Friday, February 18, 2022

A Cognitive Disability


According to polls, roughly ¾ of Republicans believe that Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Covid- 19 and Omicron Infections, vaccination rates, and death from heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer hospitalizations are  from not fully vaccinated individuals . Descriptions of spme of these Republicans are related to the following : Identifying with an Authoritarian leader;exhibiting an immoral conscience(  fearful of disapproval, obedience, loyalty ,noncritical thinking ans unlawful behavior) ;pursuing political power;desiring wealth: racism; taking away abortion and voting rights of others along with primitive, magical, paranoid, suspicious and supernatural beliefs.The human brain plays an important part. and can be used to describe these followers. This disquisition focuses on the GOP  and its ability to  fraudulently deceive a significant number of their base as a result of their damaged intellectual functioning.

An elementary overview of the human brain. The adult human brain  weighs about 3 pounds and is the size of the medium cauliflower. It has about 100 billion  neurons  and a number of synapses.These neurons may have as many as 100 trillion or one quadrillion possible connections  between them. These neurons in the brain are responsible for movement ,perception, sensation, language and thinking .Neurons consist of three parts .They are the dendrite, cell body, and axons. Dendrites  take in information and axons send out information.Other cells in the brain are called glia  and these cells provide structure and act as the brain's immune system.The brain has neurotransmitters which are the chemical messengers that pass between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another. Do not forget about the two hemispheres of the brain.Generally the left hemisphere of the brain  controls speech, language ,basic reading ,writing and arithmetic. The right side of the brain controls some aspects of language such as intonation, and visual spatial functions like recognizing forms, geometry, navigation, complex mathematics, art and music. In essence, the human brain is  the most complex biological structure that exists and can be easily damaged.

In aging  there is a cumulative loss of cells in the brain which affects  DNA. This initiates cell death or an accelerated loss of cells without adequate replacement or the ability to  regenerate.Our human body consists of fat, muscle, bone, water, and other substances and they all change as we age.Further,there is less cerebral blood flow and reduced amounts of some of the neurotransmitters (Acetylcholine , Noradrenaline,Dopamine, Serotonin, GABA,Glutamate, Endorphin and others) that are affected in the aging process.This results in reduced speed of information processing, the inability to think fast ,creatively as well as to remember new reliable and truthful information.

A reduction in the human brain’s mass and volume begins at age 20 with more rapid change and  becomes more frequent after age 60.In essence normal brain functions change but not all are affected at the same time but usually in the following order:  1. Short-term memory-learning  2. Speech and vocabulary  3. Intellectual activity.

Factors that affect  brain shrinkage, cell loss for memory dysfunction and cognitive deficits include: 1.  Level of education or more than likely limited to high school without  knowledge of European history and its Authoritarian dynasties etc. 2. Non-challenging mental lifestyle. Gathering  information from hate media , easily manipulated by lies and hate, association with like-minded peer groups and consensus, and disregard for science and truth .Also apparent  and extremely significant is with damage to the frontal lobe. Frontal lobe damage,exhibits impulsive behavior impared abstract thinking, difficulty with problem-solving, poor social skill, family problems, self-centered behavior ,impaired ethical and moral judgments and poor expressive language abilities.

Other factors that affect brain fitness include but are not limited to: 1.  Not enough moderate and regular exercise  of at least 90 minutes most days of the week 2. Smoking, drugs and alcohol  3. Eating a non healthy diet without  fruits, vegetables, whole grains ,and fish 4. Not able to control weight to prevent obesity 5.  Not able to prevent or control high blood glucose and diabetes 6.  Not able to control blood pressure and reduce sodium intake 7 Not able to lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol - the good cholesterol . Get help by:1. Consider taking low-dose aspirin or a statin drug 2. Consider dietary supplements including vitamin D3 and possibly vitamin B12 3. Get regular and restful sleep because of the importance of keeping the  prefrontal cortex functioning at the highest levels.

The prefrontal cortex of the brain regulates complex cognitive functions critical to human intellectual ability such as decision-making, problem-solving and the manifestation of appropriate social behavior. In fact, notice the number of items that are diet related to brain health. In other words, There is a positive correlation between the brain and lifestyle decisions .

A few Illustrations follow from impaired brain limitations. Behavioral choices  affect memory.It’s obvious that memories are important for day-to-day functioning. Some memories are designed to be short while more important memories can be stored and retrieved. The process involved in forming, storing and retrieving memory is essentially a step-by-step process that occurs in utilizing a number of different parts of the brain.With memory impairment, learning becomes problematic.

Short-term memories are supposed to be brief  as new ones are continuously replacing the old ones. These short-term memories are fragile and can be easily disrupted or interfered with by something else. They are forgotten and they decay quickly.

