Thursday, December 28, 2023

Terrific Memories

 Episodic declarative memory is long-term memory of personally experienced events.  This remembered string of time-based life events is essentially  an autobiographical memory.  Memory is paramount when it comes to well-being, especially  over a lifetime.  Significant events define who we are.  The ability to communicate is also based on memory and the potential for an in-depth relationship that allows one to experience empathy , union , and trust between individuals.  With the absence or decline from normal aging or disruption  from brain injury and dementia, the effects are noticeable when it comes to inter and intrapersonal interaction.  This essay pertains to ego needs ,identity, sports ,memory and my friend Ed Budde , 

Ed passed away on December 19 , 2023 at the age of 83.  Ed played professional football for 14 years.  His major decision at the time was whether  to play for the Philadelphia Eagles or the Kansas City Chiefs.  He chose the Chiefs and played in the first Super Bowl against the Green Bay Packers.  He was a first-round draft choice for the Chiefs as was his oldest son Brad.

In 1954 I was a freshman at Denby high school.  Denby had a freshman , reserve and varsity football team coached by Ed Rutherford and Jack Rice .  As a freshman , on the reserve team, I met Bob Budde , Ed's  older brother.  Ed was an 8th grader at the time.  Brother Bob got him a Denby reserve jersey for practice .

As a senior, I was the starting right guard and next me  playing right tackle was Ed.  That season against Eastern high school, the Detroit Free Press rewarded us as  linemen players of the week.  We had our picture taken  and that's when I first met Carolyn  . I still have that photograph taken by the Detroit Free Press. I'm the  shorter  one and wearing number 60 on my jersey and Ed is wearing 70 on his.  I earned all city honors and Ed earned All-American honors. During that season, Denby allowed three touchdowns . Southeastern had one; archrival Pershing had one and U of D had one.  We averaged close to seven touchdowns per game.  We didn't play for the city championship which is another story and beyond today's  scope .

On one occasion , in Denby’s  gymnasium , Ed and I had a wrestling  match . He was unable to put me down nor was I able to do likewise.  I called that encounter a draw. Later, I took on 2 Notre Dame high school football players - Vince was their starting  fullback and Steve their starting tackle at the same time, in the same gym.  I had no trouble disposing of both .  Carolyn, Ed's  girlfriend, became pregnant with Brad, and had to leave school.  After graduation, I went to the University of  Detroit on scholarship and the following year Ed entered Michigan State University where he earned All-American honors playing for Coach Duffy Doherty.

In 2008, I reconnected with Ed and Carolyn.  Ed invited me to attend an NFL alumni gathering in Southern California.  There, Carolyn and I danced and I met Brad.  That year, Denby's graduating class was having a reunion.  I suggested to Ed that he and Carolyn also attend .  They did attend that reunion . Of course all the Denby football players at that 50 th reunion sat at one table telling stories and laughing a lot.   There was Larry H and his spouse , Rudy N, Mitch N, Carolyn and Ed, and Ron T.  

During our junior year,  Ron T was the starting middle guard  on defense.  That season I broke my leg, watched on crutches Denby's public school  championship win and our 26-20 loss to De La Salle in the city championship Goodfellow game.  However, the next season, I became our starting middle guard  on defense while Ron became the starting middle linebacker. On offense I was starting right guard and Ron was the starting left guard.  We dominated ,ran up big scores in the first half  and our team was called , by the sports writers, one of the very  best  in our state history .  In the 3rd quarter, coach Rutherford moved me to left guard so I  played the entire game.   

In 2009, "It Has Nothing to Do with Age"  was published . I talked with Ed about doing a book signing in Kansas City.  He agreed and set up various venues.  Linda's sister Bretta also lived in Kansas City and we all got together.  Ed's good friend Conrad Dobler’s  book, "Pride and Perseverance: A Story of Courage, Hope and Redemption"  was also  just published . Ed invited Connie to join us at the book signings.  There, I got to meet Connie, a real character.  After a number of book signings, Ed invited us to attend Kansas City Chiefs alumni fundraisers.  Linda, Bretta and I enjoyed the hospitality of the Budde Family when we also met Brad's two younger siblings as well.

