Friday, December 31, 2021

It's Character


The news continues regarding the  Omicron variant , Voting rights legislation, January 6 congressional commission, Trump's legal battles etc. propelled me to ponder more about the character structure of those doing harm to the majority of individuals in this Republic.As a result, this essay focuses on the authoritarian character of those harmful people.

Briefly , we are all born helpless and remain so for a long time.We are unable to survive on our own and require  parents to fulfill our physiological and safety  needs. This psychological fact becomes the basis for both leaning on power as well as being fearful of power.In essence , parents both provide and punish during this process. Eventually we become more independent economically and begin to separate from them. Even while attaining adulthood, we still remain insecure in many ways and attempt to find powers to protect us and provide certainty. We attend college, we marry, we gain friends, we obtain perfect job etc. while living under the illusion that we are independent and free. A pretty spouse, a prestigious car, a big house, and the most toys are some of the things we pursue  in hopes of “happiness.” What about the divorce; what about alimony; what about the mortgage; what about the debt; and what about illness, addiction and disease?

Additionally, man is frightened by the power of the large bureaucracies; the bigness of everything; the state; industrial complex; and military with having less personal control. It’s difficult to be master of one’s own ship with so many large sharks attacking. It’s like the old man in the sea .He caught his great fish but could not ward off the sharks that attacked. Make a call, be placed on hold, and select the number. The person that finally answers is unable to satisfactorily resolve the issue.Can’t control home prices; food costs; gas price inflation; insurance premiums nor can one control fire, hurricanes, snowstorms etc. There is plenty to be fearful of and don’t forget voting.

We also live in the age of obedience. Just think of the number of organizations ,bureaucracies and advertising manipulations that we  faithfully follow ? Oh yeah, we get material satisfactions. Consensus, become part of the crowd, one of the boys as well and just a number for all your important financial accounts. The banks want your number and don’t let anybody take your Social Security number. At one time the customer was always right but not so today. You can’t be disobedient to your computer and remember obedience today is rationalized as common sense. Living in the age of fear and obedience contributes to the development of an authoritarian character structure.

With the above being said, let’s define an authoritarian character as one that encompasses political, social, religious or other interests.In essence, this character classification influences the type of an idea a man will choose as well as deciding the force of that idea that he has chosen. It may be an opinion  and/or a conviction. A person with this character normally thinks in certain ways but his thoughts are actually rooted in his inclinations and his emotions. These thoughts are not necessarily objective and truthful but biased, emotionally charged and limited.

Further,a person with this character structure  has a sense of strength and identity based on his symbiotic subordination and attachment to an authority. And at the same time, a symbiotic combination of those submitted to his authority -with Trump being  the authority figure. This individual essentially feels strong himself when he is able to submit and be part of that authority  group which is inflated and deified. This individual at the same time is able to enslave himself by incorporating those subject to this authority- which is essentially a sadomasochistic symbiosis which equals or translates - a false sense of strength with one's identity.

Threats to an authoritarian  character essentially become extreme anxiety and fear .Then, that individual fights back as if it’s a threat to his life. Likely that individual is resentful to authority or the Democrats for not being appreciated - just because he’s white; for not being loved- just because he is a male;  and not being accepted - because of his limited education and blue-collar status.

This individual has no worthwhile convictions but does hate. This is coupled with a narcissistic blend along with paranoid trends.In this case, his causes are based on religion and politics. He deified the cause; the cause is his ideal which gives him a sense of life and meaning for his submission. He identifies with this ideal which he has inflated and made it into an absolute.

Individuals that belong  to hate groups that participated in the January 6 riot and insurrection are good fits.They were true loyalists, followers, obedient,  submitting and pleasing their idol. He directed and they obeyed regardless of consequences.They  had to be loyal servants as it would be a crime or sin  not to.  Just like  the story of the Israelites following Moses  across the sea.  We saw them yelling, screaming ,fighting,using flags as weapons, tearing down barriers and attacking the Capital police.Their cold, hateful manner was explicitly evident as they took pictures of themselves and others attacking.They were obedient to Trump and he was their Messiah .They  followed his irrational directive . They believed that their actions would keep them free of consequences.

 Some individuals  that are not vaccinated present a different picture. The Amish  or individuals that have been displaced by natural disasters are likely  another story. However, a number of individuals from states with Republican governors like Tennessee,South Dakota,Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas claim  freedom. That suggests something very different about their character. It should be noted that there are characterological extremes although everyone exhibits some degree of authoritarian tendencies.A few examples  were told to me.”Those non vaccinated received some form of government assistance and/or have great employment benefits as a result of union membership”.They did not credit or  understand that these policies were  the result of Democratic legislation. It didn’t seem to register that Trump’s policies were contrary to the welfare of  our Republic as a  whole.

