I’m sure that most of you have heard the expression”Our most precious resource is our children.” However, that statement Is not entirely correct for some. Evangelicals say “Our most precious resource is our male children.''In 30 civilized countries-Western, Eastern, and northern Africa plus parts of the Middle East, Asia and within some immigrant countries in Europe, North America and Australia genital cuttings remain. Aggressive gender discrimination, In our most civilized nation can be , but not limited to a verbal nature.Recently, Joe Biden’s bank reegulator pick Saule Omarova , withdrew from the Senate process.Dr. Omarova is a professor at Cornell University. She supports Bank regulation. In preparation for her confirmation she researched her economic positions regarding her point of view. The banking lobbyists were fearful of her nomination. Fearful Republican senators did not dare challenge her ideas. Dr. Omarova was born and educated In the former Soviet Union. The Republican verbal attacks were of a personal nature. They called her comrade, socialist and communist. This brief disquisition focuses on gender beliefs.
Historically, let’s go back in time to the patriarchal Old Testament. In the Old Testament it is stated “her curse is that it’s her desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” The man’s curse “he shall have to work in sweat and sorrow.” Not only that, Adam was created by God and Eve from Adam’s rib ,dirt and clay. They were also cursed with mutual conflict and internal differences.
Leaping to the 18th and 19th century, representatives of Enlightenment philosophy, such as Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that gender differences were conditioned by education and/or cultural reinforcement patterns. However, the Romantic philosophers of the early 19th took the opposite position. They believed that the fundamental differences between the sexes occurred because of the unique biological and physiological differences. In other words, anatomy is fate.
One major difference between the sexes is the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are necessary in that they help a woman regulate her passage through menstruation , fertility and menopause.Estrogen sets off the development of breasts,growth of hair under the arms and the pubic region. For the male, testosterone is his sex hormone.Females have roughly 1/10 to 1/12 the level of testosterone that males have. Testosterone promotes libido, aggressiveness, sexual desire, and protein to build muscle. These sex hormones are significant .
Regarding heart disease, I’d like to make this point. Men often experience more pronounced chest pain pressure while women may experience more vague big symptoms of epigastric discomfort, dizziness and unusual fatigue several weeks before the actual event. Regarding male and female brain dominance differences, the following are slight overall advantages to boys and men: 1. Target directed gross motor skills like throwing a ball 2. Visual spatial skills 3. Navigating through a route 4. Complex University–level mathematics. Girls and women have slight overall advantages in: 1. Most types of language skills 2. Fine motor tasks 3. Accuracy and object location 4. Empathy for others 5. Social interactions.
Regardless of the hormonal differences, sex typing also plays a most important part .In most cultures, girls are socialized in ways that pertain to the development of obedience and responsibility. Females are supposed to inhibit aggression, not display sexual urges and to be passive with men and nurturant to others. Boys are taught self-reliance and independence. Men also are usually given authority in legal and moral matters along with greater prestige according to the masculine role. Males are urged to be aggressive in face of attack, independent In problem situations, sexually agggressive and suppress strong emotions- especially anxiety.For more In-depth specifics about sex typing in culture, attitude and reinforcement, consult the significant research of Jerome Kagan.
In the 1960s and 70s, a diverse social movement largely based in the United States occurred that fought for equal rights , opportunities and freedom for women. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Shirley Chisholm etc. were pioneers.I’m not forgetting the Pill. Helen Reddy, from Australia, song “I Am Woman '' said it all. Some lyrics “I am woman hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore and I know too much to go back an’ pretend ‘Cause I’ve heard it all before And I’ve been down there on the floor no one’s ever gonna keep me down again .” Hollywood also got into the act with Diane Keaton and her role in Looking for Mr. Goodbar.”
Yes, Hillary, Kamala,Stacy, Ruth,Diane,Barbara,Elizabeth, Madeleine and of course Nancy are splendid examples of female dynamos.On the other hand, 3% of women hold executive positions in the police force in this country. 95% of women either run or are employed In childcare -our precious resource. The average salary in this 1% profitable business is $24,000 a year. The workforce frequently turns over as a result of poverty wages .Do not forget that the Equal Rights Amendment and the Voting Rights Amendment were also steps in the right direction regarding gender equality.
The evangelicals are attempting to punish women for their engagement in sexual relattions by making abortion illegal.Rear that unwanted child; don’t provide economic assistance; don’t provide health insurance and don’t provide child-day care assistance.You made your bed, you sleep in it. Don’t you know that sex is only for married couples.
A group of evangelical women are engaging politically with their protests against “Critical race theory.”These racists likely fear the end of White male dominance in this country. These good Patriarchal, authoritarian Christians do not want racial and female inequalities to change in our country. Do not permit an intellectual inquiry. Keep yourselves and children ignorant .Continue to support primitive thinking,Irrationality, supernatural beliefs and White dominance at all costs.
In summation, The Old Testament made It perfectly clear regarding the patriarchal differences between the sexes suggesting male domination.Yes, there are sexual hormone, heart disease and brain dominance differences between man and woman.However, that does not that women should be punished for having sex, getting pregnant and losing control over her body.Maybe the pill, condoms and other devices should be outlawed or only sold to married women.Should commandment 6 be the law irrespective of circumstances? We know how abstinence works-look to the priesthood. Furthermore, with sex typing, reinforcement, attitudes and traditional beliefs, the roles became further differentiated. Yea, for the 14th and 19th amendments to the Constitution. Historically, the prophets, the philosophers and other enlightened individuals, supported truth, wisdom and rationality. Note, our TV- movie script is being written by Julia. I will end with a Democritus quote “Fame and wealth without wisdom are unsafe possessions.”
Institute for Natural Resources. His Health/ Her Health and Cerebral Dominance The Left and Right Brain
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