Thursday, October 26, 2023

Growing Old

 The quote  by Anne Morrow Lindbergh  from her " Gift from the Sea "  We Americans, with our terrific emphasis on youth, action and material success, certainly tend to belittle the afternoon of life and even pretend it never comes “ and the article titled   “Aging America Needs an Honest Conversation About Growing Old”  triggered today's disquisition.  Certainly Americans, individually and politically, are in denial and employ cognitive dissonance about the future .All we have to do is look at the current aging problems that are  facing Japan for cognitive  gain insight . The focus  is about growing old in our country .

Japan has the highest proportion of people 65 or older in the world.  Further, especially in their rural areas, schools have shut down because there's not enough children to fill them;  about 450 schools close every year and the birth rate is dwindling.  With fewer young people working, revenue for retirement programs are shrinking and there is a chronic labor shortage. People in Japan work into their 60s, 70s and beyond, often in physically demanding low-paid jobs such as making deliveries and cleaning offices.

In 1935 , we passed the Social Security Act which was meant to ensure that older people would not die destitute because they could no longer work.  How is that  currently working out ?  Homeless statistics are ? In 1965 aging was included as part of the vision of the great Society.  It's  time to adjust the Social Security and Medicare programs .

There's a recent decline in America's life expectancy and alarming deaths from drug overdose, along with higher mortality rates among children and teenagers from violence and accidental deaths , and an average of 10,000 boomers turning 65 each day.  It's also been  estimated that by 2053 more than 40% of the federal budget will go to  programs for seniors primarily Social Security and Medicare. Obviously those programs were not not designed to handle that prediction . 

Additionally, where and how will seniors spend the closing years of their lives?  Millions of Americans are already grappling with these dilemmas.  Not everyone wants to spend the last years of their lives in some convalescent facility. Most would rather be at home.  If so, who's going to care for the older people ?  Are our cities and businesses designed to handle the aged ?  How are Americans who have aged fairing in a country that’s obsessed with youth , avoiding the inevitability and possibilities of old age ? Politically, the opposition is focusing on Pres Biden’s age. 

One issue for aging relates to housing.  California has made it easier to increase accessory dwelling units -ADU’s adding living spaces 800 feet tops that share property with the main house.  Zoning and building requirements have to be addressed in order to increase these "Granny Flats."  Since World War II, residential areas have evolved around the suburbs with the development of single family houses as opposed to duplexes, triplexes, townhouses and so forth.  It's been estimated that only about 10% of the nation's housing stock is considered senior friendly.  Not only that ,we have little affordable housing . Increase in homelessness  among older Americans and about 1/3 of senior households are considered cost housing - they spend about 30% of their income on housing  In addition, there are restrictions for parking, and occupancy requirements. Design standards and the  approval process needs to be streamlined  . Mortgage availability and financial assistance are other issues related to housing.  In other words, local communities, the county, states and federal government have to come up with a plan to deal with aging.

There are a number of places that provide environmental models .  These models exist where individuals have the longest lifespans.  These communities provide monetary incentives for older and younger people to live closer together; facilitate nearby communal dining options;  encourage tutoring opportunities for the older to teach the younger children; availability of places for physical activity and being  close to healthcare  . Another example would be to view communities with the 55 and older age group and witness the number of physical, social opportunities for interaction, all the well being classes along with assistance for those requiring it.  There are numerous models for assisting the aged.  It's up to the voters to form interest groups and lobby these  lazy self serving politicians.

Providing care for individuals wanting to remain in their home remains another problem.  Currently we have for-profit franchises providing in-home assistance, but not health care.  Unfortunately, these workers suffer burnout, low wages  and minimal training irrespective of the marketing propaganda .  For those family members providing care, they suffer burnout, lost wages, estimated at 522 billion, and physical and mental health handicaps..  My friend TD, travels weekly  between Iowa and Ohio while caring for his  mother and father with their health handicaps.

One suggestion : 1.  County, state,  federal, and health insurance companies should provide meaningful  financial   and transportation  assistance for those  special aged individuals requiring  assistance  2.  Have the University teacher education degree  curriculums  incorporate a major in assisting the aged.  The curriculum should focus on teaching, learning, memory; physical activity as in pickleball, yoga, walking; and nursing care  assistance   3.  Breakfast and lunch availability  based on nutrition  4.  The setting should be an easy access elementary school that has a staff  nurse , physical activity teacher, music teacher, psychologist and so forth to assist when needed.