Trump talked about change, corruption of the system, unfairness, fake news, etc. His talk was just  a  subterfuge that provided a mask for this TV entertainer. The underlying motive for this  charlatan was simply to line his pockets with gold and power. He said the Charlottesville  haters were good people and he loved the people attacking the capital. That’s not love. The cognitive dissonance that these people experienced was fully evident duringTrumps pro-vaccine remark .Those reacting provide excellent examples of having an authoritarian character structure.

In summation, our Republic is infected with individuals that have an Authoritarian  character structure. Instead of  submission ,domination Sadomasochistic  behaviors, paranoid opinions and erroneous convictions, we require a very different character structure. Our Republic requires skeptics that can confront fiction, illusion and primitive  thinking. Our Republic requires individuals to say no to lies and an immoral consensus.Our Republic  requires individuals to be independent and not to be a servant to some paranoid narcissistic criminal. Our Republic is sick as demonstrated by our ineffective Congress.Our Republic requires assistance to function, In a healthy manner ,in this insane world of ours.


Fromm Erich. Escape From Freedom, Avon Books.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Gender Attitude


I’m sure that most of you have heard the expression”Our most precious resource is our children.”  However, that statement Is not entirely correct for some. Evangelicals  say “Our most precious resource is our male children.''In 30 civilized countries-Western, Eastern,  and northern Africa plus  parts of the Middle East, Asia  and within some immigrant countries in Europe, North America and Australia genital cuttings remain. Aggressive gender discrimination, In our most civilized nation can be , but not limited to a  verbal nature.Recently, Joe Biden’s bank reegulator pick Saule Omarova , withdrew from the Senate  process.Dr. Omarova is a professor at Cornell University. She  supports Bank regulation. In preparation for her confirmation she researched her economic positions regarding her point of view. The banking lobbyists were fearful of her nomination. Fearful Republican senators did not dare challenge her ideas. Dr. Omarova was born and educated In the former Soviet Union. The Republican verbal attacks were of a personal nature. They called her comrade, socialist and communist. This  brief disquisition focuses on gender beliefs.

Historically, let’s go back in time to the patriarchal Old Testament. In the Old Testament  it is stated “her curse is that it’s her desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” The man’s curse  “he shall have to work in sweat and sorrow.”  Not only that, Adam was created by God and Eve from Adam’s rib ,dirt and clay. They were also cursed  with mutual conflict and internal differences.

Leaping to the 18th and 19th century, representatives of Enlightenment philosophy, such as Jean Jacques Rousseau believed  that gender differences  were conditioned  by education and/or cultural reinforcement patterns. However, the Romantic  philosophers of the early 19th took the opposite position. They believed that the fundamental differences  between the sexes occurred because of the unique biological and physiological differences.  In other words, anatomy is fate. 

One major difference between the sexes is the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are necessary in that they help a woman regulate  her passage  through menstruation , fertility and menopause.Estrogen sets off the development of breasts,growth of hair under the arms and the pubic region. For the male, testosterone is his sex hormone.Females  have roughly 1/10 to 1/12 the level of testosterone  that males have. Testosterone  promotes libido, aggressiveness, sexual desire, and protein to  build muscle. These sex hormones  are significant .

Regarding  heart disease, I’d like to make  this point. Men often experience more pronounced chest pain pressure while women may experience more vague big symptoms of epigastric discomfort, dizziness and unusual fatigue several weeks before the actual event. Regarding  male and female brain dominance differences, the following are slight overall advantages to boys and men:  1. Target directed gross motor skills like throwing a ball 2. Visual spatial skills  3. Navigating through a route  4. Complex University–level mathematics. Girls and women have slight overall advantages in: 1. Most types of language skills 2. Fine motor tasks 3. Accuracy and object location 4. Empathy for others 5. Social interactions.

Regardless  of the hormonal differences, sex typing also plays a most important part .In most cultures,  girls are socialized in ways that pertain to the development of obedience and responsibility. Females  are supposed to inhibit aggression, not display sexual urges and to be passive with men and nurturant to others. Boys are taught self-reliance and independence. Men also are usually given authority in legal and moral matters  along with greater prestige according to the masculine role. Males are urged to be aggressive in face of attack, independent In problem situations, sexually agggressive and suppress  strong emotions- especially anxiety.For more  In-depth specifics about  sex typing in culture, attitude and reinforcement, consult the significant research of Jerome Kagan.

