Friday, June 4, 2021

Republican Terrorists


We can adduce that psychologically, all of us begin life insecure, anxious, dependent and alone. These insecurities follow throughout life. Taking that into account, man’s character is established and developed as a result of parenting interactions within the socioeconomic, political and religious principles within the particular culture. This essay pertains to the character of the alienated terrorist Republicans.

After World War II, the Republican Party with its conservative values, appealed too many even though some of their leaders expressed radical and discriminatory views such as Joe McCarthy in the 50s. Also, William Buckley Junior, a darling conservative, wrote about white supremacy mandate to control and rule. Not to be outdone, The John Birch Society was also established and promoted additional discrimination with their racist policies. In 1964, Barry Goldwater, the archconservative, was the darling of the Republican convention in San Francisco. Goldwater refused to condemn the John Birch society for its views. Hall of Fame Jackie Robinson, in protest at that convention, took his black compatriots out. Jackie then voted for Lyndon Johnson.

Lyndon Johnson changed the composition of his party with his historic progressive legislative policies. However, the southern racist Dixie crat’s switched parties and became Republicans. In 1968, Richard Nixon became president. Richard Nixon decided that the 1969 college championship should be played between Texas and Arkansas. He omitted Penn State from the discussion because they had black player athletes. I decided not to print Coach Joe Paterno’s reaction when he found out that Nixon discriminated against his team.  Historically, that was the last time two all-white skinned college football teams played for a national championship.

Nixon followed by Reagan promoted a capitalistic economic system based on neoliberalism policies and eliminating programs for the poor. That meant the privatization of institutions in our society with more inequality. The balance of power and control went to the corporations as labor and unions were weakened in the process. It meant providing tax incentives and subsidies to our energy, farming industry and other companies. Also, the Supreme Court, thank you William Rehnquist, issued favorable Citizens United campaign finance contributions rulings and protected the police with immunity for other examples of racism and discrimination. Then came Newt and the Tea Party with more overt racism. At the state and local levels, during the last 60 years, Republicans, in control, established gerrymandering and other voting suppression tactics in order to keep their power and domination. Keep the blacks in their place-“slaves.”

Politically, the congressional Republicans are racist and have exploited with their sadistic power policies. However it should be noted, that they want police protection in their gerrymandered districts. They know that they have to vote a certain way to please their leader or they become an enemy of his people with their guns. These spineless  have routinely stood against increasing the minimum wage, keeping police brutality intact, providing  protective tax loopholes by allowing the wealthy and corporations not to be taxed, providing major tax cuts for the top 1%,  providing monetary subsidies, and stagnating the GDP growth.

These Republican Senators failed twice to impeach their leader; 35 voted against a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 riot; and continue the stolen election lie (70% of Republicans said Biden had not legitimately won enough votes to win the presidency). It’s no surprise that the Republicans are against citizenship for immigrants that have crossed the border. It’s to their advantage to pay these farmworkers and meat processing workers etc. “slave” labor. These slaves have to pay taxes but receive no Social Security benefits. Why give them citizenship? They will likely vote for Democrats.

 Since FDR, in an article published The New York Times on February 7, 2021 the top four presidents -Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton, presided over the largest GDP growth rate during their administrations. Trump’s GDP, to no surprise, falls in last place.

  The Republican Party is now initiating legislation in 47 states to restrict voting. That’s not about democracy for all citizens. Its policies on masks, and Coved -19 vaccinations are egotistical, sadistic, masochistic and a devotion to death and illness.

