up with 16 healthy habits and lifestyle factors  that strongly predicted who would live  to 100 years old and  able to live independently.  A brief  review  of their research : 1.  All  centenarians were socially  and face to face connected, and  had reduced their  stress and distress with a purpose in life.  Some cooked healthy foods using appropriate vegan components; some tended their gardens; and some  were religiously connected. The Seventh-day Adventist's ,  from Loma Linda pursued health and  a healthy lifestyle.  2.  None of the centenarians devoted an enormous amount of time on social media.  Instead, they  interacted face to face  3.  They either lived independently , with a significant other or with family   4.  They had a positive humanistic attitude and  were concerned about others.  None exhibited malignant  narcissism and resentment , nor was the same found  in public or government forums   5.  All had a daily and resilient  work life with structure , repetition and meaning .  They all were focused on the present and future. None complained about being bored nor what to do today.  6.  All were physically active by either walking numerous steps in the city,  hills in the mountains; attending to wandering livestock; swimming, playing pickleball , volunteering,  or attending exercise class  7. They valued life and none had dementia, chronic depression , committed  suicide nor were drug  or alcohol dependent .

In summation, our republic appears to be headed in the direction toward an absence of religious ,ethical and moral principles ; excessive  negative physical and mental health  ; Intimacy with crime;  excessive criminal behavior with justice and the rule of law crumbling for some .  Murder has become repetitious and these acts of violence become numbing and more of the same .  Perhaps we need to spill more blood ?  We have excessive solitary loneliness, with plenty of noticeable tyrants on display .  With that being ,  it suggests the importance of how socioeconomic, political, and religious components affect biological and psychological health and longevity.  For instance, with the exception of one  Seventh-day Adventist community in Southern California, the majority of centenarians are found  elsewhere.  These communities are not represented by resentment, crime , murder, injustice, political divide, hate, destruction and discrimination.  However, they are represented by welcoming the aged; providing incentives for face-to-face interaction; self-motivation with  productivity; absence of  governmental and environmental distress; a positive future outlook.with congruent socioeconomic, political and environmental cooperation .  If we are going to have a rebellion, why not  against fascism, authoritarianism, racism, inequality , prejudice, discrimination, loneliness , murder, and suicide ?


Jonathan Swift stated, "No wise man ever wished to be younger .”


Successful Aging in Men & Women . Institute for Natural Resources.

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