Friday, August 6, 2021

It's Not Illusion


We have health and people problems in our country. Please turn to the science of public health which is designed to protect and improve the lives of people in their communities! I was reared, in a household, with my father who had a Juvenile Diabetes diagnosis. This fact resulted in my focus, interest and devotion to health. This disquisition stresses the importance of employing the ideas of: 1.Evaluating the source 2.Discovering truth 3. Employing a humanistic attitude pertaining to Covid-19 and its variants.

Being subjected on a daily basis with the health hazards of juvenile diabetes had a major impact on me. Every day, I witnessed my father injecting insulin into his body and even assisted him in that process. He talked about his dim future thanks to this dreaded disease. He mentioned failing eyesight, shortened life span and the loss of limbs as result of poor circulation among other symptom

We traveled to Windsor, Ontario where he purchased insulin. On those trips, I received duck style haircuts, food treats, lunch or dinner. Later on, my mother and I took numerous trips to hospitals in the Detroit area for visits. As an adolescent, my mother and I traveled to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. There, my dad introduced me to a patient- Terry Sawchuk, the goalie of the Detroit Red Wings. In front of Terry, my father, impressed with with my strength, had me, with my arm extended hold up one leg of a chair parallel to the ground. I don’t remember Terry’s response.

I moved to California and remember talking to him, on the phone, near the end of his life. During that time I carried my Bible which was Ernest Becker’s “Denial of Death.” My father was discouraged and depressed as they started surgically removing his toes. What an awful time for him and he passed at the age of 70. That was likely a welcomed relief.

An article titled “Between 1920 and 2020, the average human lifespan doubled. How did we do it? Science mattered-but so did activism” found in the May 2, 2021 of The New York Times Magazine was informative. It started with the description of the Spanish flu, H1N1 and its devastation of killing during World War I and the decline in life expectancy from 1916 to 1920. Incremental improvements followed and resulted in breakthroughs of overwhelming proportions-vaccines, germ theory and antibiotics.

Edward Jenner’s invention of the smallpox vaccine; Louis Pasteur’s triumph with milk and wine ; chlorine added to drinking water; vaccine development for whooping cough, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and polio helped curtail future infections and  death;  and penicillin with its protection from cuts and scrapes. Milk, at one time, was called the “liquid poison.” It killed many, but cow’s milk was more flavorful and people in our country did not want to purchase pasteurization of milk. It took advertising to change popular attitudes along with the immigrant from Bavaria, Nathan Straus. Straus was born in 1848. He created, low-cost, milk depots in poor areas on the lower East side of New York. President Theodore Roosevelt got into the act and Chicago in 1909 became the first major American city to require pasteurization .Thanks to Straus and others, unpasteurized milk has been outlawed in almost every major American city. By the way, Straus and his brother were part owners of Macy’s department store. Thanks to John Leal, chlorine disinfectants was introduced in the waterworks in Chicago in 1912 and in Detroit 1913. Thank you John.

Smallpox and cholera are interesting stories as well as it took many health individuals from different locations on our planet to deal with those health problems. Alexander Fleming’s contribution was the magic bullet - penicillin. It was a lifesaver and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine. Penicillin along with other antibiotics fought tuberculosis in the antibiotic revolution that began with antiviral drugs. Thank you Salk for your polio vaccine. It took the Kefauver-Harris drug amendments to make sure that the listed ingredients on the drug label were in fact such. Now, with the CDC and the W.H.O, we have global scientific organizations working in concert to deal with the eradication of continuous new disease threats to our planet. Thus, there are many scientific minded individuals devoted to wiping out the various diseases that confront us[FL1] .

During the previous administration, individuals were hired based on their loyalty to their leader. Loyalty was defined as being subservient and agreeing with him regardless of reality.  The inept Redfield was appointed to run the CDC and follow directions given by the administration. Other appointees were on the airways along with the leader of providing false and dangerous information. The leader was credited with an enormous amount of lying regardless of the subject.

