Thursday, April 25, 2024


 Advantages of marijuana use was found in a March 31, 2024 article in The New York Times titled "Reaching a New High During That Workout.”  According to the article, cannabis  makes running more fun. Good news for cousin Lee  as he’s  a marijuana distributor in Arizona.  This essay pertains to marijuana.

The article reported that individuals use marijuana  not only to ease pain and anxiety but also for  motivation to exercise . A young female athlete.  Samantha , had difficulty  dealing with her intimidating  boxing instructor and  considered quitting the class. Then , she used cannabis to deal with her anxiety and found out that it helped her to deal with her instructor's tactics. She credits  cannabis for her success.

A male , with joint pain ,used cannabis to help him to  enjoy  running in the  outdoors.Cannabis allowed him to run without the discomfort. A serious female PhD  epidemiologist and olympic triathlete had a serious injury participating in the 2009 Ironman World Championship. She broke her  collarbone and badly injured her rib cage when she went over her handlebars.  Reluctantly, after years of chronic pain resulting from that accident, she began using cannabis. She discovered that it eased her pain and allowed her to  exercise again.  In fact,  with her positive experience, she created  The Cannabis Research Foundation.

Another female claimed it was  anxiety that kept her from exercising.  She also had a history of eating disorders and believed that moving her body was just punishment. That sounds irrational . However, cannabis was a quick fix and  helped her get past some of her fears. She  creatively started a company called Stoned and Toned which offers online workouts that combine cardio and cannabis.

A physician  and  head author in a research study  stated cannabis can help some patients with chronic pain. Another doctor proclaimed that cannabis can bring muscle relaxation  and it allows people to increase and maintain their physical functions.

On a personal note ,cousin Lee uses cannabis to help him relax before competing.  It helps him calm his  nervous stomach, and even uses it when running a marathon.  He said that about halfway when running a marathon , he experiences pain in his knees. He then takes cannabis,in pill form, which allows him to  focus on his music and finish the race..  

In previous years, when I was seriously competing, I periodically had overuse injuries.  My treatment evolved around rest,  hydrotherapy, NSAIDs, ice, chiropractic care from Matt, visiting the Monster of Massage-Veloce, and seeing Jim the physical therapist.  I didn't want to mask any injury  or make it worse. Rest, ice, and those other treatments assisted me greatly.  I never thought of cannabis as a treatment but I do now. 

In a previous life, in Detroit in the early 1970s, I worked in a methadone drug treatment program.  There, I had many conversations about legalizing marijuana.


 On the other hand, an article titled " Exercise May Help People Cut Back on Drugs and Alcohol"  found that adding physical activity to traditional treatment for substance use disorders  seemed to lead to better results.  These treatment programs for alcohol or narcotic use included jogging, yoga, cycling, strength training, and walking for  about 3  sixty minute sessions per week. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

US Mythology


This essay has to do with five articles  found in the March 24, 2024 edition of The New York Times.  The articles are titled "Are You Thinking for Yourself.";  " Testing Limits In  Calling Out Anti-Semitism";  "The One Idea That Could Save American Democracy.";  "Angst among Youth.  Knocks US, Out of Top 20 in the World Happiness Report" and "America, the Reboot." Common themes are identified  in this essay.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about the "Pursuit of Happiness "  In our Constitution. A report ,issued in 2024 found that individuals  in the US under 30 years of age are unhappy . This is not surprising with the significant amount of irrationality and teen suicide in our republic . According to this  happiness report, the United States ranked 10th for people 60 and older, but 62nd for people under 30.  Covid 19 and its effect on socialization, pre- social behavior and the ability for people to feel connected in their community were mentioned . Additionally,  people between the ages of 18 and 25 reported the lowest levels of happiness , the poorest mental and physical health , loss  of purpose,  absence of close social relationships and  financial instability as reasons.  Time spent on social media was also  identified as a problem .The amount of time spent  on social media was correlated with depression and anxiety among  teenage girls  along with too much toxic news consumption .Teen,especially girls, are  in trouble ..