The aged would benefit from face to face interpersonal interaction, quality “hands on “ professional care in a familiar comfortable setting.  These "teachers of the aged"  would be properly trained, properly paid with the availability of consultation by psychologists, nurses and others with geriatric training.  A pilot program could be easily established and properly evaluated. A program like this is morally needed and would more than likely reduce healthcare costs and increase well being for all..


For an in-depth analysis of the benefits, rewards, and the  why's, the how to do's and motivation for exercise,  I suggest  "It Has Nothing To Do with Age."   An article  in The New York Times  October 8, 2023 titled "If You're a Runner, There's a Tribe for You"  reinforced the importance of exercise. Exercise can facilitate the meeting of many needs of the  ego . For instance, exercise does not have to be solitary. In fact ,  connections,and friendships result in meeting ego needs of affiliation , achievement, deference , nurturance and of course play..Believe  Shakespeare, when he wrote  "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."

Thursday, October 19, 2023


 The state of Israel was established in 1948.  And for the last 75 years, People living in Gaza have had a PLO and Hamas terrorist regime with their nihilistic philosophy , rejection  of morals and life , within  a necrophilia character structure encompassed by social narcissism or group dynamics . Their governing goal is to remain in power. They  have accomplished their political  goal, not by providing social and economic services, but by propagating hate with their necrophilia attitude and ideology of not recognizing the state of Israel and threatening to push the Isralies into the sea - by killing their enemy. They use humanitarian aid and assistance  and major funding from Iran for military weapons  and terrorist training. . This policy has perpetuated a triangular victimization (victim  rescue, persecution ) dynamic, which becomes expressed with the ego need for aggression which is to fight, to attack, to injure or kill another and the ego abasement need which is to submit to external force , to accept injury, blame, criticism, punishment ,to blame, to belittle, to seek and enjoy pain, punishment, illness and misfortune  They initially attack a superior military force which is subsequently followed by their  severe and crushing loss of human life, misery, injury and death. Then, they seek to be rescued, saved, extricated, delivered, emancipated by others so they can , at a later time, persecute, attack with hostility ,seek to torture and kill all over again.  This terrorist government is associated with teaching hate, death and destruction toward Israelis in the schools; within a population  in which 50 %  of the people are under the age of 19 , with an unemployment rate of 40% and a poverty rate of 60%. This is my commentary . 

According to Albert Maslow, man has a hierarchy of needs, beginning with the physiological needs of hunger , thirst, etc. followed by the safety needs with security that occurs in a well ordered, regulated society not seen by wars, diseases , natural catastrophes and so forth. In Erik H. In Erikson's psychosocial theory of development , he postulated  the first ego developmental crisis becomes developing a sense of trust versus sense of mistrust.  Both Maslow and Erickson agree that without optimal interpersonal and external experiences, there are dire consequences that affect  the development of character. Anxiety , fear occurs and other emotional and cognitive factors influence the development of self-esteem , abilities, achievement , productivity, love, identity,  and interpersonal relationships. Further, suspiciousness, paranoia, being susceptible to fake information following false idols, loss of autonomy, inability to be objective  and so forth also occur with mistrust and become precursors for developing a necrophilia character personality .

Is the Hamas governmental regime facilitating , gratifying  physiological and  safety needs  resulting in developing trust, providing security, health, well being and  education  for the population ?  It's obvious that a necrophilia orientation psychologically and nihilism philosophically are currently present. 

All character development orientations are relative with a variation in intensity and degree and are a mixture with other orientations . What  is the dominant behavioral tendency ?  With that being said, pathological necrophilia tendencies are the quintessence of true evil.  Necrophilia represents a syndrome of decay associated with vicious destruction.  The necrophilia character is related to Freud's anal sadistic psychosexual stage and his death instinct.  Slogans like not recognizing the existence of Israel and  sending them to their death are  necrophilia  examples. 

With this syndrome, they are attracted to what is dead ,corpses, decay,  killing, and showing off captives. It's okay to watch the destruction, humiliation , capturing and killing of  the helpless. They dwell in the past and have sentimental feelings for previous attacks of killing Israelis . They are emotionally cold ,distant and death seems to excite and satisfy them.

Having a willingness , the power to transform a living human being into a corpse, suggests the love of force and their greatest achievement is to destroy lives. It becomes their way of life of power , control and force over the powerless as with babies,  children  elderly,  and handicapped,.

Other necrophilia tendencies are  being attracted to darkness , night as in caves and especially tunnels.  They are afraid of the uncertainty and unpredictability of life and death is the only certainty . Of course there are differences, and this orientation varies from person to person  of wishing to kill, worshiping force , attraction to death and sadism . Yet it's a fundamental orientation that suggests the morbidity of what man is capable of as they hide behind their masks. 