As a result of the lies and misinformation regarding Covid-19, it is important to question the data. Fox news and social media also presented nonscientific and false lying behavior. Why would anyone believe a liar? Remember the fairytale about the boy who cried Wolf. The boy was not credible which the moral of the story is. Check and evaluate the source. One woman told me she didn’t get the vaccine because of contradictory messaging by CDC. Yes, CDC would be one source of information; WHO would be another source; public health physicians; virologists and even Bill Gates. Bill Gates contributed an enormous amount of funding in search for a vaccine to combat Covid-19. Gates warned and predicted that we have to be on guard for future viruses back in 2016. Always check and evaluate the source of information. I trust and have faith in the New York Times and the Washington Post . On the other hand, A D.O., one of 12 credited with spreading misinformation on social media, makes his living promoting natural ingredients for treatment. There is nothing wrong, in treating people, with natural ingredients or functional medicine. However, providing discredited information is not part of the Hippocratic Oath. He should be silenced and not allowed, because of his economic incentive, to spread lies not supported by science. The article “Disinformation is Big business For One Doctor” found in the July 25, 2021 of The New York Times.

The truth regarding Covid-19 and it’s the variants has tremendous numbers such as 201,503,940 cases worldwide and 4,276,868 deaths affecting 220 countries and territories. The statistics are based on United Nations Geoscheme Sources. 181,320,710 individuals have recovered. The USA leads in total number of cases; total number of deaths; and is second as far as total number recovered. USA also leads in active cases although we are far from the largest population of the world.

This virus cannot be treated with disinfectants or herd immunity at this time. One professional golfer contracted Covid-19 prior and contracted it again. He was disqualified from participating in the Olympics. He said that he had herd immunity so he didn’t need to get vaccinated. Denial and rationalization are designed to protect and distort the anxiety resulting from reality. It’s easy to distort reality by one’s illogical, nonobjective and delusional thinking and believing. For surgery, I consulted an orthopedic surgeon and not a talk show host. Recently, an evangelical pastor suggested to his churchgoers to ditch their masks. Yes, get your health and virus information from an ill-informed, non-credible and non-reliable ignoramus, if you’re so inclined.

As far as humanistic principles, the following is apparent. We have many rules laws and policies designed to protect and benefit people in our society. Paying taxes is about providing services and protection for everyone. If one wants to drive an automobile, one is required to get a license to demonstrate driving skills and knowledge about driving and the law. One is required to have automobile insurance, wear a seatbelt, and drive speed limits posted on the roadways. Notice they are limits. If one breaks the law, there are consequences. Negative consequences are required and expected to change behavior in the positive direction.

There should be consequences for those not receiving a Covid-19 vaccination, mask wearing and social distances. The virus and its variants are on the rise. How can there be herd immunity when variants exist? In other words, to combat and deal with this virus and its variants effectively, we require more than guidelines-we require laws and consequences. One friend suggested that those that don’t get vaccinated should not be allowed public hospital treatment. That certainly is not a humanistic policy but suggests the importance of this issue with those that are potentially harming all of us. In essence, humanism is based on the idea of working together as we are all cohabitating on this planet. When ignorant and delusional people place themselves and others in harm’s way, they are dangerous and should be held accountable. We lead the world with too many awful statistics.

In the middle of the 18th century, lifespan was about 35 years of age. Thanks to Jenner, Pasteur, Fleming, Salk, Straus, Leal, Gates and so many others including WHO, CDC, US FDA and other organizations, our lifespan has more than doubled because of chemistry, vaccines, drugs, and the rigors of scientific studies, inventions, breakthroughs etc. We have not given our proper due to the perseverance of those not so ordinary Homo sapiens. Monuments, national holidays, prayers and thanks are needed and not memorials to racist Southern generals and football coaches. Are values are what? Yes, thinking and attitudes for so many are anti-humanistic, alienated and crippled. No wonder this country has serious health issues. Check the source for credibility and reliability, use objective reasoning for finding truth, with an attitude of humanism.


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