Related to happiness propaganda and mythology are the inordinate amount of  assumptions , falsehoods , contradictions and irrationality  regarding our republic. The false sense , irrationality  and the illusion associated with US greatness. superiority  etc. must be examined . Perception, actions, feeling and thinking affect our well-being.  It's time to rationally challenge the greatness myth of the US with objective findings,  Democracy , discrimination and capitalism are problematic . The “playing  field “ is not level..The streets are not paved with gold ,  but Trump’s toilet seat is. We are the wealthiest  statistically., cut  statistics can be biased and misleading. The pursuit of happiness is  an economic  irrational ,self-defeating nightmare for most.   For example ,the following  myth  was found in the March 31, 2024 advertisement of The New York Times and  titled " Coast of Happiness."  This advertisement was about Bodrum, Turkey. Where  you are guaranteed a warm welcome with clad white houses, tangerine trees, sun -soaked skies, cozy beachfront restaurants and  yachting adventures.  Additionally, there are 19 recommended restaurants, including 2  Michelin star restaurants, 2 Bib Gourmand restaurants, and 15 selected restaurants.  Also for those who truly want to indulge themselves and release the strains of modern life,  some of the world's finest spa experiences are on hand with top-notch facilities offering Turkish bath treatments as well as holistic therapies and  yoga while surrounded by some of the country's most breathtaking scenery. 

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Another article identified  the frontier and  the gunfighter nation myth . The article  suggested that reinvention could be achieved only through a white supremacist violence of” indigenous displacement “ with fatal shootouts. There have been a multitude of  movies, novels, TV shows embellishing John Wayne types- the rugged, no-nonsense ,non-feeling ,good versus evil males . John Wayne brought justice by killing the bad guys over and over again.  It was always a white superhero eliminating  the dark skinned.   The white males were  right and had an obligation to dominate all others that got in their way.  John Wayne was the American idol for many.  In other words, it's not only okay,  but  it’s legitimate to dominate and wipe out all the inferiors .  Once again, this type of irrationality ,mythology and craziness reinforces the idea that having a gun for killing  is associated with masculinity.This mythology is apparent with the ability to visibly carry a weapon and the far right's mythology regarding masculinity.. As a country, White male violence remains supreme.    

A sociologist identified  race, gender, education, demographics, community, urban, suburban and rural  variables influencing thinking with attitudes about crime, public safety, death penalty, gun control, and deportation of immigrants in our society.  Some people believe that when it comes to politics, Individuals have abandoned critical thinking and moral reasoning. That’s correct  because  children first learn  about   good ,bad , religious preference,,  political party favoritism from their  parents'  prior to their having a fully developed  cognitive and moral  capacity. Initial childhood learnings, biases, prejudices, likes and dislikes  are difficult to overcome because of their persistence through life. 

Further, critical thinking is  negatively affected by  the marketing propaganda of  a “smart”  phone  and computer use .These electronic devices are associated with a dumbing down . Getting your  medical  diagnosis  and political information from anonymous sources, suggests stupidity at best.  Critical thinking has to do with  credible sources , not  pathological liars and propaganda from other sources .Politically, the mythology surrounding Trump is frightening .

There is  a rise of anti-Semitism, especially in K-12 schools , colleges and social media .  According to the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights ,  swastikas  have been identified on  school doors and the October 7 Hamas attack on Israelis  being minimized. Anti- Semitism , hate, prejudice is irrational based on a history of misinformation ,mythology. envy and fear.  Anti-Semitism, prejudice, good ,bad , love and hate are initially  learned in the home from  parents and siblings before  cognitive development , reason and morality are fully established.  It is reason that  illuminates  and teaches man what is good  in order to truly be himself.  Exceptional  contributions from Jews - Moses, Jesus  Spinoza , Marx, Freud ,Einstein ,Oppenheimer , Teller and others are well documented .  Why would any rational individual  hate  these  Jews  -iCharlie Chaplin, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Carol King, Billy Joel, Harrison Ford, Jerry Bruckheimer,  AAron Sorkin ,Steven Spielberg, Bob Kraft, Stephen Ross , Al Davis ,Dan Gilbert ,Mark Cuban,  Bernie Sanders ?

On the  other hand, Jews have been perceived as greedy, dishonest, seeking a pound of flesh, while being in a superior position  as was Shakespeare’s depiction of Shylock in The Merchant  of Venice. .Currently,there are a number of falsehoods and misinformation regarding Israel found on social media.  For example, there was a Palestinian person , on video, pretending to be seriously injured in a hospital bed one day and then found to be completely healthy the next day ;  a video showing a large number of US Marines arriving at an airport in Israel;. That was  from a 2022 video .

