Friday, May 15, 2020

He Can't Get No Satisfaction

Covid 19 is the story about public health, Trump’s re-election’s economics. On one hand, we receive scientific information about the virus and techniques for protecting ourselves from the doctors, scientists and certain governors.  On the other hand, we receive information from Trump and his flunkeys with a divisive political economic slant that downplays the virus threat, lies about the numbers, dismisses the expendables, and getting back to normal. This essay is about Trump and his quest for power.
There are numerous authorities that provide data on the pandemic. From public health ;the World Health Organization; CDC; Dr. Fauci ; Bill Gates; Gov. Gavin Newsom and others that is factual and contrary to the false information given by Trump, Pompeo, Limbaugh, and his Fox news henchmen. These  public health first individuals give science, data and public health information  about the threat  of the virus ; it’s transmission; the mortality statistics ; the populations and areas most affected; the danger for the front line medical workers; the limited amount of PPE, ventilators, tests etc. available; personal safety steps; and detailed steps for reopening the economy.  Gov. Gavin Newsom stated “This is about public health first.”  Although Newsom, with his executive order, was the first governor to order mail in voting, as an option, for the November election, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington  can already vote  by mail.  Trump and the Republicans are spending at least $20 million to squelch mail in voting by the states for November.  Trump continues to peddle false information about mail in voter fraud. Trump is a master of and at fraud.
Various health scientists provide data and admit how much they do not know about the virus. In fact, the coroners in Cook County Illinois, are taking a second look at individuals who have died beginning November 1, 2019. They admit that perhaps some of those deaths might be related to Covid 19. They acknowledge they could even go back earlier for additional data. There’s been tremendous amount of research looking for a cure and/or vaccine. Estimates, by those that know, believe that a vaccine might not be here for another 18 months. On top of that, it is predicted that were going to have a second wave of Covid 19 in the upcoming fall- winter season.
A friend of mine considers Trump smart. With that in mind, what’s been motivating Trump in his dealing with Covid 19? In 2015, Bill Gates at a Ted Talk, warned about another virus. In 2017, Trump cut funding for the CDC, appointed Dr. Robert Redfield, a researcher, as director, without significant managerial experience. In January 2020, there were 19 intelligence briefings for Trump related to the seriousness of the virus pandemic. In late January, one of Trump’s advisors-Navarro wrote an in-depth article spelling out the dangers of the pandemic. The WHO also in January labeled this virus a pandemic. No one can say, that the “intelligent “Trump did not know about the seriousness of this virus.
Even though Trump knew about the seriousness of Covid 19, he presented to the public a very different view. We have it covered; no problem; it’s going to go away once the weather changes; it’s totally under control, the numbers are inflated, not accurate and countless other lies. A lie is not telling the truth. What motivated Trump to downplay and lie about this worldwide pandemic?
It didn’t take too long to know when we heard, from scientists and medical personnel, that we didn’t have the tests for diagnosis; we didn’t have PPE equipment for medical staff; we didn’t have ventilators and dialysis equipment; we didn’t have enough hospital beds etc. it was a real scary mess.  We still do not have enough testing. Then a few governors got into action and closed down their workforce.
There was an initial government stimulus package that totaled over $2 trillion. Most of the money went to the large corporations without oversight. These corporations had the flexibility to use the money as they wanted. That was a neoliberalism subsidy. Along the way, Inspector Generals were fired. In addition, Trump,   with his briefings, gave false and anti-science messages. Neither Trump nor his team wore facemasks or practiced social distancing. Even Pence, when visiting the Mayo Clinic, was the only one in the room without a facemask.  Minimizing the health risk and opening up the economy was the message. Flunkey Republican governors followed the Trump message.
Although most of the public does not believe the Trump propaganda that he has done a great job, he still brags, blames Obama, WHO, China, democratic states and suggested using a disinfectant etc. to solve this problem. Unlike the polio vaccine, when the government took the lead and provided funding for that cure, Trump holds the government back. What would his motivation be not to nationalize various businesses to provide the equipment that we need? Why do we have to import medical equipment and supplies from China and India? Don’t forget neoliberalism is about profits for the corporations and the means to weaken the federal government. However, when the automobile industry was in big trouble, they went to the government to bail them out. There are always exceptions to the rule.
Further efforts to put economics in front of public health include blocking Dr. Fauci’s House testimony and removing the whistleblower leadership role at the Department of Health and Human Services. According to AP, a 17 page report by scientists from the CDC Prevention  team titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,”  was directed to assist faith leaders, business owners, educators, states and local officials  but was stopped by Trump’s flunkey team. According to CDC, they were told the article would never see the light of day. CDC director Redfield also has been kept quiet.