In the 1960s and 70s, a diverse social movement largely based in the United States  occurred that fought for equal rights , opportunities and freedom for women. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Shirley Chisholm  etc. were pioneers.I’m not forgetting the Pill. Helen Reddy, from Australia, song  “I Am Woman '' said it all. Some lyrics “I am woman hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore   and I know too much to go back an’ pretend  ‘Cause I’ve heard it all before   And I’ve been down there on the floor   no one’s ever gonna keep me down again .” Hollywood also got into the act  with Diane Keaton  and her role in Looking  for Mr. Goodbar.” 

Yes, Hillary, Kamala,Stacy, Ruth,Diane,Barbara,Elizabeth, Madeleine and of course Nancy are splendid examples of female dynamos.On the other hand, 3% of  women hold executive positions in the police force in  this country. 95% of women either run or are employed In childcare -our precious resource. The average salary in this 1% profitable business is $24,000 a year. The workforce frequently  turns over as a result of poverty wages .Do not forget that the Equal Rights  Amendment and the Voting Rights  Amendment  were also steps in the right direction regarding gender equality.

The evangelicals are attempting to punish women for their engagement in sexual relattions by making abortion illegal.Rear that unwanted child; don’t provide economic assistance; don’t provide  health insurance and don’t provide  child-day care assistance.You made your bed, you sleep in it. Don’t you know  that sex is only for married couples.

A group of evangelical women are engaging politically with their protests against “Critical race theory.”These racists  likely fear the end of White male dominance  in this country. These good Patriarchal, authoritarian Christians do not want racial  and female inequalities to change in our country.  Do not  permit an intellectual inquiry. Keep yourselves and children ignorant .Continue to support  primitive thinking,Irrationality, supernatural  beliefs and White dominance at all costs.

In summation, The Old Testament  made It perfectly clear regarding the patriarchal differences between the sexes suggesting male domination.Yes, there are sexual hormone, heart disease and brain dominance differences between man and woman.However, that does not that women should be  punished for having sex, getting pregnant and losing control over her body.Maybe the pill, condoms and other devices should be outlawed or only sold to married women.Should  commandment 6 be the law irrespective of circumstances? We know how abstinence works-look to the priesthood. Furthermore, with sex typing, reinforcement, attitudes and traditional beliefs,  the roles became further differentiated.  Yea,  for the 14th and 19th amendments to the Constitution. Historically, the prophets, the philosophers and other enlightened individuals, supported  truth, wisdom and rationality. Note, our TV- movie script is being written by Julia. I will end with  a  Democritus quote  “Fame and wealth without wisdom are unsafe possessions.” 


 Institute for Natural Resources. His Health/ Her Health  and Cerebral  Dominance The Left and Right Brain

Monday, December 20, 2021

Becoming Older Is A Drag


I had a recent conversation with my sister Bev. She moved to Florida and planned to visit cousins Sibyl and Sheldon. After her visit, she told me that I should see them soon.  Sibyl has a PhD in art history and Shell an oral surgeon. Sybil is a year older than I am and Sheldon is a couple years older than her. Both, unfortunately and sadly have a leukemia diagnosis. On a positive note, Rick and Sheldon are planning on attending the Michigan-Georgia game on December 31. Rick and family are also meeting with Bev.

A second trigger regarding aging was a song by the Rolling Stones “Mother’s Little Helper.” Mick Jagger and Keith Richards lyrics: What a drag it is getting old  Kids are different today  I hear every mother say  Mother need something today to calm her down  And though she’s not really ill, there is a little pill……… Cooking fresh food for her husband’s just a drag   So she buys an instant cake, and she burns a frozen steak….. The pursuit of happiness just seems a bore…….. They just help you on your way, through your busy dying day   Hey. These lyrics suggest and are associated with excessive valium, repetition of nonproductive sameness, boredom, depression. It’s a bleak view of aging. This essay encompasses why people making poor health decisions during the process of aging.

In addition to the Rolling Stones version, there are number of theories related to healthy aging. A theory is based on a set of hypotheses, operational definitions and supporting research. A theory is not just some crazy belief or statement. Theories like “The Wear and Tear”; “Neuroendocrine”; “Genetic Control”; “Free Radical” and others are beyond the scope of this essay. Researchers like Howard have studied characteristics of centenarians. For example, he identified 16 lifestyle characteristics that are associated with long life expectancies. A few of these behavioral characteristics are as follows: 1. Eating fewer calories 2. Eating mostly vegetarian with coffee and tea 3 .Regular exercise 4. Staying socially connected with serenity and purpose to life.

 On the other hand, poor life choice decision-making is associated with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory complications and other serious illnesses. For example, two thirds of our population is obese and overweight. It’s no wonder, why we’ve had so much Covid-19 hospitalizations and death. Our population is sick.