 Ego needs are the foundation of identity that evolves during the psychosocial stage of adolescence, and with memory assist in the  description of character and begin to answer the "Who am I "  question. Personally, the activity and experience of individual and team athletics  provide a basis in  answering that thought provoking  question . The existence , expression, and satisfaction of the following ego needs that occur during sports are the following: 1. Abasement is to accept injury, blame,  criticism and punishment.  It was not uncommon for an overuse injury and/or physical injury to occur.  Various treatments and strategies such as  nasid's, hot and cold, physical therapy, chiropractic , massage and/or orthopedic treatment, orthotics, bands, specified gear,  wearing apparel, free weights, machines, bands, nutritional aids and so forth are part of the journey , An individuals perseverance and mental toughness are two descriptions commonly employed.  2.  Achievement is the ability to accomplish something difficult, to master physical objects, and/or human beings, goals, etc. as with coming in first place, winning in your age division, making first string and so forth.  3.  Aggression is to overcome opposition forcefully.  Winning at the line of scrimmage, on the football field , winning at wrestling are examples .  4.  Counteraction is to make up for failure , to maintain self-respect.  Coming in second to an individual,  and then beating that person at the finish line in another race and being promoted to first string .  5.  Deference is to admire and support a superior as well as to emulate.  Being second string and admiring one's teammate.  6.  Dominance is to control one's human environment.  An example would be to effectively and successfully block one's defensive opponent.  7.  Exhibition is to make an impression and to be seen and heard by performing in front of others.  8.  Nurturance to assist, help, support, console,comfort an injured teammate 9.  Succorance is to have one’s need gratified by the aid of an allied object , to be advised, guided and to have a supporter which could be a coach 10.  Play is to participate in sports,to laugh, to make jokes.  Play begins very early with development of motor and cognitive abilities as with imagination, fantasy and so forth. I’m still playing with my running.   And last but not least is 11.  Affiliation to  cooperate or reciprocate with an allied  and to remain loyal .  The expression I want to be in a foxhole with that individual is one example of the power of interpersonal dependence.  All in all, my ego needs, identity , athletics and memory of Ed Budde provide a glimpse  into  Who am I.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


 There are differences in the  psychic attitude among those that call themselves evangelicals.  There is one group that has a propensity for good, right) true and correct and the other group a propensity for evil  , like “zealots” with their religious and political views which are more profoundly immoral, wicked ,  wrong and incorrect. The belief that evil began and originated with Adam , Eve  and the Garden of Eden is beyond the scope of this essay.  This  good-evil division has resulted in some  evangelical pastors being fearful ,burned out and leaving their congregations.  The definition of an evangelical can mean someone or something that is in agreement with the Christian gospel of Jesus such as believing in the authority of the Bible , the importance of believing that Jesus Christ saved you personally from sin or hell . However,  being in agreement , identifying with the  “suffering” Messiah figure Trump, denying that he is evil is congruent in being a true “ false idol "evangelical"  along  with their hatred and death wishes against their democratic , liberal deep state oppressors. This essay has to do with those that call themselves Evangelical Christians.

Do all evangelicals believe that God's angels battled demons in a war for our souls; the belief in the redeeming blood of Christ; God's endless love and ; how can evil exist if God is all-powerful and all good ?  I would define an evangelical as one that not only believes , but acts in accordance with the teachings and philosophy  of Jesus Christ and his disciples and the tendency  for following the moral and ethical principles of the 10 Commandments; positive treatment for respecting  all others; assisting the poor and unfortunate; not being prey , seduced  being greedy regarding  the acquisition of money and living a fulfilling life without  hate , discrimination and prejudice.  In essence, the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah promised by the prophets.  Jesus, after His death is by the divine awakening raised to the right hand of God and will soon return to set up His kingdom visibly upon the earth is pertinent..

Moreover, Jesus and his disciples like John the Baptist  and the story of Lazurus   "who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table."  Luke 16:21  "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.  Blessed are you that hunger now, for you  shall be satisfied....... ; Luke 6”20 . "How hard is it for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!  For it is easier for a camel to go to the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"  Luke 18:24  are examples of early Christian attitudes expressed pertaining to the poor and the rich . These statements do not sound like they come from the Trump cult.

The existence , purpose ,power  and overthrow  of God was challenged during the  French Revolution in the late 18th century . The idea that a monarchy associating with God was necessary to rule was confronted  and overthrown with rebellion.  Man didn't have to follow the dictates of the King.  Man could self  rule based on his propensity to develop  with liberty, equality,  fraternity , and objectivity , and thus create a better, happier  society in which man could  more fully evolve. 

