Friday, October 23, 2020

The Experiment


Last week’s essay “Three White Women” ended with my statement “The experiment of the United States continues.” My friend Paul Klentos replied and provided numerous facts that the experiment had ended. This essay tests 6 hypothesis for our experiment

In this experiment, our research design includes variables and operational definitions of terms. Briefly, the slave trade began in the United States in 1619. As a result, we will use 1619 as a starting point for our study of the history the United States.  The Preamble of our Constitution states “We the people of the United States, in order form a more perfect Union, establish Justice ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity   ..… We the people is defined as White, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant Men. All other groups such as women and people of color Native Americans etc. are excluded. Liberty, the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority were for the WASP men only

The Preamble of the Constitution are the variables for hypotheses. Our 6 hypotheses: 1. The United States is a perfect union 2. All  citizens receive equal justice under the law 3. The United States has a common defense 4. The citizen’s economic welfare is important 5. The citizens have liberty 6. The US government meets the needs of all the citizens.

In this next section, Paul’s findings are stated and include the following: 1. One would think that after 400 years it is no longer an experiment, it’s the norm 2. If it takes 400 years to develop a vaccine, the company that is leading the project will lose financing 3. If it takes 400 for a football coach to turn a losing team around, he’ll be fired 4. If it takes 400 years to write a newspaper article the subject will no longer be relevant 5. If it takes 400 years to train a racehorse, it will never be worth anything 6. The behavior of the extreme right wing Republicans has become the norm and very predictable. It has become more obvious now due to the media availability. The only thing missing is 10 foot of chain and auctioneer. Hyp: 2, 4, 6. 7. We have driven the majority of people to extreme poverty where they are forced to work two jobs for peanuts, in jobs with no future, no benefits and no hope Hyp: 4, 6. 8. We have enslaved them financially, driven them into crime while we have privatized incarceration facilities. Hyp: 2, 4, 6. if you make the investment you need the customers-build it and they will come 9. We suppress their voting rights and reduce their education to absolute minimum. All that while the 90% of the wealth is in the hands of 51 families Hip: 1, 2,4,5,6. 10. Dark money in politics has reached the Supreme Court. Senatorial integrity is the thing of the past. Any attempt at change has been met with extreme propaganda of anti-socialist ideas.  Hip: 1, 2, 3,4,5,6.  11. They have denied public health insurance while they and their families are taxing the public to enjoy the greatest insurance in the world 12. Hip: 2, 4, 6. Has become a calculated takeover of people’s lives while in return all they have to offer is snake oil.Hyp:1, 2,4,5,6.

Findings for our hypotheses: 1. The United States is a perfect union 2. All citizens receive equal treatment under the law 3.The citizens economic welfare is considered 4. The US government meets the needs of all citizens 5. The citizens have liberty. Paul’s comments suggest that none of these hypotheses were supported.  The Preamble are only words. There is no evidence to support any other conclusion.  The failure is clear. The other hypothesis that the United States has a common defense was not identified in Paul’s research.

In conclusion, I agree the United States Republic is not a democracy and is a failed experiment. The current two-party system does not work and neoliberalism economics has contributed with a major negative impact on the majority of its citizens. A true democracy, allows all people to vote and gives the power in its citizens, has been discouraged by the wealthy ruling class per Adam Smith.  We vote for unknown individuals who vote for President. Small populated states have the same number of Senators as the larger states. Supreme Court nominees are confirmed by party majority. There are not three equal branches of government at the moment .The November 3 election results will provide more data as to the severity of disease that currently controls our form of government. Can the United States be saved?





Best Regards,

Dr. Frank Lieberman

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