Why some individuals make decisions appropriate to healthy aging while others do not, I turned to Henry A Murray’s Personolgy theory which is based on biological science, clinical practice and academic psychology. Briefly, Dr. Murray majored in history at Harvard; graduated with an M.D. from Columbia; received an MA in biology from Columbia and received a PhD in biochemistry from Cambridge. He taught, conducted research at Harvard and joined the Army Medical Corps with the rank of Major and then as a Lt. Col.  Dr. Murray established and directed the assessment service for the Office of Strategic Services which is now called the CIA. Although Dr. Murray’s theory is beyond the scope of this essay, certain” needs” are to be employed relating to lifestyle choices.

Dr. Murray believed that the existence of a need can be inferred on the basis of: 1. The effect and result of the behavior .The particular pattern or mode of behavior involved 3.Selective attention and response to a particular class of stimulus objects 4. The expression of a particular emotion or affect and 5. The expression of satisfaction when a particular effect is achieved or disappointment when the effect is not achieved.

One powerful need to be considered is Abasement. This need is related to submitting passively; accepting injury, punishment; becoming resigned to fate; to blame, belittle or mutilate the self and to seek and enjoy pain, punishment, illness and misfortune. When someone is told, that their behavior is not healthy and they respond “I know” but continue with the same decision-making process is an example. This need interferes with health, longevity and well-being if not curtailed, or diminished.

A number years ago I engaged in accident prone potential behaviors. I rode my Harley and engaged in Ride and Tie and other equestrian competitions. I suffered in 2009, an equestrian injury and broke a few bones in my neck. The surgeon told me that I cannot afford another fall on my back as it might result in paralysis. I believed him and that ended my equestrian competitions. Years prior, I had sold my Harley. I knew how I wanted to spend my later years.

Another related need is Affiliation. This need is defined as enjoyably cooperating or reciprocating with an allied other; pleasing and winning affection; and to adhere and remain loyal to a friend. Being socially connected is extremely important. Great Britain refers to loneliness as an epidemic and a serious social, political and economic issue. Even the Beatles Eleanor Rigby’s lyrics: All the lonely people where do they all come from?  All the lonely people   where do they all belong?   Father McKenzie  Writing the words of the sermon that no one will hear   No one comes near  Look at him working  Darning his socks in the night when there’s nobody there   What does he care?

It should be noted that mental illness is a result of human interaction that begins early in life. However, it’s extremely important to have quality interactions throughout one’s life. Being around toxic individuals significantly affect one’s well-being. It was sad that I essentially ended a former relationship with friend as result of his mentally sick partner. My wife was on the receiving end of toxicity. The choice was simple and clear.

Related to affiliation is nurturance. This is defined as giving sympathy and gratifying the needs of a helpless object; assisting an object in danger; to help support, protect, nurse, comfort and heal another. Having relationships that are based on moving toward another in a loving way is necessary for both. Giving, extending oneself counters narcissistic and aggressive interactions toward others. With nurturance, there’s an absence of power, control and exploitation. Individuals in nurturing relationships, work toward extending life and well-being compared to ending life.

Related to nurturance is Succorance.  This is defined as having one’s needs gratified by sympathetic aid of an allied objects; to be nursed, supported sustained, protected, loved, advised, forgiven and to always have a supporter. If one starts out life with that description of parents, one has a wonderful chance of establishing the potential for emotional mutuality with one’s spouse. To have a union with both nurturance and succorance can be called love. As love requires respect, care, responsibility and knowledge per Erich Fromm. Have you ever heard of anyone wanting to end a loving relationship?  

John Lennon’s lyrics to “Mother” are relevant. A few of his lyrics: Mother, you had me But I never had you  I, I wanted you  You didn’t want me  So, I ……. Father, you left me   But I never left you   I needed you   You didn’t need me……. Mama don’t go   Daddy come home…… John Lennon’s lyrics pertain to loss and rejection. These significant factors are related to parental loss of love which affect one’s well-being and associated with anxiety, depression, resentment, frustration and aggression. These psychological factors are hardly a recipe for aging. Integrity is required as it translates into the ability to face death and not be fearful of it.

In essence, a minority of individuals in this country are exhibiting decision-making behaviors associated with well-being during aging. However, there are many factors interfering with aging such as Anatomic, Topographical, Physiological, Pathological and Epidemiological Classifications. Reality tells the story. It has been estimated that about 40% of premature mortality is due to behavioral causes and many of these are automatic habits. Four out of five Americans will die from the top 10 causes of death-heart disease, cancer, COPD, stroke, accidents, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, kidney disease, pneumonia, flu and suicide. Do not forget Covid-19 and its variants. In other words, successful aging is not based primarily on luck, it’s based, in large part, on choices, perseverance and hard work. The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance said Sun Yat-sen and An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
— Benjamin Franklin


Institute for Natural Resources. Cognition, Diet and Longevity.

