Friday, July 8, 2022



For the past 22 years, while residing in the foothills,  a significant part of my life experience has taken part in competing on the trails with friends.  This essay focuses on the many experiences with friends. My long-term running friend Tony is moving to Washington next week, and his upcoming departure triggered these memories.

I moved to the foothills in December, 1999 as a result of retiring and because of individuals that  had met in  Ride and  Tie .  Initially, I ran on the trail with my ride and tie partner Bob E and one of my Western States pacers Jerome B. That was followed by running with Joan G and Audrey V past Western States finishers. Jim H also ran with us and he was going to be one of my Western States pacers but died in a skiing accident prior.

I also ran and joined a ride and tie group of runners that met Wednesday evening at the Overlook in Auburn.  Tony, Chuck M , Tom C.,  Chris T. , Becky W.,and   Melissa R were regulars that met after their workday.  I preferred running in the morning and as a result I only ran with them occasionally. Within a short while, I met an attractive woman named Linda R. at the 16 mile marker on the Western States trail.I knew her earlier from the Quicksilver Ride and Tie and discovered she had moved nearby to Greenwood.  Linda was an accomplished marathoner and told me about the Western States 100.  She asked me if I was interested and I told her I was.  She was thinking about running it in 2003.  I returned home and researched the run and found out that  in two months or November there was a 50 mile Helem Klein qualifying run for the 2002 Western States 100.  Up to that point I had run one 50 K as my longest trail run.  I called Linda and told her we could train the next two months and then enter that 50 mile  qualifying run this year and run States in 2002.  She thought about it, said she hadn't run anywhere near that distance either but I told her we could do a 50 K training run to prepare us for the 50 mile qualifier and that meant there would only be an additional 19 miles.  She agreed and we began running together and attempted to qualify for the 2002 Western States run.  As it turned out we ran that Helen Klein qualifier in November 2001.  She had to run the 50 miles in about nine hours and  I was given about 30 minutes more time because of my age.  Jerome B was at the start which was helpful.  At about 25 miles or so, I developed an upset stomach.  Luckily for me ,Joan G.  was there for aid.  She walked with me and fed me ginger in order to settle my stomach.  I felt better after a while, continued running and qualified for the Western States drawing as did Linda R. The drawing was shortly thereafter and Linda attended the drawing. Instead, I ran with a bunch of ride and tie individuals and later she met  me at Chris T's home after our trail run. We talked about our excitement and upcoming run.  At  the gathering,  I asked Chuck M along with Bill J if they would be my  pacers for the run.  They agreed.  Serious training began for that June 2002 Western States event.  Prior to Western States I had Chris, a two time finisher and William E for dinner.  Chris and William recently won the Ride and Tie championship and William was one of the favorites for the Western States run.  I had planned to use my camel pack for water.  William took me to the kitchen sink and demonstrated how long it would take to fill that container and then we filled a water bottle.  He told me that time was of the essence.  I discarded my camel pack and used water bottles from then on.

Linda R.  and I ran and trained at least five days a week and we were joined by Steve R.  and Bill J as well.  Linda R, Steve R and I went to the Oakland hills to run a 50 mile race around January 2002.  As it turned out, the run was canceled but another knowledgeable runner was at the starting point.  He told us about the cancellation and joined us on that 50 mile run.  Essentially, it was the starting point  and we would run to the Lake Chabot  boat rental , get water and run back to the car for the first  25 miles and then we did it again.  In other words, we had water available at 12 1/2 miles and were able to get food at 25 miles.  These three runners were faster than when I was.  At 37 i/2 miles ,on that second turnaround, they got out ahead of me. Maybe at 40 miles or so out of sight.  It was getting dark and I knew I had at least 8-10 miles to go. I decided to stop at Redwood Road and flag down a car.  Luckily, this young man heard my sad story and agreed to drive me back to where our car was parked.  He did and Linda was relieved and really worried because one cannot run in the dark without any light.

 During that year and years following,  I ran Way Too Cool 50 K with Kevin and Diane L.,  Bill J.,  Jerome B. , Tony ,Jonathan J, Victoria O ,Rufus S and numerous pacers like Randall H. and Matt ,  In fact, in one of the 50 K’s, I developed hernia issues and was in a lot of discomfort.  Fortunately, Randall was there with me and helped me greatly.  He brought his guitar and his serenading helped dramatically. I also ran multiple AR 50 milers as well.  In fact, my grandson Alex, Tony  and Steve A accompanied me for the last 10 miles on one occasion.  I ran numerous Jed Smith 50 milers and 50 's and was accompanied by Chris T , Susan S.,  Matt and Tony.  On one Jed Smith, Tony and I met Megan A and Mark Richtman who were there to break the 50 mile record .Also there, he became the current Western States  director Craig Thornley.

Ride and  Tie partner, Jonathan Jordan from Alpine, California ,Tony, Matt and I ran an event in San Jose at Quicksilver. On another occasion, Jonathan, Tony and I stayed with Tony's sister Penny in Malibu  for a trail run. Jonathan ran with us at the Cool and Coloma’s 50 K’ as well.  In fact, Jonathan's oldest  son, Atticus once beat  us all.

Tony and I ran numerous races up and down the state over many years.  We stayed with various people such as George H in Santa Cruz. Steve  S.  In Santa Cruz, and in fact my daughters X mother-in-law Elaine R in San Leandro. We also stayed with Bill and Gwen B in San Ramon and  Pat and Mike D in Donner Lake  the night before our various runs.Tony and I stayed at Carrie B in Tiburon at  Beverlee B in Marin and a friend of Gloria J in Oakland.  Tony and I and Susan S. once joined us on a Western States training run from Forest Hill to White Oak Flat. We also ran from Green Gate to Auburn and on many Resolution Runs. After the Resolution event we showered at Sidne’s , Linda’s oldest. Tony was not available so I recruited Dennis S (Jed Smith Race Director) and Tom C for the  World’s Oldest Triathlon called Eppie's Great Race.  I ran, Tom Christofk biked and Dennis S  kayaked. I also stayed at one of Dave V.W  residences in Marin for the Double Dipsea event.

Tony and I and our dogs have run many trail miles over the years.  We used to run religiously on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.  Then Tony started spending time in Washington, built a home there and sold his home here and moved full time to Whidbey Island.  His loss is approaching.  It's hard to put in words what and how I'm going to deal with his moving. I will miss his meaningful friendship; his keen insights; his all around assistance; his infectious laughter; and of course going to Baskin-Robbins. Tony is a true friend that I could always count on him for being there.  Thanks Tony for your availability the last 25 years.  Paul, his lady friend Dave ,Joyce, Linda and I are sending him off on a Boy voyage Sunday.  See you on Whidbey Island.

On top of that, the following are  friends that have passed : Jonathan Jordan , Tom Christofk  ,Bob Edwards,  Mark Richtman, Jeff Windenhausen ,Jim Harris , Joan and  Warren Hellman. Friends that have moved : Linda R. , Steve  A.  Matt, Randall H, Joan G ,Audrey  V ,Jerome B., Doyle E, Rick,Marty and Carrie B,  to name a few. I have been very fortunate over these last 25 years and very thankful for all the people that I encountered on my journey.  Thank you all.  The next 25 years are going to be different. Albert Einstein said, "Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." 

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