Long-term memories are stored as they are important emotionally .Some previously learned long-term memories remain unaffected even in early stages of dementia. Normally dementia patients have difficulty learning new information .Furthermore, long-term memories are more durable than short-term memories and specific memories can change as a result of experience and information acquired over the passage of time.

Let’s consider declarative memory. Declarative memory is an explicit memory that’s formed and demands a conscious effort to recall it. There are two types of declarative memories .The first is called declarative  memory which refers to factual knowledge. Examples of declarative  memory include: 1. Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college vote In 2020 2.Trumps fraudulent claim that the election was stolen is a projection of his fraud 3.Trumps Republicans are attempting to suppress voting rights 4. Trump's Republicans submitted false electoral college documents in 7 states.5. Pence could not falsify electoral votes. These were states that Joe Biden won clearly and fairly .Per  Supreme Court Justice  Antonin Scalia “The power of Congress  over the Times, Places and Manner of congressional elections is paramount and may be exercised at any time, and to any extent which it deems expedient” he argued  in 2013 in his opinion for the court in Arizona  versus Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona. 5. Trump and his Republican cronies  attacked the state Capitol on January 6  and attempted to overthrow the election. 7.Trump  mishandled the virus; pushed false treatments; and infected many with his gatherings 8.Trump and his cronies attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci for political purposes.

With declarative memory gaps, individuals create false fictional narratives. Doctors don’t know anything and I do not need a vaccine because I had the virus- I almost died are some comments. Words like socialism, alienation and freedom are misused. A lack of knowledge becomes apparent when talking about the electoral college, the Republic , pedaphiles  and benefits acquired because of unions.Declarative memory impediments, lack of knowledge and being susceptible to lies are connected to fragile,decayed and inability to learn. Propaganda is used by the GOP power to bamboozle and manipulate the faithful as in legislation and policies to ban certain books and not teach about race . Freedom mean?

 A second type of declarative memory is called Episodic. With episodic memory ,this comprises the images and details of past experiences which are personal. They are associated with certain times and places. These declarative memories  are more fragile than semantic memory.They occur in the frontal lobes and these connections are vulnerable to change , are associated with aging and aging diseases like hypertension, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, small vessel disease  and obesity.

A Procedural memory refers to  skills and routines like riding a bike. These  procedural memories are less affected by aging and illness and  also utilize different parts of the brain compared to declarative memory .In memory , the process is the ability for consolidation and learning along with the formation of long-term memory that may actually strengthen  the pathways that encode memories.

With prefrontal cortex damage to the hippocampus, the executive functions of ego  severely weaken intelligence. Some might ask how and why? The following are brief illustrations of the damages:  1. A weakened remote memory ability to comprehend; a limited capacity for associative thinking of general Information  abstracted from the environment. Also, an orientation toward non- educational achievement and a tendency toward action rather than reflection 2.  A weakened use of practical judgment  in social situations without an appropriate moral sense  and the inability to utilize past experience in socially accepted ways. Difficulty with coping, overly concrete thinking which limits the capacity to accept hypothetical premises and work out hypothetical conclusions 3.Difficulty in the ability to comprehend and  for associative thinking.An overly concrete mode of thinking  and distortion of thought processes 4.Limited general intelligence  with the scarcity of general verbal definitions. Difficulty in learning and inability for  abstract thinking. A limitation of ideas and diminished level of curiosity toward learning education, with  a lack of good schooling within an unhealthy environment. This is associated with severe emotional disturbance 5. Anxiety,difficulty with attention, concentration along with pronounced negativity and impaired reality testing 6. Difficulty in  perception, visual comprehension, planning involvement,  and social alertness with common sense. This results in impulsivity, and an  orientation to action without delay mechanisms and failure to check minimal essence a low level of intelligence.

Yes, with aging there is a cognitive decline that’s inevitable for everyone during the aging process. However, it appears that many of the obedient followers of the autocratic leader have an accelerated  loss of neuron cell death in their brain. It’s a dumbing down intellectually  of impaired brain fitness. In the latent and tertiary disease stage, symptoms become apparent when having a conversation. Their limited education and lack of knowledge and history of our world is frightening and tragic . This coupled with a primitive  belief system presents a threat to us all.The GOP  knows that  it’s base is limited intellectually and cognitively. Therefore, it realizes that deceit ,fraud and lying works with their base splendidly.  Expect that to continue in spades. Psychologically, hatred, suspiciousness ,egocentrism,  disrespect for the rule of law and the  non-humanistic attitude for all the citizens regardless of melanin pigmentation threatens our limited Republic. Further , the disinformation regarding the pandemic resulted in damaging health and death consequences. The death rate from cardiovascular disease increased by 9%;Alzheimers by 8.7% and diabetes 15%- The New York Times 1:30 :22.


For you  truck boycotters In Ontario.  Teamsters do not live more than three years after retirement. Hey smart guys, spend your time wisely.


:Institute for Natural Resources, Brain Health: Mood, Metabolism and Cognition.

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