Murray, Henry A. Explorations in Personality, New York: Oxford.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Money, Get Away Money, It's a Crime



Last week I turned 82, entertained and had a small gathering for acknowledgment. One couple talked about one of their married children. The children, in question, are both veterinarians trained at UC Davis. They are athletic, physically fit and their children are the same. They are evangelicals and their kids go to private school. The Dr. Husband runs a dairy business with about 5000 cows. These Republican doctors and their children have had Covid-19; and refused vaccinations and mask wearing. This disquisition pertains to this intelligent, book learned Republican veterinarian.

Some limited background information follows: 1. The dairy industry is regulated by the Department of Agriculture. When the veterinarian goes into the red at the end of the year, the government provides subsidies for reimbursement provided that he eliminates a certain number of cows. Just like farmers that get government handouts for not producing. Price controls go back to the policies of Richard Nixon. No wonder the farmers and dairies vote Republican. What kind of capitalism is this?  2. These dairy cows require heavy vaccination and antibiotic procedures as they stand, for hours, in their own urine and feces 3. These dairy cows require artificial insemination to keep them pregnant milk producing 4. These dairy cows are discarded when they can’t produce 5. The deplorable working conditions on the farm are manned 24-7 by the undocumented. Perhaps 30 are full-time employees. 6. This intelligent veterinarian would like to sell his unprofitable business but is unable.

A word about evangelicals. Remember, Jesus Christ’s first followers were the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, uneducated men and women. The wealthy, educated and powerful were excluded from reaching heaven. Throughout the centuries of paganism, religious wars etc., the dogma of Christianity changed. At first, Jesus was a human and then became the son of God. Later on, God descended from heaven and became a man. There was a mixture of duality to become a single source. With Constantinople, mother church, the Pope,  and the priests became supreme and more universal as the church welcomed all including the rich, educated, powerful and elite.

In the beginning the 10 Commandments pertained to morals, and ethical principles of man treating man, slaves and animals. Christianity was believed to be a universal religion predicated on the concept that we are all children of God. Obviously, things have changed. Lying, cheating, killing, stealing are part of the present religious culture. It’s okay to take away the right of a woman requiring an abortion and/or the ability to vote. It’s okay to oppress undocumented workers and keep them undocumented because of the profit motive along with their ability to vote. It’s okay to not get vaccinated or mask wearing because that’s not a relevant moral question anymore. God protects the righteous. If someone catches the virus and dies, that’s their fault as are probably heathens and nonbelievers. It’s okay to abuse cows for food production because of the profit motive. Again, economics “trump” over moral and ethical values.

From a psychological perspective, let’s turn to the development of an authoritarian conscience or superego. With an authoritarian conscience, exists the internalization of the power of the father, father figure and/ or the authority of a particular group within the society. The primary sins of the power structure of the Republican Party and the character of the followers include the following.

Authoritarianism is based on the character of men in power. They believe and act by virtue of their power, that they have the right to command, dictate, discriminate, oppress, dominate, dismiss and to restrict the freedom of anyone that doesn’t fit their concept of loyalty. To obey without doubt, to follow without hesitation, to believe without objective reasoning are the conditions. Be part of the consensus, be part of the sheep, and just follow and obey. To disobey is a sin and grounds for expulsion. A few illustrations of the leader and the weak: 1.The authority of the father over his children 2. The authority of men over women 3. The authority of bosses over workers 4.The authority of states versus the federal government 5. An authority based on skin color, religious beliefs, political beliefs etc.

Likewise it’s important to control and manipulate all aspects of the government, including criminal justice, military, police, news media, Congress, Senate and Supreme Court, and what’s taught in schools. Power, control and dictating over the rights of others are supreme under authoritarianism. Power of economics overthrows moral and ethical concerns. Further, Lying, cheating, falsifying the overturn of the election is justified. If you’re not loyal, then you are the enemy to hate, to destroy, to obliterate and even kill if you get in their way. Moral ethics and values do not enter the equation at all and can easily be rationalized away-“I’m doing this for you.”

