Friday, August 19, 2022

Sick Republicans


The January 6 congressional committee revealed significant information regarding Trump’s coup attempt. Much of the under oath testimony was  provided by the Trump White House staff. Their testimony has been  damaging and has reinforced the lies that have been propagated. Yet, too many seem unconvinced. Why can’t they take the blindfolds off? This disquisition pertains to some of his loyal followers.

The loyalists cannot be called the tribe because the tribe is a social division in the” traditional” society.  However, his group  might have a very general common culture within.  A clan is defined as a group of close knit and interrelated families.A cult is a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.  A fraternity is defined as a group of people sharing a common profession or interests.  A loyalist is  defined as a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt.  In any event, Trump's followers are loyal to him and exhibit cult-like characteristics - excessive commitment. Doubt and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

The testimony from the January 6 congressional committee revealed : 1.  Bill Barr and others in the White House told Trump that he lost the fair election.  2. The over 60 lawsuits that were filed claiming election fraud were denied or thrown out of court.  3.  Prior to the November election, plans were put in place to overturn election results. It  continues even today. One example was Trump claiming fraud 4.  Fake electoral college results were submitted.  5.  Attempts to seize voting machines, calling out the National Guard; putting Clark In as Atty. Gen.; calling Georgia's Atty. Gen. asking for more votes; attacking the capital ; putting pressure on Pense  to delay the counting of ballots, and the plan that the vote would  then be performed by the Congress.  Further, Steve Bannon had a fraudulent border wall scheme and raised millions .He was sentenced for not obeying  the congressional committee subpoena.  Alex Jones, another Trump bigot, raised money based on  lies.  He was ordered by a Texas jury to pay close to $50 million at his Sandy Hook trial.  

It has  also been reported that Trump made 30,573  false and misleading claims  over four years.  A few include: 1.  It didn't rain on his inauguration 2. Coronavirus was under control.  3.  Rep ilhan Omar supports Al Qaeda.  4.  The trade deficit with China used to be 500 billion 5.  Trump didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payment.  Further, Trump ran a fraudulent university and  foundation.  In essence, Trump is a pathological liar.His election fraud lie is a lie.He is the one that is fraudulent. He has made millions based on lies. 

Although the January's 6 committee is not done with their investigation, the Justice Department and other courts are investigating the fraud, the insurrection and criminal behavior.  The majority of Americans see Trump as a liar and danger to this country's democracy.  However, many do not. Why would anyone believe a pathological liar and not believe the congressional committee's findings or the Justice Department ? Individuals with a paranoid personality disorder diagnosis believe in nonsense.  

Briefly, basic trust is the key to understanding paranoid individuals.  Unfortunately, these individuals have internalized sadistic attitudes and conscience from parents. As a result , their aggressive attitudes  are directed both against self and toward others. This psychological dynamic becomes a defense from becoming emotionally close and forming meaningful relationships with others. These individuals are on guard , very sensitive to traces or elements of hostility, especially criticisms , being told their wrong from others meaning to be helpful. They are vigilant and extremely vulnerable. Unfortunately, this tendency interferes with actual reality especially when the criticism is minimal or with suggestions for improvement.Others are perceived as the enemy.  In any event, these paranoid individuals magnify potential harm and expect others to also see these actions as they do. Many are unaware of the degree of their repressed anger and hostility.  In essence, they have trouble distinguishing between fact and lies. With a threatened ego,their ability to perceive,think,remember,abstract,generalize and reason is impaired. Moreover, they have identified and become fixated on Trump and his lies.Their damaged superego has internalized an amoral conscience from parents.Therefore, they have no difficulty identifying with an amoral Trump.

  They are denying objective reality and projecting their anger onto others that they believe comes from others.  In essence, these paranoid tendencies individuals are easily misled into believing  the untruths spread by their leader.  People from Mexico are not coming to rape and steal from them; immigrants are not the enemy but actually do well economically and better than most nativeborn's; the Democrats don't eat babies; there's not going to be a second coming; there's not going to be a second Civil War ; buying guns and building bunkers are not going to keep them safe.These paranoids have low self esteem; can’t trust others and have difficulty trusting themselves; believe in various nonsense and hold grudges. 

There's a second group of others that may or may not believe the reality that Trump fairly lost the election . However,  behavior, of some, suggests  that they have sociopathic tendencies. These extremely hostile and aggressive individuals , are using the election lie as an excuse for their purposeful acting out uncontrollable behavior  .Punishments have been ineffective in limiting their behavior.  Even though Trump was president, at the time, he did not lawfully let them lead them in attacking the capital.  The attack on the capital was amoral, not an insurrection , and  was based on a lie.  Criminal charges and incarcerations have followed.  Briefly, those that knowingly knew they were breaking the law and challenging authority are not necessarily sociopathic.

These sociopathic tendencies are illustrated by their seemingly inability to learn in certain social areas.  In other words, their antisocial behavior continues to result in legal prosecution. It’s not necessarily related to intelligence.However, there is some profit or benefit for their behavior.    They don't appear to fully realize, seem to learn nor acknowledge  that what they are doing is socially wrong and dangerous. Neither can they commit  to a peaceful transition of power,  that they have a responsibility to society ,nor have the ability to empathize with the victim.  Attacking the capital was clearly wrong. Attacking  Capitol police officers was totally wrong, defacing the building, breaking windows, smearing feces etc., are examples.They also have shallow feelings , without remorse and are good actors. They have mastered lying,cheating and manipulating.  On one hand,they can express sorry, seem  sincere and forthcoming, yet they repeat the behavior again.It’s not what they necessarily say but what they do. They cannot control their emotional impulses,they repeat their aggression and they are very good at denying their wrongdoing. I did not do anything wrong. On video, there are many illustrations of their remarks ,slogans like 1776, Christ is King, Hang Mike Pence etc.are rationalizations. They have identified with another amoral individual and so these individuals easily follow his attitude and behavior with a passion.  It's permission to act out their repressed  rage.  Likely, they had inconsistent messaging, neglect and reinforcement for their amoral behavior towards others within their rearing.experiences;they were the trouble maker; the bad seed, or the identified patient . Often they unconsciously acted out the repressed family secrets and fantasies. 

In essence, regardless of the congressional hearings and criminal justice findings, a number of these followers cannot take in that information and will still be subjected to the false beliefs and lies of their leader.  A conversion,exorcism or some other magic is not likely to fix paranoid tendency individuals  For sociopathic tendency individuals, punishment is required. Hopefully there's enough clear minded moral individuals to deflect from all the crazies in order for our country to move ahead. However, I see  bumps,turns, and barriers on the road ahead. 


Economic stress continues. Affordability fell 29% between March 2021 and March 2022. 83% stated , in a poll,  the economy was “poor” or “not so good” found in The Week,June 17,2022. Economic stress exacerbates all types of mental health issues. More negative interpersonal man against man encounters are predicted. 40% ,according to one poll, believe in ghosts.Our country is in trouble.


Cameron,Norman . Personality Development and Psychopathology

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