Related,  Karl Marx believed that man's humanistic potential was the result of his labor .  With control, involvement and equality within the production of his labor , the opportunity for a classless society could be established.  If so, man would create more meaning to his life, able to evolve  physically, cognitively , emotionally, and interpersonally.  In other words, man could have the potential and ability to love himself and to love others.  If not, the potential for man becoming  alienated would increase because of the negative practices , greed and consequences of capitalism.  Note, current  Russian and Chinese socialism was not what Marx had in mind but not for some of the evangelical types .

Further , Existential philosophy  postulated an additional  understanding of man's nature.  Because , in part of the French Revolution as an example,  the idea  and notion that God was dead emerged.  Furthermore,  man's problems for the meaning in his life are increased with his excessive  reliance on science and technology  for a solution . In capitalism, man becomes a peg , a meaningless number, an insignificant item  within the employment of production . Also, because man is irrational, follows false prophets,and  becomes herdlike, he becomes inauthentic ,  Insignificant in his meaningless existence as are  some of the evangelicals. 

In the 29th century , humanistic psychology based on the writings of Fromm, Horney, Maslow , Rogers ,May , Pearls and others  hypothesized man’s ability to reach his human potential . Maslow studied and researched   employing in-depth psychology of numerous statesmen, intellectuals, artists,and humanistic individuals . He established a hierarchy of needs and concluded that man could become self-actualized.  Self-actualization was the end result of meeting various needs within his model. I would add Murray’s needs  such as achievement, affiliation , autonomy, counteraction, deference ,exhibition ,nurturance, play ,sentience ,sex  and understanding for reaching optimum growth as well.  This emphasis for self actualizing and being in the present  also results with better health and well-being.  Today we have additional   opportunities , such as classes on well-being,  fasting retreats,   sensory deprivation , yoga , hypnosis, mindfulness etc. for further development and not with so-called “gender” , “homosexual “ sexual conversion counseling.

With that being said, the character flaws ,of many, are represented  in various  evangelical settings. In fact ,  there are pastors that follow the teachings of Christ and his prophets ( good) but too many are not (evil).  Some pastors are in conflict and intimidated by members of the congregation that are associated and follow a different God ,  a different Messiah  and have difficulty confronting  these neurotic types.

The  neurotics include individuals that are alienated  and inauthentic such as Christian nationalists, white separatists , those with conspiracy beliefs, following a Republican political party  based on authoritarianism.  They are stuck and according to Maslow with, and not  in a state of B-love, which is a love for the other person's Being.  Instead, they are characterized by a D-love, which is a deficiency love which is selfish or a neurotic love.  Additionally, if Trump becomes "resurrected" from being an ex-president to being  reelected, rising from the dead, so to speak, these insurrectionist types would be pardoned, bringing  them back to life with freedom before the day of their final judgment.   

Issues for division of the pastors have included Covid- 19, to wear or not wear a mask; to hate ,discriminate,lie and disrespect the poor, people of color, race and gender;  climate change; banning books ;  eliminating CRT ; LGBTQ;  being gullible to the lies of political pundits, and social media ; believing in  the stolen election nonsense along; supporting other suspicious, non-trusting paranoid  individuals with their  conspiracy ideas that divide our republic . Perpetuating and pressure to support and vote for an authoritarian and fellow authoritarians in order to overthrow this Democratic Republic; not following the ethics and morality of the teachings of Jesus, but instead joining malicious groups that  perpetuate hate and prejudice do not suggest the definition of being an evangelical, but instead being  neurotically misguided.  These so-called evangelicals claim their religion as being attacked.  Instead, they are projecting and practicing using their "religion" as a weapon to control and subjugate others since  they believe that power and control will result in fulfilling  their pursuit of happiness.


In essence, those  evangelicals that do not follow or adhere to  Christ and his disciples' humanistic messaging are alienated , inauthentic, with deficiency needs  that support narcissistic criminals like Trump ,under the guise of the religion of Christianity. They are  a disastrous threat to our Republic.  Although we've had threats before, but not with additional A1  tools available for hijacking the Republic , the  danger becomes elevated..  At this time , how does someone like Trump contribute to the welfare of many in our society ?  A structure of character  deficiencies with tendencies for narcissism, lying, stealing, possessing, manipulating, coveting and avoiding consequences may be good for the people of Russia, China, Hungary, and North Korea , but not for those valuing freedom , individuality ,truth and humanistic ideals.  