Exploitation of others is another characterological aspect. Exploitation refers to the workers, the undocumented, the African-Americans and other minorities. Contrary, to the 10 Commandments, it’s permissible for one man to use another man for cheap slave labor or for profit in our capitalistic system. It is not only permissible, it’s regulated by the “free” market; politically and by the court system. We have established laws, precedents and remedies for white skinned people that are different than laws and remedies for others. We also have discriminated and exploited numerous employment and educational options. We are unable to entice white folks to become worker bees in the agricultural and food industry. But it’s okay and desirable to have dark skinned people becoming rednecks. The South was able to grow and develop based upon slave labor. It’s profitable and you don’t have to pay your employees. It’s profitable when you own your employees. It is profitable to have your employees say “yes sir, yes ma’am.” Movies like Gone with the Wind, The Little Foxes, To Kill a Mockingbird and many others depicted the master-servant relationship in our South.

Inequality, another character component, is the belief that our country can live with material differences whether it be of education, pay, legal, health and especially race and immigrant status. We are supposed to be all children of God. Yet, color skin, political and religious beliefs tell a different story. Yes, there has been positive change on a variety of levels. In the 1950s, I attended an all-white high school and played football at a Jesuit University with other white skinned players. The TV and movies showed inequality between whites and the Indians and African-Americans. Today, Denby high school’s no longer all-white; the University of Detroit is integrated; TV, entertainment, sports and movies are well represented by African-Americans and other minorities.

 The current American pursuit and false religion relates to pursuing money and wealth. More is better. So what that CEO’s earn 300% more than his employees. So what if there’s hunger and poverty. So what if people are uninsured and have health issues. So what if there’s massive student college debt. Inequality has been present and found in our Constitution. An African-American, human property, equals 3/5 of the white man.

Our Constitution, our government, and capitalism is based on inequality. Competition necessary for economic growth is based on profit. Profit by definition suggests gain and inequality over another. The one with more education, more skills, or white skin is expected to have more. There’s nothing equal about competition and monetary profit. Acquire more, produce more, and make more etc. does not suggest equality. Siblings fight over who had a smaller piece of pie. Everyone wants more or they feel cheated.

Excessive consumption, another character characteristic, for consumption sake affects many of us, some more than others. As we are material consumers we receive and consume. We constantly consume everything in our presence. Just look at our oceans, our forests and other natural resources.

Advertising is sophisticated. We follow so many slogans like “the one with the most toys wins;” “purchasing the dream house;” “going from 0 to 60 in 1.9:” “keeping up with the Joneses” etc. Having a dead object is supposed to do what psychologically? Black Friday is a primary example that reinforces consumption. Buy now because it might be too late later on because of inflation, tie up at the ports, not enough workers to produce and transport etc. Yard sales, flea markets, estate sales, and even going to garages are some of the avenues for “used” or reframing with “ previously owned” are always available. Did I forget about purchasing on the Internet?

We have a parental philosophy that every child should be rewarded and receive what they want, when they want it. Spoiled children like adults should not be deprived and get what they want. There are plenty of credit card opportunities. Why should I concern myself about debt, the government doesn’t? Why should I delay gratification, I don’t deserve that at all.

Capitalism is dependent upon consumption. Therefore, one has to earn or borrow to acquire more and to consume more. The dollar is worshiped and valued. The dollar is supposed to bring happiness, prestige and power. The pursuit of the dollar becomes the coveted prize. Just think of all the things that money can buy- beautiful spouse; beautiful house; beautiful car etc. However, money doesn’t buy health or happiness. What happened to Steve Jobs? How happy is Jeff Bezos? How happy are Bill and Melinda? Donald, happy?

Malignant narcissism is a product of an authoritarian conscience. It’s about me. I’m first and the hell with everyone else. I am going to do what I want when I want too. It’s my right. I don’t have to wear a mask, I don’t have to vaccinate myself or my kids. If my leader wants me to change the state’s rules about elections, I will do it. If my leader wants me to storm the capitol, overthrow the election results, confront the capitol police, kill the enemies like Pense, Cheney, Kinzinger, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff , deface the capitol, break the laws I will do it. However, I believe in “the right to life “slogan. Oh yaw, it depends ….?

In summary, although some information is based on parental reporting, the following seems apparent. Trump’s authoritarian character has been in full view over the last five years. His two impeachments, lying, cheating, and disregard for the rule of law are well documented. This veterinarian has not objected to these behaviors, policies and remains one of his followers and likely has similar character tendencies. As far as exploitation is concerned, this veterinarian significantly contributes to the problem with his agriculture business. The Republican slogan “moral majority” is hypocritical to say the least. There is nothing moral about exploitation and not in the majority. Inequality is noticeably apparent. The evangelical slogan “sanctity of life” is inconsistent and also nonsense. Abortion is not about saving life. How many Republicans are outraged over the recent school killing in Michigan? The parents of this kid are also guilty. Spreading Covid-19 and the many wars also demonstrates that lack of caring about the life of others. Obviously, abortion restrictions pertain to taking away rights of vulnerable and poor women. Malignant narcissism becomes apparent when economic interests demolish and supersede moral and ethical values. Me first and the hell with everyone else especially if they are not my kind. If I refuse to get vaccinated and get the virus, I am not protecting my family. These are “family values? “In fact, I’m doing the opposite. Further, I am harming, not loving nor supporting the best interests for my country. Oh yeah, one more point. This veterinarian, while at UC Davis, focused on the animal and food industry because that paid more than all the other areas. It’s about the money, and how is that turning out for him? Do not forget about the old teachings” the root of all evil is money.” Per Pink Floyd, Money, get away-you get a good job with more pay and you’re okay……… Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash……

