Friday, June 26, 2020


The Covid 19 statistics for disease and deaths in the United States total around 2 .5 million and 123,000 respectively. We are the world leaders in both categories. Our species are called social animals. I would reframe and refer to us as asocial animals. We move toward another in ways that are depicted as love, tenderness, solidarity and affiliation. We also move against another in ways that are depicted as narcissistic, greedy, controlling, destroying, ambitious, exploitive and sadistic. This essay describes the motivation of the protesters against racial injustice.
Man’s needs and character structure are significant in explaining behavior. When born, the infant leaves the womb and its security. It is totally dependent for protection and security by the caretaker. Within development, it separates and remains dependent for security and protection. Briefly, within this developmental process, its psychological outcome becomes the result of many variables related to the caretaking process and the socio economics of the environment. Development continues, and with varying degrees, a behavioral tendency or orientation of moving toward another and with varying degrees of moving against another. In either case, there are degrees, tendencies, irregularities, of interpersonal interactions and movement involving another. These tendencies or orientation behaviors happen. The movement can be positive, at times, as in loving another or, at times, negative as in hating another. Behavioral interactions take place within the contexts of culture, socioeconomics and psychological life space.
Our capitalistic society has a well-defined structure with mass production on many levels with many products being managed and operated by the CEO, managers, to various employees. At an earlier time, in European history, man was paramount and was the center of production. He created and sold the item. His skill, labor, and perseverance made possible the creation of goods.
Since the Industrial Revolution, man is no longer at the center. It’s become big business, and big corporations providing the engine for production, marketing and trade of the various commodities necessary for survival. Briefly, the role of the worker has changed dramatically. He no longer created the entire product but is now merely a cog on the” assembly “line. He has become alienated and is just an insignificant number in the entire process. It’s hard for man to feel good about the labor process. He lost his relevance. Payment for employment does not provide meaningfulness for him. Man is in an unhealthy position as evidenced by high rates of absenteeism, drug and alcohol abuse along with states of depression and suicide.
Our work force has become more alienated, with more bureaucracy, and monotony. We have a number of diversions to deal with the daily drudgery and unhappiness that exist in our country. In a recent United Nation World Happiness Report, we are not listed in the top 10. Still, we have a wide variety of choices to change the mental functioning between the ears. Alcohol and drugs are used to change reality. We are currently ranked fifth for drug use.
We also have the most sophisticated entertainment industry in the world. With film, radio and TV, we have wonderful ways for a temporary escape. We have more sports at the professional, college and club level to entertain our populace. We have more social media, electronic games, gambling and other devices for our diversions. Do not forget about joining the police or military for excitement, learning to kill and escape.
We also know that sensory deprivation studies are associated with unhealthy mental disturbance. Therefore, man with self-awareness, reason and imagination make him the cleverest of all animals. Man requires an orientation, a frame of reference and goals to help guide his actions. He requires security and meaning for his being.  Depending upon his character, he can be devoted and have a tendency toward growth as in loving, being productive and courageous or he can be devoted and have a tendency toward destruction, sadism, amassing a fortune, possession and power over another.
With Covid 19, the scientific community recommended washing ones hands, social distancing, wearing a mask and quarantine by being at home. This resulted in the closing down of the economy, schools and limiting social interaction. Per Henry Murray, this policy interferes with man’s need for Affiliation or interacting with another. Further, not wearing a mask and ignoring social distancing is a need for Abasement which is putting oneself at risk for illness or misfortune. As the virus continued, the Republican Party pushed for a reopening of the economy and modeling by Trump by not wearing a mask.
For the most part, after period of time, many individuals, in quarantine, were not able to exhibit much control or make significant, purposeful, and meaningful changes, decisions or movement. Robert W. White labelled this effectiveness motivation. Children seem to do well as evidenced by their play. They are creative, and with imagination, create a world all by themselves. Children, who are healthy, are active and likely are never bored. Adults, on the other hand, become anxious being by themselves. Adults often perform busy work in an attempt to push away their anxiety. With the quarantine, not being able to work, not being able to see new movies, favorite teams etc. has resulted in boredom for many.
Boredom can be explained, in part, by an absence of stimulation or excitation. According to the research by Spitz, Harlow and others, the lack of stimulation and the deprivation of contact with the mother caretaker resulted in severe psychic damage to the young. The human experiments at McGill University on sensory deprivation resulted in irritability, restlessness, emotional instability in spite of financial loss, by the participants, during the experiments. With active stimulation the individual becomes more interested, and becomes involved with goal seeking behavior. This can be very healthy. The need for stimulation and excitation can result in behaviors of creativity, activating additional stimuli, producing and well-being. However, the lack of stimulation and excitation can result, when frustrated, in sadism, masochism, anger, destructiveness, and cruelty behaviors.
Moreover, boredom has also been associated with depression. Often individuals are aware and acknowledge being bored but not depressed. Depression can be seen as a person who failed in the attempt to obtain excitation by any kind of normal stimulation. The individual, often, is not aware of the fact that he suffers. In depression, the person lacks productivity; the outside world doesn’t seem interesting nor is the individual able to be involved. For some, they feel empty, uncomfortable and lost. Incidentally, we rank third for depression in the world. We rank number 27 for suicide rate.
The social treatment recommendations for Covid 19  resulted in thwarting affiliation, many being uneasy and calling their anxiety “stir crazy ,“ and bored with quarantine. Many welcomed returning to work. The opening up the economy was music to their ears. This diversion helped mask feelings of boredom and depression. With the sadistic Floyd murder, we’ve had numerous individuals protesting, out of moral concerns, out in the streets. For further understanding of moral development consult Lawrence Kohlberg’s research. By opening up the economy and with the protests, has enabled many individuals to welcome that needed stimulation, excitation, effectance and moral purpose. Black lives matter. Some, moved toward others, cared about themselves, others and the health of the medical and aligned workers by employing social distancing, when they could, and by wearing face covering or masks. Others moved against self, others and hospital staff by carrying automatic weapons and not wearing a health mask.
The pandemic and the medical suggestions for encountering the virus interfered with man’s needs of Affiliation. The medical suggestions also uncovered man’s need for Abasement. Man, for his well-being, also requires effectance, stimulation, excitation and moral development. Thank goodness the protests have already resulted in some positive change. Thank you governors Cuomo, Newsom, Grisham, Inslee, Hogan and others. Thank you Atty. Gen. Ellison; prosecutor Arbery; resignations by police chiefs; mayors  Frey, Durkan, Steinberg and others for listening to the protesters and implementing change. Unfortunately, man’s need for Abasement puts self and others at risk. The increase in Covid 19 numbers are not good. Just point to the sadistic, racist Trump. He had two rallies with no masks and no distancing. How many more are going to die?

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