Donald in the eyes of some evangelicals, is unconsciously like Jesus, a son of God.  Like Jesus, he was " persecuted"  on earth by his enemies.  As an ex-president (dead ,without power and 91 indictments ) , he can be resurrected (reelected) and then the apocalypse will follow on  his enemies.


Fromm Erich . The Dogma of Christ .

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Good News

 Last week Linda and I drove to Irvine, California for a visit with cousins  Shelly and Avi . On the way we  were able to exceed  a hundred miles per hour until  the  Grapevine . Then we encountered LA traffic . This essay relates to our visitation.  

Shelly is a first cousin and relocated from Detroit 20 years ago with Avi.  Prior to Shelly's Parkinson diagnosis, she sold real estate, was  president of the Orange County Michigan Alumni Association . With my sister Bev put together many  cousin reunions back in Detroit .  The  reunions took place in many  different locations. The reunions included Shelly's daughter Ariana and Shelly’s son Seth and his family.  Other cousins  that attended were with her brother Robert and his significant other and her other brother Richard , Judy and their daughters Linda, her spouse and their children and daughter Margie and her Buckeye spouse and daughter.  Cousins Millie and  Fred, Roger and Steve , second cousin Rick, Barbara and their children and "cousin" Julie  also  took part .Of course we attended Wolverine tailgating and games.

Avi was born in Israel and educated as a small animal veterinarian in Canada.  While living in Israel, Avi spent time on the   Nirim kibbutz  established in 1946 and  was located about a half-mile from Gaza.  He remembered going to the beach on a bus in the early 70s until  the bus ride ended as a result of bombings attacks.  He was well-versed with the current situation.His “Genius” son is currently a psychotherapist.

Our first dinner in Irvine was at Gulliver's.  Linda and I shared a baked chicken dinner and we  told many tales.  The next day we met at Strawberry Farms Golf  Club for lunch.  Linda  and I had Waldorf salad.  After lunch, Linda and I went to the driving range and hit golf balls.  For dinner ,we met at  Crazy Rock'N Sushi . After dinner we shared a chocolate donut at a donut shop that's open 365 days a year.

Linda and I also visited the Newport Beach Pier. There, we walked and noticed  that on one street facing the ocean, there were six food and drink establishments out of eight businesses.  That's 75% related to food and drink. It’s not surprising why we have so many overweight and obese individuals in our country. 

 At the end of the pier, we met Jim and his family.  Jim was born in Columbus, Ohio, and a true Buckeye .  His father attended Ohio State and had a 1963 game ball signed by Wody,  Herbstreight and a number of other Buckeyes.  One afternoon Jim played in his backyard with the game ball. When his father found out ,he got the licking of his life.  His father passed away at the age of 57 and  the  older brother got the prize ball, but gave it to younger brother Jim.  During the most recent  Michigan victory over Ohio State, Jim congratulated a Michigan alumni.  That alumni told Jim that was the first time anyone from Ohio State congratulated him after a victory.  We also met Jim's daughter and son-in-law and young daughter who currently live in Australia.

Linda and I also contacted Kate, a friend from Linda's past.  Kate's father was a Hollywood comedy writer and wrote for TV shows like Laugh In .  Kate and her husband Brett are actors.  Recently, they were performing in the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland,  Oregon.  Linda and I attended many plays and got together with them  before and afterwards.  During our most recent Ashland experience, Dave and Joyce joined us in Ashland for the Shakespeare experience.  This was  prior to Covid-19.

We also  contacted friends Gwen and  Bill  who live in the Bay Area  on the way home . Unfortunately we didn't visit this time because of scheduling differences.  Linda and Gwen were  equine riding partners when they had a second home In Cool.  They sold that home but we still maintain contact with them.  Incidentally, Bill's parents were missionaries in China.  On one occasion, Tony and I stayed with them prior to one of our  Bay Area running competitions.

Returning from our Irvine stay, we left early in the morning to avoid the LA traffic . We headed home at an easy pace and  didn't exceed 85 mph. Another reward was stopping at Ghirardelli's to share a hot fudge sundae .