Friday, December 3, 2021

The Reality of Fear



Otto Rank, one of the founding members of the Psychoanalytic Society, in Vienna, published “Das Trauma der Geburt” in 1924. Briefly, according to Rank, the change from the effortless bliss of the womb to the painful birth of postnatal conditions requires initiative from the infant. This traumatic change means that the infant not only initially experiences mortal fear and anxiety but that emotional dynamic becomes significant during separations throughout.  This disquisition pertains to the prevalence of fear.

 The Greeks and others believed that man seeks pleasure and avoids pain. My position is that fear is rational while anxiety is irrational. However, regardless, fear and anxiety means danger. With danger, there is a physiological homeostasis disruption. This means there’s an absence of pleasure, well-being and/or happiness but not of tension and discomfort. In other words, danger which is fear and anxiety is typical for man, part of his nature and becomes a prime motivator for behavior. There are three responses to fear: 1. Non confrontation or to freeze like a deer 2.  Non confrontation and run away like a deer 3.  Confrontation, a lioness will attack if you get between her and her Cubs.  She becomes aggressive and protective. I know from personal experience as, I once met a lioness and her two Cubs while running on the trail. She was aggressive and I literally ran away.

Recently, a 17-year-old, on one occasion, and three men on another, armed with gun approached another unarmed. Armed with gun and approaching a potentially emotionally based human conflict increases greatly the probability of using weapon. Therefore, it’s not surprising that when: 1. White man has a weapon 2. White man rationalizes protecting “property” or making “citizen’s arrest” 3. White man, armed with weapon, claims he’s afraid and kills other in self-defense 5. Having questionable subjective, discriminatory legal protections “stand your ground” and “self-defense” options reinforce the likelihood for “justified” murder and decrease the likelihood for the other two options of either running away from scene or being passive and doing nothing. Bringing a gun changes the bully dynamics. Having a gun in the first place suggests aggressive behavior for this fearful individual. It is similar to throwing the first punch; brandishing a knife in a fistfight; pulling out a gun in a knife fight.

Rank believed that the main human goal, of life, is to reinstate embryonic bliss, and avoid man’s greatest human terror or fear which is separation. We also know that infants, at roughly 6 months of age, experience separation anxiety when the primary caretaker leaves its presence and later experiences stranger anxiety when introduced to the presence of an unfamiliar object.

We also know that infants experiences fear and anxiety during the child rearing process. The infant or child learns that by obeying, and going along with the parental program, it receives comfort, pleasure and “love.” When the infant or child disobeys or does something to hurt self, a parental response becomes either harsh words, physical slap or loss of “love.” Loss of love is feared and becomes important for developing right from wrong within conscience development. Later in development, the child may hear “wait until your father gets home; I am going to tell your father” by the “good” parent. How can this parent be good by using manipulative, seductive or traitorous methods?  The father is to be feared and the mother not to be trusted. Thus, we have reinforced the notion of fear and hate as evidenced by the child expressing “I hate you.” Love, liking, admiring and /or disliking, jealousy, resentment and hate for the same object is referred to as ambivalence. Very early, in life’s development, the establishment and emotional attitude of fear and hate becomes well-established and continues throughout one’s life. One definition of an attitude is a disposition involving an expectancy of a certain kind of experience and readiness with an appropriate response.

Religion, another institution, in the early era of Christianity, taught about fear and hate. One message for early followers were, there was a blessed promise in a not so distant future in which the poor would be rich, the hungry would be satisfied and the oppressed would obtain authority. Luke (6:20) blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh.  Also, there was a complete hatred of the authorities, the rich, the learned and the powerful. In Luke(16:21} Jesus said “how hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! For it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” There were many to hate such as the Pharisees, the Sicarii, the proletariat, and the tax collectors. There would be happiness for the poor and hatred and punishment for the rich, the nobility, the ruling fathers and the educated.