The last article suggested that democracy can be saved  with solidarity  and not division.  Throughout history , there have been many events and policies that separate , segregate  and divide  our citizens.  Some say the current  political threat is existentially related to American democracy with the authoritarian Trump.  Trump spreads craziness with lies about immigrants ,incarcerating   political opponents , and attacking and disrespecting judges, prosecutors and democrats  out to get him.  All these messages portray Trump as a  hateful,vengeful  seeking victim.  Is he really a victim or was he responsible for the 91 indictments against him ? Trump appeals  for donations with  repeated messaging of  victimization, lies, irrationality , fear, hate, bigotry and misinformation . ..

Separateness , irrationality , lies are  dangerous, nonproductive, resulting in divorce.  On a personal level, marriage works when there is understanding,empathy, mutuality,  and compromise.  Also ,without respect and integrity, couples do poorly.  Our statistics on divorce suggest  that some  problems can't be reconciled.  For our country to trend toward some form of  mutuality is important in order for democracy to succeed.  We have to identify and confront the mythology, irrationality , narcissism and discrimination that gets in the way of our thinking, which is based on perception, actions and emotions. Emotions  such as fear and hate get in the way of objectivity, reason, and  rationality.  If we are able to think more clearly by understanding our emotional biases there is hope.  One trouble that exists is the amount of social media misinformation with its algorithms.  These algorithms  perpetuate and reinforce cognitive dissonance . They become a mechanism of brain washing and are difficult to counteract.

Misinformation,arrogance, falsehoods, mythology, and illusions  affect our emotions, which influence our thinking.  There is a preponderance of irrationality in our country. Factually, sapiens are born dependent  with anxiety , fear  and  the attempt to minimize it with drugs , alcohol ,defense mechanisms and mindless activity . Because of  unconscious  desires , strong emotional underpinnings , man's thinking, beliefs , judgment, idealizations ,actions and attitudes become compromised and contradictory . 

There are those in power that seduce  and have been excellent at influencing the masses which are eager to follow.  Sapiens  look for protectors to make things better for them.  It could be that special person, that special job , that special home, some promise that's going to bring them happiness. What follows is reality which is followed by another cycle  of repetitive ,irrational self defeating  perception, thinking, feeling  behaviors. What's important for well-being is what's created inside - character with appropriate  perception ,acting, emotional and thinking tendencies .Succinctly, happiness is not an end in itself but is what accompanies the increased potentiality which makes man most human.


Albert Camus “ outside of that single fatality of death, everything , joy , happiness is liberty.”  He also said”there is no love of life without  despair “.  Carl Jung  “  where love rules. There  is no will to power and where power predominates , love is lacking.  One is the shadow of the other. “ Anna Freud “ I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence that comes from within.  It is there all the time.”Frederick Koenig "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."    

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 One recent Sunday, I ran primarily on the street and not on the trail because of recent rain. I prefer not to run in the mud.  I was on upper Cascade and ran by Bobbie's house.  Linda and I first met her playing pickleball years ago.  She is 85, a year older than me,  and had one of her hips replaced last December.  The surgeon didn't cut her thigh muscle but instead  surgically went into the groin area . This procedure is better than cutting muscle. Bobbie said she just finished her walk and was exhausted.  I asked her why she was exhausted and she replied loudly” because I'm old.” I replied “no you're not .Your mother was 102 and I don't see anyone else.  your age doing what you're doing. ” Bobbie could have replied,  I just recovered from surgery; I walked many hills; and it's great that I pushed myself. This essay has to do with  thinking.  I don't view her as "belonging only or chiefly to the past or appearing to be far advanced in years.”

Epicurus said, "Nothing is good or bad , but thinking makes it so."  Notice that the quote has an  emotional appraisal .  Something considered good suggests  praise , reward, pleasurable ,pleasing  or liked ,while something considered bad is  frowned upon, punishment, evil ,distasteful, awful, ugly etc..  Value judgments, good and bad, are initially learned in childhood before the development of reason.  It's learned from parents and other important individuals.  As a result, seeking approval and fear of disapproval are powerful motives for behavior.  As a result, something is good or better because it serves the individual better than something else can.  And good refers to the usefulness of the thing that has things for the individual that come good. For example , a good employee is when the employer considers  him to be good  - an advantage to him, For a teacher , the pupil is considered good when he is docile and  does not cause trouble.  The good child may be frightened and insecure and only wants to please  by subjecting to someone's will . The bad child may have a will of his own and genuine interests that do not please and thus is bad  .