Statistics, of the 86,000 deaths so far present the following profile for contracting the virus: being at least 55 years of age; being obese; having diabetes; having cancer; having heart disease; having asthma and/or respiratory diseases; having autoimmune diseases; and being economically poor and black. For example in Louisiana, blacks account for 70% of the deaths with 33% of the population. In Alabama, they cover 44% of the deaths and 26% of the population. Chicago and Milwaukee also have high infection and death rates. They are the expendables. Their life doesn’t matter. Jerome Adams the Surgeon General “avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs” was a message to blacks and other communities.
Turning to reelection, blacks have been discriminated from voting for over 150 years. There have been polling taxes; ID restrictions; gerrymandering; limited number of voting stations; restrictions as to when to vote or where to vote notably if your college-age; and using a criminal record to disfranchise are racist policies used by red states. The minority party has been creative and sneaky and have even called mail in voting fraudulent. Trump has already called mail-in voting fraudulent. By the way, he has voted by mail as well. This year in Wisconsin the Republican controlled state government made the voters vote in person during the pandemic regardless of the request to postpone the election. Trump is the fraud.
It’s clear that Trump wants to be reelected. His tax cuts for the wealthy, $2 trillion subsidy for the wealthy corporations, and his opening up the economy while downplaying the Covid 19   are part of the neoliberalism policy that guarantees unlimited money contributions for his reelection campaign.
 The underlying psychological quest for power helps to explain Trump’s caustic verbal and written behavior. The quest for power is psychologically-based on an attempt to obtain reassurance against the uncomfortableness of anxiety. The quest for power is born out of anxiety, hatred and feeling insecure and inferior. It’s simply an attempt to reduce the dreaded feelings of anxiety. Unfortunately while exhibiting these counterproductive or aggressive behaviors, it interferes with his ability to receive needed affection, warmth, love and closeness from significant others.  Who wants to be close to him? Not surprisingly, therefore, he has to purchase affection, but only in the dark.
Striving for power also allows Trump to express his repressed hostility.  It serves somewhat as a protection against his vulnerability of unconsciously feeling helplessness/or weakness.  Any form of perceived helplessness or weakness is countered by disrespecting and humiliating another by written or verbal expression. To illustrate he has been described as refusing to read intelligence reports, receive advice from staff and even boasts that the knows more than the general’s. His aggressive verbal baseless threats and written words are his image of power thus avoiding any resemblance of weakness. He bragged and flaunted about his victory in the so-called impeachment sham, likewise in the trade wars with China. Verbal boasting, for him, serves as an irrational show of his strength. Bragging and blaming others for him also serves as a protection for feeling or being regarded as insignificant. He goes on as if he’s the master or king no matter how difficult the situation. He has to be the master and be in control because if not, it’s a personal disgrace.
Striving for power also explains Trumps motivation to control, dominate and exploit others. His celebrity talk show was a perfect match for him. As president, he can threaten, dismiss and does dismiss people at will. The employee turnover in his administration is unprecedented. He claims to be right all the time and is irritated and expresses his hostility with words and threats passive aggressively. He’ll say something at a press conference one day and the following day when a reporter reads back his words with quotes, he denies saying what he said with sadistic comments to humiliate and embarrass the reporter-male or female alike.  He babbles about everything and even invents the subject matter with makeup folk science and paranoid conspiracy ideas. Furthermore, Trump has to have his own way and is easily irritated with others if they don’t do exactly what he expects at the time he expects. His repressed hostility gets expressed daily with tweets, press conferences and tantrums. He’s a spoiled brat. He also is withholding as he never gives in nor can admit he’s wrong because that’s considered for him a weakness.
His quest for power is the underlying drive for reelection .The people that die are expendable, and don’t count .Re-election comes first. Trumps downplaying the virus is consistent. You never see him wearing a mask. It’s been reported that those around him get tested with 15 minute results. He states there’s no problem with testing. Yes, that’s only accurate for him and his staff.  What a phony. However, he reportedly went nuts when his valet tested positive for the virus. He will still continue to lie about the seriousness of the virus, criticize Pelosi, Fauci, and others, have temper tantrums and provide campaign like tweets. Trump’s quest for power neurosis is in full bloom. His craziness will only get worse. He can’t get no satisfaction.

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