The Republican leadership is supported by those terrorist WASP’s (a terrorist is a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims) that are insecure, racist individuals bent on exploiting people of color. In turn, the party leadership reinforces their insecurity and racism with fear and sadistic policies that exploit. Mitch McConnell’s position is based on minority power. Under his leadership, economic relief for most Americans’ was threatened. They were not even wearing masks in the capital during the previous administration. They are against infrastructure relief because that includes human assistance other than roads and bridges. Childcare, paid college, reducing the age of Medicare eligibility etc. are “no’s.” The leadership downplayed (because the FBI identified the coordination of 7 white supremacy hate groups) the terrorists involvement in the January 6 riot on the capital, and  voted against hate crime legislation (it reinforces the notion that whites can act out their hate and kill others of different skin color] . Even though, many Republicans constituents liked economic relief, they still support these negative voting congressional Republicans. The people in power, that call themselves Republicans, fear not only Trump but his white supremacist hate group organizations. They carry guns, talked and talk about killing.

The group of individuals that call themselves Republicans has evolved into a terrorist organization taking advantage of the alienation of many with their criminal behavior (Bannon, Stone, Flynn, Manafort, Gaetz etc.). The group is based on white supremacy and exploits all others for their political gain. Their goal continues to be about white privilege, white control, white dominance and white exploitation. The ends justify the means. Their racist and discriminatory policies have gone on for a long time. Currently, they are overt, kill Pence, and attack the capital and police in their attitude, stance, and behavior. Unfortunately, they appeal to too many alienated in our country.

Our current devotion is entangled and associated with money, success, power and prestige. The more money results in greater “success” per brainwashing by advertising within our culture. Attending  the “elite” University; employment in the perfect  job  allows rising the corporate ladder; purchasing the “dream” home; taking the exotic vacation; the right union with the perfect blonde; two cars etc. etc. etc. becomes the irrational. These alienated want to have and possess. That’s success for whom and it contributes and reinforces the occurrence of alienation?  However, they don’t want the “others” to have and possess. No “melting pot” here per The New York Times, No Easy Answers, May 23.2021.

With pursuing the irrational passion for money, meant the king of the castle’s wife entering the workforce. One income did not necessarily provide for all the “wants” of countless consumer items many of which are useless. Economic statistics began to demonstrate the economic inequalities and alienation between socioeconomic classifications. CEO incomes exploded according to The New York Times, April 25 2021. In 1989 CEO incomes were 61 to1 .Currently a 320 to 1 economic disparity exists between them and their employees. In 2020, the CEO at Boeing cut 30,000 employees even though the company lost $12 billion. He was rewarded with 21.3 million in compensation. The Norwegian cruise industry’s CEO furloughed 20% and he was rewarded at double. His doubled salary was 38.4 million dollars, and the Hilton CEO received 55.9 million compensation as the company lost 770 million in revenue.

Statistics on family indicated offspring and parenting difficulty as now both employed parents are experiencing alienation.  Drugs, alcohol, poverty, educational limitations and failure, suicide, marital separation, divorce, attending counseling etc. rose dramatically. These troubling facts suggests unprecedented alienation. Not only that, Insurance companies or third-party payment instituted managed-care to drastically reduce and/or eliminate payment for the psych services.

Companies, in raising their profits, reduced working hours in order to avoid providing health insurance for their employees. Labor unions were attacked and diminished in order to provide additional power to the company. Manufacturing and production were transferred overseas. Employment security was threatened and no longer could someone count on receiving that “gold pen” at retirement. More threats to one’s economic insecurity increases alienation in the workforce.

Home prices, mortgages, inflation, healthcare has severely impacted today’s citizen. A first-time homebuyer in the 60s was a young man without significant debt. Today’s young man can not only not by a home but is likely in debt while living with a parent or parents.

Today’s high school educated racist Republican faces severe economic and social challenges and mental and physical health concerns. Physical health, cardiac, respiratory and Covid- 19 are the three main causes of death. Mental health with depression, anxiety, suicide, brain pathology including dementia and Alzheimer’s and divorce are on the rise. It’s my position, that physical (obesity etc.) and mental health (depression, hate, aggression etc.); economic instability without future, religious and political malfunction are symptoms of severe alienation.