Michigan plays Alabama on New Year's Day in Pasadena and Linda and I were considering attending that Rose Bowl game.  Go Blue !  However, good  news for Linda.  She replaced her hip that she had used for 90 years.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


 Our  republics institutions,along with  moral, ethical  and religious values are at threat from  nihilism . The Judeo-Christian 10 Commandments, Constitution and amendments , the democratic voting procedure  , criminal justice system  and public education  are under attack . This disquisition addresses the threat  of  a nihilism  rebellion.  

How many have lost every trace of individuality,  love, critical thought and not be aware of it ?  So it seems , based on the current maga leader with his following.  Trump  has become the religion of power.  His narcissism is expressed in his seeking of power , prestige , possession and privilege according to his own rules. His moral conscience is one of his weak spots as his "intellect" is compromised .  He lives in a world of mistrust  . Within his neurotic system , he has to have complete control and domination in every aspect of his life.  He destroys,  doesn't create and within his life space, his ethical system is perpetuated with a drive and desire for crime . Moreover , his rebellion  leads to the subjection not only  of  his loyalists but others as well .

Trump’ has constructed a set of objectives with force and hatred  . His enjoyment appears to be with  domination, destruction,  possession  and  power over others. However, the behavior has to be repeated and repeated which can never be fulfilled .  He doesn't live in a world of love and compromise.  His adoration of self is above everything.  He doesn’t judge his irrationality and his beliefs are not about truth, justice and  reason.

Within Trump's irrational and criminal  mind,  he refuses to recognize any law other  than his own.  Does Trump's neurotic need for domination bring him happiness ? He desires to be the ruler of the world like Caesar. His  rebellion  leads to the justification of his crimes

A few examples of Trump’s nihilistic attitude and behavior  include the following  : 1. He said he could kill in New York and not be held accountable.  Henry VIII  comes to mind..  What are his moral principles  and /or commandments  ?  2.  He handpicked Atty. Gen. 's to facilitate his rule and ethical breaking behavior and therefore  was able to mislead the public regarding the Mueller report. 3.  He was impeached twice . Initially by attempting to hold up arms shipment to Ukraine for political dirt on Biden, and then for the insurrection on January 6, 2020.  4. He  has not paid a "fair" amount of taxes.  He either inflated or deflated his assets to his advantage.  He’s been found guilty and the amount of damages is being litigated.  5.  Trump  propagated fake news , lies about journalists in an attempt to dismantle and sabotage freedom of the press  6.  Trump's university  and foundation had been found fraudulent 7.  Trump falsified Govid -10 information  and trashed  the reputation of the CDC 8.  Trump lied about the 2020 presidential election and attempted to overthrow the republic .  He  disregarded the Constitution and facilitated fabrications in his attempt to retain power.  The RICO indictments  in Georgia; the fake elector scheme and the January 6 attack on the capital are a few illustrations. of his  criminal and morally bankrupt sense of morality .Nihilism is  a rejection of religious , moral ,ethical ,political , educational  and rule of law principles , 

Are we a Christian nation ?  Have Trump and his loyalists followed Christ's teachings?  With that being said, the “hanging ”  of Mike Pence on January 6 was based on what justification , religious principle  or commandment ?  Did Pence commit some crime ?  Following the Constitution, per his role, seemed reasonable . For loyalists intending to kill him for something that Trump said is not only immoral  and criminal but  crazy , irrational  and nihilistic.   

Trump told his armed militia and others to go to the Capital and fight like hell.  Fight is defined as taking part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.  Going to the Capital to fight would serve what purpose?  That act would be illegal, irrational , morally defunct , sinful  and based on a lie about the election being stolen. What was accomplished by attacking Capital police and  trashing lawmakers offices with urine , feces, etc.  ?  That motivational behavior was associated with an  acting out  ,emotional  dysfunction  character flaw of the participants.  It had nothing to do with a stolen election lie.  Their 10 commandments are ?