The existentialists suggest that man has difficulty thinking rationally.  Man is irrational especially with  his emotional  laden beliefs  and  that represents the absence of reason.  In other words, man creates his illusion’s, myths ; has difficulty with reason and objectivity ; and  relies on technology to deliver him from  all the chaos in the world . Man tends to be inauthentic and alienated as well.  Albert Camus expressed the notion that man's limitation is  his inability to understand, have meaning , and live rationally in  his  complex, immense and contradictory world  which is a philosophy of  absurdity.

Sigmund Freud identified a mental apparatus that takes place in the workings of a sapiens  mind.  He stated  that the ego employs defenses to protect itself .  These defenses attempt to deal with the unpleasantness of anxiety, but are not always successful.  For example, a few of Freud’s defense mechanisms  include repression, projection, reaction formation, fixation, regression, denial,  and rationalization . They  have two characteristics in common.  They deny, falsify or distort reality, and they operate unconsciously so the person is not aware of what is taking place.

Albert Ellis, an American psychologist, described the implications of perception,  acting, feeling and thinking. He believed that we feel as we think and  some of our  ideas, attitudes and  beliefs are irrational  and thus  self defeating. Irrationality is fictional which leads to anxiety, hostility, and  self-defeating behaviors.  In other words, sapiens perceive, move , emote and think  simultaneously and interchangeably . These four life  psychological processes are not distinctly different, but they overlap, and in some respects, are aspects of the same thing.

In order to alleviate   sapien misunderstandings., oversimplifications , lip service,  hate, prejudice, inappropriate actions  etc. , one has to challenge illogical assumptions, myths related to attitude toward self and others.  To understand the process, the following characterize man.1.  Man perceives ,senses, sees ,tastes, smells and  feels, 2. Man moves, walks, eats, swims, hikes, climbs etc. Perception and actions are called sensorimotor.  3. Man emotes,has  feelings - loves, hates, fears, becomes guilty, disapproves etc. 4. Man thinks, reasons; remembers,; imagines; hypothesizes; consolidates; and  solves problems . These are considered executive  ego functioning . Emotions and thinking are called connotative and cognitive. At times, emotions dominate thinking and behavior. This often results in the irrational with repetition and  a reinforcement history .

Ellis places emphasis on the ego by being able to modify the thinking process, Ellis defines emotion as "acute disturbance involving marked somatic changes which is experienced as a more or less agitated feeling. “ In other words, it's physiological, psychological, and social since others are usually the most highly emetogenic stimuli in our environment.. However, emotions can be influenced and calmed  down by taking barbiturates; doing relaxation exercises such as dancing, yoga, as well as positive self talk ..


Ellis believed that ,at times, rational  thinking can overcome some emotional neurotic disturbances . Emotions are a reaction, are located in the mammalian brain ,  complicated and  important for survival , but  often get in the way of  rational thinking and making appropriate personal and interpersonal decisions. However, one has to be able to recognize and attack that irrational, neurotic, discriminatory  emotionally based thinking.  For example, Ellis suggests that the excessive need for approval (pleasing another)is a neurotic  irrational reaction with moral implications.  We don't have to be loved and liked by everyone.  One has to be able to overcome the good and bad notions first learned in childhood. Ability to  reason. develops later .  We have to overcome the power,  fear, weakness,  insecurity  and criticism based on someone else ‘s standards.  We have to determine what's good and what's bad based on reason.  We cannot rely on someone else or consensus to determine what is good or bad for us.  Thus, overcoming the need to please , approval , fitting in , being liked and being praised can only be overcome through the use of objectivity, reasoning or rationality and feeling a sense of security ..  

Another irrational reaction  Ellis  wrote about  was eradicating blaming others but taking responsibility for your actions. Blaming ,scapegoating ,excuses are character flaws first learned as children wanting approval and fear of being punished.  These children do not trust ,but lie, cheat, deceive and are sneaky in getting away with their misdeeds.  Lying is reinforced and they become the same. They master the art of not being accountable with their denials , rationalizations etc.

A recent example of parents not taking responsibility has to do with the  current trial in Oakland, Michigan.  Parents were found guilty as their 15-year-old son murdered  4 fellow students and wounded six others, including a teacher.  The parents were talking to the judge before sentencing.  They were begging the judge to show mercy and reduce their sentencing.  The parents talked about being good parents , were sorry for the harm they caused  to the victim's parents , said it could happen to anyone, their heart ached , and they were ever  so sorry and looked for mercy.  However, neither parent took any responsibility for their son having a weapon and pulling the trigger that day.  They purchased  the weapon for their son and took smiling pictures of the family with the firearm.  They demonstrated and modeled not taking 1 ounce of responsibility.. Sorry’s are not the issue 

It's difficult to overcome the influences of the past , especially If they are not known . These incidents have to be brought to  consciousness .  It's important to look at  failures, frustrations, and erroneous decisions.  It's also important to change thinking that can change actions. 