A word about alienation. Alienation means that man is insecure, anxious, separated from self, confused, easily misled, and consciously and unconsciously feels powerless. Employing the second amendment rationalization, purchasing guns and ammunition does not fix the insecurity. He lacks independence without a full use of reason .He seeks attachment, of some consensus with a power greater than himself. His group is good, American and patriotic while the other groups are evil, bad, liberal and non-American. Thus, another hate dynamic surfaces. With that being said, todays alienated subjects submit, are obedient, dependent and follow the supreme external power forces in the country.

 Moreover, the alienated are not in touch nor love themselves. Their racist attitudes are apparent in that they are also unable to care and respect others which results in aggressive amoral behaviors. With limited thinking, they do not pursue truth, are easily misled but follow consensus instead. They attach themselves to the Republican group which becomes their all-encompassing power. The need for affiliation is the driving force regardless of the preponderance of lies, irrational rationalizations and sinful acting out behaviors. This means that the character structure of these individuals are authoritarian. They follow blindfolded and are loyal to the perceived godlike idol. With that being said, there are too many alienated in our country.

A glimpse into man’s alienation was brilliantly displayed in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men published in 1937. George and Lenny’s story depicts the predatory reality of life for poor migrant workers during the depression. In the novella these protagonist struggle for survival in their oppressive improper circumstances. They are powerless and without control. They do not have the ability to overcome their oppressiveness by the various seen as well as unseen forces.

The ruling party of the minority authoritarian WASPs are victorious with their 402-year-old experiment. Initially, our government was based on the political, social and economic advantages for the few powerful wealthy Anglo-Saxons. The WASPs are still in power politically, economically, educationally, and as far as criminal injustice goes. Unfortunately, limited educated white folks are being left behind in record numbers. As a result, these white folks are becoming increasingly alienated, with feelings of powerlessness, resentment, hate and less in control of their ability to make changes within self and with others. These character characteristics result with these individuals looking for an external power attachment to both placate and/ or appease their insecurities and to emotionally protect them from their fears. This proceeds with submission, obedience and loyalty irrespective of the moral, sinful or amoral behavior by the power or in this case Trump. In essence, acknowledge a regression psychologically exemplified by egoism, sense of mistrust, a level of preoperational cognition, absence of law and order and ruled by irrational passions of hate, exploitation and prejudice. Humanity, right, wrong is currently under attack from within.

 The attachment to this grouping is based emotionally on incestuous ties. These incestuous ties lay the groundwork for a sick conscience of hate and prejudice. My group is good, patriotic and American while your group is evil, bad, and un-American.  The unconscious and conscious emotions of dependence, aloneness, powerlessness, submission, obedience, fear, anxiety and the identification and attachment to a superior power rules. Cognitively, rationality , wisdom, truth and the attitudes and values of love, the Golden rule, respect, concern for the poor  etc. attributed to  Jesus are nonexistent for “ others “ and do not play a significant part in the behavior of this group . The words of Jesus Christ seem meaningless, contradictory and hollow to the group. We know what he would likely say regarding keeping people slaves, second-class citizens, police brutality, guns and killing etc. The blacks worship and pray to the same God as the WASPs. With the second coming, will they be saved?  The authoritarian conscience and morality remains sadistic.

This terrorist grouping is winning. The group is largely concerned with their own survival -voting restriction legislation; while upholding the power of their leaders-voting to keep them in office. These alienated and exploitive character style intimidate by bringing weapons to courthouses, the capital and to otherwise peaceful demonstrations, not wearing masks and refusing the vaccine. Their unlawfulness was in full display on January 6 at the capital. Having an alienated character, one doesn’t pursue happiness and wellbeing. Their character description interferes with valuing self with their accompanying self-destructive tendencies as well as toward others as demonstrated by putting children in cages and social media vileness of morally wrong and disgusting hateful rhetoric. Their intellectual, and moral capacity and functioning is impaired as evidenced by crazy and illogical conspiracy beliefs while believing their lying leader. They support police brutality against the blacks and express their hate so many ways. With that being said, the Republican terrorists pose a considerable threat, not only to democracy, but to the morality, wisdom, and humanity of our country. Yes, we require change.

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