An authoritarian despot wannabe requires loyalists which results in a symbiotic  relationship between the authoritarian father figure ruler and his followers.  The time is hazardous for many in our Republic who seek for a Messianic protector .The following 6 points are illustrations of  existential anxiety and uncertainty facing many . 1.  We have the greatest concentration of wealth in the hands of  a few. Thanks to capitalism.  This suggests financial existential anxiety despite the fact that Pres. Biden’s administration has created more jobs, higher wages and lower unemployment  rates of any living president.  One example, one successful employer stated that although Trump has many negative qualities, he supports him.  He favors Trump's economic policies..He didn’t say  he was narcissistic ,  seeks greed and exploitation  .He did say that, he cares about people and is  helping so many .He does pay  them a few dollars  more than minimum wage.  He also employs many part timers .Prior, during the Affordable Care Act , he worried about having to pay health insurance for his employees. His greed and exploitation for his profit are paramount.  Apparently everything else is subordinate .Other factors may be contradictory ,and not that important . His underlying motives and drive are ? 

2.  Climate change results in existential anxiety regarding the abundance of natural disasters such as fire, hurricanes,earthquakes, tropical storms etc. affecting our safety, health and well-being.  Every living thing is negatively affected as greed prevails.  And who exited our country from the Paris Climate Change Agreement ?  

3. Covid-19 has resulted in over a million deaths with over 99 million cases reported.  And what Pres. lied about the Covid -19  threat and placed blame on everyone else but himself ? According to the Woodward interview, Trump didn't perceive or understand that this disease was the most significant threat during his presidency.  Aside from the number of deaths and stress on our health care system, another significant occurrence resulted with the negative impact on children's learning.  An article in the New York Times, November 19, 2023, titled "The Starting Evidence of Learning Loss Is In “ provides another example.. 

 4.  Many in the GOP are reinforcing the rebellion and overthrow of this Republic.  The following October 29,2023  New York Times articles titled a.  A Right-Wing Fever Dream Comes to Life.  b.  Trump's Extremists Are Now In The House.  c.  The Rise of Reactionary Futurism . These articles  pertain to the authoritarian threat to our Republic.and are not describing a democratic republic  by his followers.

. 5.  The occurrence of an exponential rise in hate crimes is contrary to  Our Pledge of Allegiance to the flag , the song America the Beautiful  and Judaic - Christian philosophy. Are we a melting pot ?   Hate crimes are defined as a motivational bias when a perpetrator targets a victim for their perceived membership in groups related to ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, political views  affiliation, age, religion, sex, gender identity and/or sexual orientation.  These incidents may involve physical assault or homicide damage to property, bullying , harassment, verbal abuse. It includes insults, graffiti, hate mail etc. Recently,  73% of Jewish college students report anti-Semitism on campus this school year per ADL survey . An article titled The Plots Against America found in the November 19, 2023 edition of the New York Times illustrates the existence of a  toxic history of hate in our republic. 

 6.  Book banning, criminalizing abortion ,critical race theory, parental rights, whether or not a transgender should be able to participate in sports or admission to a bathroom are just some of the restrictions of authoritarian nondemocratic policies based on hate. . Restriction, control , based on fear and hate thrive with insecurity,  The GOP's Culture War Shtick Is Wearing Thin With Voters found in November 12, 2023 of The New York Times pertains.  Is there a hidden set of Trump's 10 Commandments?

We cannot deny the peril that is facing our  Republic.  We are not an experiment per definition.  An experiment is a scientific procedure to test a hypothesis or demonstrate a known fact.  We have a Constitution and amendments followed based on evolving democratic and humanistic ideas.    We have a Supreme Court that has evolved , however ,  at  present has regressed.  We have an educational system that assisted many at an earlier time, but now, with its  extreme financial burden, have placed many in slavery debt.  We have more weapons and of course more killings imaginable.  We have a dysfunctional political system, although  Santos was expelled.  We have too many lawmakers that even though they deceive, lie, and cheat, they are reelected because of how voting districts are gerrymandered.  We have an authoritarian ex-president with 91 indictments and his prosecutors , judges and staff are threatened. They are threatened for what moral, ethical or religious principle ?   We have difficulty attracting and keeping public school teachers because of  the pressure related to  GPA ; ,diminished value for learning , for the profession and  hateful pressure from unreasonable parents.  We have profit mongering insurance monopoles controlling and discriminating against our health and housing welfare . Further , was Jefferson's pursuit of happiness  fiction ? Our insecurities and the pursuit of power are the realities of today and threaten the  republic .. Can the Republic be saved ?  Is the rule of law significant  ?  Religious, moral and ethical values must be established.  Our educational system is in trouble ..  We must no longer deny the realities and face the threat of nihilism.