 Allowing a fear of failure to interfere with some action is irrational and self defeating.   Fear of failure has to do with a number of variables, especially anxiety.  Achievement ,dissonance ,reinforcement , expectations., completed tasks, etc. play a part .Reinforcing an individual for their autonomy  and initiative are significant.  Perfection does not exist.  In other words, supporting an individual when facing difficult tasks while recognizing the individual effort.  Appropriate expectations with feedback like “ you're doing great, keep up the good work, and that's terrific “  is important in building self confidence. Also important for the individual is to be able to reduce the anxiety by acknowledging it.  It's understandable that one experiences anxiety and the key is to be able to reduce that anxiety.  When watching an NBA player taking the free-throw, they focus on the basket, make a motor motion and then do  a breathing exercise before taking the shot. Also, research has shown that low  achievers are more susceptible than high achievers for a fear of failure.  Steph Curry, Clay Thompson, and others do not shy away from taking the last shot to win the game.  They relish it. Epicurus said, "The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it."

I was  61 when I decided to run Western States.  To complete that goal , I focused on long distance  training runs of 25 to 30 miles  before I had to run a 50 mile qualifier. I teamed up with another competitive runner, read  appropriate materials and talked with friends about being pacers.  I had a positive mindset. Fear of failure was  not present .

Broadly speaking psychologically and philosophically, because of a repetitive history of reinforcement,and irrational impulses, It's difficult to think and act morally and ethically.especially  in a culture with a powerful, leader with supernatural qualities, powerful technology, and material success .With this being said, we have become an easy prey to irrational authoritarianism in which the authority lays down the laws and norms of conduct.. Rationality, objectivity and reason continue to be under attack.



According to Marcus Aurelius “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength,🙂


Ellis, Albert and Harper, Robert.  A Guide to Rational Living.

Thursday, April 4, 2024


 What's behind the thinking and feeling experiences of female teenagers that's associated with the narrative that their reality is a living hell ?  How can our children be  considered our greatest  resource, when nearly 1/3 of female high school students considered suicide and nearly 60% were reported to have felt sad and hopelessness in 2021 ?  Note, in one study, suicide thinking is more common among teenagers who said they did not identify as heterosexual, and  had sexual partners of the same sex, or both sexes..  Also, how can we be the greatest country in the world, if suicides are one indication of the degree of mental illness in our country.  This disquisition addresses female teenage suicide. 

The existentialists maintain that sapiens are irrational.  Man attempts to find meaning, knowing and understanding in a world which is contradictory, ambiguous, unknowing and absurd.  In fact, Kierkegaard suggests that belief in God means the absence of reason ; man creates fictions and false narratives during his lifetime and has emotional underpinnings that limits logic   Freud saw sapiens driven by the interplay for survival or Eros and the aggression of sadomasochism and death  or Thanatos. Statistically,in the year 2000, death from violent crimes totaled about 520,000, and suicides around 815,000.  In 2002 violent crimes increased to 569,000 and deaths from suicide to 873,000. In 2024, one poll  reported  that 71% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, suggesting that one's perceptions both subjectively  and objectively, is of a  troubled society or a high degree of irrationality .

More specifically , an overview ot normal adolescent development provides some clues as to why there is an increase in suicidal ideation, suicide, depression and anxiety. First, a few  factors of adolescent development include the following: 1.  Growth or development toward being physically mature 2.   Growth and development toward a  mature  cognitive capacity.  3.  Ego Identity formation or identity diffusion that's related to certainty or uncertainty regarding oneself. and experimenting with roles.  Some  female GOP role model females express verbal abuse, anger, hate , irrationality  and prejudice.  4.  Occupational choices.  School curriculums , teachers, librarians, administrators and school boards are under attack, Teachers are stressed and being threatened  and are leaving the profession. Teaching does not provide at this time a terrific educational and professional  career path  for females. Colleges of education are experiencing less applicants.

Emotionally, depression is significantly associated with suicidal ideation and behavior. It’s apparent that there  Is no one cause for depression but many factors have been identified that increases the likelihood that someone will develop symptoms of major depressive disorder..Research has found that the biochemistry of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin the pleasure, reward and behavior neurotransmitters are  reduced  with depression.