In essence, the early Christians were men and women, the poor, uneducated oppressed masses of the Jewish people and later of others. It was the poor that believed in Jesus. They would get revenge at a later date but not on earth. The wealthy were out of luck as well. It was the poor that could enter the kingdom of heaven. The wealthy, because of their wealth would be excluded and go to hell.  Luke (6:20) “But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger. Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. Fear, hate and revenge was a clear message.

Another message of dogma was: If you were economically poor, you didn’t have to fear or worry about your future. You also didn’t have to fear or worry about your health as well. You would be taken care of forever. However, the messages of Jesus Christ were threatening, he was feared, hated and then crucified. According to Benjamin Franklin, “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.”

 Speaking politically, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote “The Prince “in 1513. This Italian diplomat, philosopher and historian wrote about the importance of politics with its focus on deception, treachery and crime. He said that rulers established their kingdom or power based on their deeds that included violence. These evil rulers or tyrants employed fear to help them maintain their power. Thus, this diplomat exposed the political motivation of those in power because they employed fear to control others.

Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Mahatma Gandy, Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X., Martin Luther King Jr., JFK,  Bobby Kennedy, George Moscone, Harvey Milk were all assassinated based on fear, aggression and hate.  The message, fear, aggression and hate superseded love.

Today, politically it is fashionable and important to fear and hate Nancy, Chuck, Kamala, Joe, Hillary, Soros, Rothschild’s, Zuckerberg, AOC, Trump etc. Some of the fear mongering include: 1. Build a wall to keep out the murderers and rapists 2. Infrastructure is socialistic 3.  Joe and Hillary are pedophiles 4. Black Lives Matter protests are dangerous 5. Defund the police 6. The Election was stolen 7. Kill them there, so they won’t come here 8. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Of course, the only destruction was of Iraq 9. They are going to take away your guns 10. They want you to get a vaccine.  11. Infrastructure spending is? 12. The following Bill of Rights and amendments pertain to whom:  1, 4, 5, and 8, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XIX, XXIII, and XXIV? 13. Overturn Roe versus Wade. Politics, continues to be based on fear, hate and division with obvious scapegoating.

Some examples of being reared with fear of parents pertains to the mighty dollar. Examples include: 1.The newborn has to have the latest items of the market to stimulate its cognitive development 2. Enrollment in the most effective preschool educational program for furthering cognitive development 3. Being bribed for getting good grades in school. It’s not about joy in learning 4. Being admitted to and attending the best university with the best major 5. Procuring the best job 6. Having enough life, auto, homeowners and medical insurance 7. Providing for retirement for family 8. Are the children being properly served with the Will and Trust?

Some examples of fear, worry and dread regarding the mortality of aging. Examples include: 1. Eating nutritiously with fruits and vegetables etc. 2. Maintaining physical exercise 3. Moderation of alcohol and caffeine 4. Avoiding drugs and nicotine 5. Proper weight 6. Reducing stress 7. Getting enough sleep 8. Maintaining proper relationships 9. Daily mental activity and lifelong learning 10. Prevent and control high blood pressure and diabetes 11. Control sodium intake and cholesterol levels 12. Dealing with hurricanes, flooding, and fire climate change conditions 13. Get a Covid-19 vaccination and booster.

There are many additional messages of fear, destruction, inhumaneness, and death. Turn on the television, watch 15 minutes of “news.” View killings in war areas; automobile accidents; terrorist bombing; statistics pertaining to Covid-19, US debt, increase in hate crimes, watching murder trials etc. Pay attention to the commercials and their fear-based messages. Make sure you obtain the correct product for your skin, take that medication, obtain the best credit card etc.  Our movies depict man’s fear of being harmed by man, beast or nature.

 Recently, Linda and I saw a movie, based on a true story, showing the plight of a man that had an English father and his Chickasaw mother. It was about his struggle against the despicable whites stealing his cattle and killing his Indian brothers led by a union Sgt. after the Civil War. Fear, hate, discrimination and prejudice was in full view.

With the origins of fear, trauma and helplessness, it’s not surprising that man’s history depicts man’s lack of humanism. Culture reinforces fear because the culture is made up of man. Man’s compensations and/ or  tendencies for obtaining power, money, prestige, possessions, autonomy, achievement, dominance, defendance, infavoidance, rejection, counteraction becomes exhibited, in an attempt to mitigate fear and anxiety regardless of time or locale. Reducing the fear, in the short-term, might result in pleasure of the moment at best.  With fear, anxiety, aggression and hate man exhibits a significant likelihood of directing same toward self and /or others. Don’t forget that I haven’t commented on suicide, fear of future; drugs and alcohol; fear of reality; being counter phobic, and a whole host of other pathological conditions.


Fromm, Erich. The Dogma of Christ, Routledge Classics, London and New York.