Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Las Vegas Shooting Part 2

In attempting to understand this cowardly act of violence and death, the pathological key resides and can be found within this white man’s character composition. If an in-depth psychosocial [exploring unconscious motives, symbolic meaning, inadequacies, compensations, etc.] and neurological history were performed, his character structure would emerge as long-standing and solidified as he aged. His motives would then become apparent. The shooter exhibited various behaviors such as lying ; secretiveness, emotionally cold and distant, except when engaged gambling; a non-display of sentimental feelings; had limited social contacts, craved excitement; had irrational and angry verbal outbursts; was narcissistic with self-serving behaviors; exploiting others; disregarding the integrity of others; lacking empathy; showing unpredictability; experiencing feelings of emptiness and boredom; with impaired interpersonal relationships. The shooter demonstrated sadomasochism with necrophilia character. In other words, death was valued both inward and outward. There was neither an orientation nor drive towards humanism or for life fulfillment, growth or actualization. No positive religious values were demonstrated, instead an amoral nature surfaced. The shooter exhibited a hatred of life, a hatred of humanity, a hatred of law and order and an absence of the expression of love. There was simply a lack of conscience and an ignoring about the welfare of others. There was also no concern about the consequences of this horrendous act and its effect on society. It’s also clear that this depressed shooter could neither think about nor have a plan for a future. There was an absence of planning for accomplishing personal goals, planning for charitable acts of kindness that demonstrate an integrity of character. Instead, this man was in despair as far as hope, security, happiness, and well-being were concerned. Is there a fix or solution to these too frequent acts of death and violence? Based on human nature within the current structure of our society and culture, I think not. These horrendous acts will continue despite homeland security, police, war on drugs, governmental laws and the many other programs within our free society.

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