It's important not to overlook suicides with other sociocultural factors .  A few  to consider include the following:1.  Being Asian, Catholic, Wasp ,Jewish  or Black 2.  Intellectually superior with pressure to attend the "right" University or academically struggling because of  school absence during  Covid -19 or just not attending school. Being especially talented in sports , music, or none of  the above;.Bing attractive, popular or perceived being unattractive and not popular  3.  Family structure-Being adopted ,foster care, fatherless ,parental death  , divorce, only child.  4.Handicaps of being chronically ill , diabetes, obesity, asthmatic  5.Syndromes-Affective Disorder ,MBD, school phobia, masculinity or  femininity issues ,anorexia,,deprivation ,exploitation, sexual, physical or, substance abuse 6.  Excessive dependency with smartphones and social media apps use 

Although we don't have enough data regarding psychological autopsy of successful suicides, one study reported the following of  male and female teens pertaining to  suicide feelings  : 1.  Thoughts were present during the past year by 70% in the study 2.  3.5% stated that life was not worthwhile 3.  2.8% wished for death  4.  1%thought of actual suicide    5. 0.6% made a suicide attempt.  It was also reported that these young males and females experienced depression; recently  stressful events, somatic illnesses,  were socially isolated and more likely to be female.

Sapiens are irrational and fill their minds with mythology finding reasons for anything  irrespective of relevancy . For example, suicide among female teenagers might be a trend going in the wrong direction.  The  attitude toward suicide has changed dramatically in our country.  Years ago, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was sent to prison for assisting individuals in taking their life.  Nowadays,  10 states have legalized assisted suicide.  suggesting a  political, legal , moral and ethical attitudinal shift.

 Also, suicide by overdose for males and females have increased from 2020 through 2021.  In 2020, a total of 106,699 deaths occurred in our country. Over the past ½ century countless Icons, legends, celebrities,role models have lost their lives.  as a result of drug overdose and include . Morrison, Hendrix , Joplin, Scott, Cobain,Jackson, Winehouse ,Houston. In the young minds of  female teenagers, suicide has become more permissible and a position of status, 

Suicide is  a hostile act.   It may represent Oedipal issues related to loss of father ,disturbed relationship with mother  and being  an expendable child ; inability to control exaggerated aggressive feelings and  fulfilling self punishment guilt feelings  with a desire to punish those that grieve . As well as thoughts about hurting, killing parents and siblings ; failed romance,rejection by boyfriend , family or siblings. Clearly , one message is  I don't  want anything to do with you ; I don’t have to interact with you, and you can go to hell.


 Socrates ``Know Thyself" is just one example of a Sapien illusion.  We "believe" that intelligence, morality and identity are developmental according to Piaget  Kohlbeg and Erikson . Heidegger stated  " Anxiety is the source of everything."  With that being said,  for a teen to determine  and act upon the question, “Is life  worth living or  a confession that life is not worth the trouble, but is ,in fact ,a solution “ suggests that death is an absurd and irrational reason. Furthermore,  we don't have a personal experience of death. In other words, without full development of intelligence, morality, capacity  or identity and being at the mercy of one's emotions , found in the Mamilian brain,  suggests that deciding on hope or death, teenagers committing suicide are short sighted irrespective of their story..

Too many adolescent females have continued to engage in   suicide. Why no outrage? These  female teens remind me of  Sisyphus.  Sisyphus angered the gods and they got their revenge when they condemned him by punishing him  relentlessly , actually for him, seeking revenge .He pursued  unconditional and committed love.  He was conscious of his wretched  miserable condition with such boundless grief and futility . Was his fate created by his actions or was it  out of his control and the result of some irrationality or excessive pettiness like  angering the gods?


 FYI, a philosophy professor's book "How Not to Kill Yourself  A Portrait of the Suicidaal Mind," was reviewed in the April 30, 2023 edition of  The New York Times.  This professor survived 10 suicide attempts. 

About 50 years ago, I was taking a two day qualifying exam in  Los Angeles to practice the art of psychology.  After the first day, of testing , I was in my hotel room and heard commotion outside the door.  Police were engaged with a woman who  had locked her door and was talking about suicide.  I opened the door, and introduced myself as a psychologist.  Within seconds, I was talking with this woman in the hallway about her suicide.  Unbeknownst to me, the police  entered her room from the outside window..  No suicide.