Another significant variable characterizing these people living in Gaza is group  or social narcissism. Social narcissism occurs because of man's wanting to survive.  And one way to do that is to become part of a group. The group could be educated, Sunni, Gaza refugee, Hamas,  martyr , family  etc. Membership to a group has to do with  interdependence.  That interdependence, frequent interactions, with the group is based on the following: 1.  Common interests among members ie. killing, revenge, power , death and dying etc.  2.  Does  the group resolve conflict issues i.e. freedom, independence , monetary etc. ?  3.  How ego rewarding or emotionally satisfying  is it to be part of the group ?  4. Are individual goals dependent upon group solidarity  for success?  5. The ability to identify with the group? 6.  Does group membership reduce or increase anxiety ?

Further, the cohesiveness of  the group  relates to the following: 1.  Are members motivated , exhibiting behavior and contributing  to the group's welfare ?  2. Is the behavioral activity directed toward advancing and meeting the objectives and goals of the group?  With that being said, if, within your family, you are young, unemployed, and poor, what is the likelihood of associating with Hamas ?  Does  your family, because of your association with Hamas, reject you and throw you out of the house  ?

With a religious “belief” in God and the righteousness of their cause becomes a cathexis attachment to their group.  In order to do this one has to serve the group, make sacrifices for the group as in the case of fanaticism ,injury and even death . Individuals who hate, and love death and destruction are  malignant narcissists.  What are the group goals ?  Is it achievement, productivity, life, or is it to push the Israelis into the sea and wipe away their existence ? 

Has the authoritarian political power structure been able to adequately provide for the majority of its members or has a large portion of them been dissatisfied and joined an underground ?  Yet paradoxically and rationally, though they are economically, and culturally poor, belonging to this Hamas group provides a sense of satisfaction . It becomes their identity . I'm  somebody,  I’m a hero ,I have meaning in my life .

With the identification , association , affiliation and mingling with group members, the group becomes morally right and Israel the enemy.  Fanatical religious beliefs justify and rationalize that God is okay with killing.  This becomes a racial, religious , nationalistic,  narcissism, pathology of the group.  With this pathology ,group narcissism is like individual narcissism as it lacks objectivity  and rationality of judgment.  Racism, prejudice, hatred, falsehoods, fabrications, becomes rapant and If the narcissism of the group is wounded or  becomes frustrated by defeats, the reaction is rage as with individual narcissism. 

Moreover, if the followers are afraid rather than aware of the fears, they wind up admiring these terrorists .  They become blinded by the sense and enormous quality of this malignant disease and see these terrorists as martyrs or freedom fighters. With difficulty in perceiving reality, they have not been able to form an underground .If they are repelled  by all the inhumanity,, capturing of  Israeli civilians , would they  go along with all the death and destruction ? Death and destruction is  as if everything is mechanical as with all living persons or things.  There is a distortion of feelings and thoughts.  They have memories rather than experiences and have difficulty seeing that those  who are willing to kill ,become  martyr’s or heroes and die for what they call justice are simply stupid and morally flawed.

Hiding behind followers and abductees as shields,  targeting school aged children is consonant with the desire and love of death  and destruction.  Not being able to identify or have empathy  with others is a significant part of their disease.  Their  way of life, goals ,ideals, identity  are related to prejudice, hate , death and destruction.  They are not trustworthy and any “agreement “ can be expected to be violated because they are unable to trust .  The character orientation of necrophilia and malignant group narcissism has been  reinforced over and over again for 75 years as in a circle without an ending.

A two state solution  with continued Iran  terrorist funding, with distressful young , unemployed and poor contingency does not mitigate  nor eradicate necrophilia or malignant social narcissism, it just reinforces  more of the same insane rebellion. Individuals living in Gaza become the enemy just like when the South, during the Civil War, attempted to separate from the union.  The Confederate South became the enemy for the Union army.  The Union army simply destroyed the entire city of Atlanta.  Nazi Germany attacked US shipping vessels, and they became the enemy.  We  retaliated ,bombed and destroyed Berlin and other German cities, regardless of who lived there.  Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the enemy.  We responded and obliterated Nagasaki and Hiroshima, regardless of the population.  It was war with a nation, their military and its people.. After destroying those  enemies, they are now our allies.

Is  God on the side of Hamas?  If so, then killing, murder , and abduction  is legitimate.  Therefore, Hamas doesn't have to be moral, nor does God. As a result, all forms of morality are denied.  And the PLO and Hamas rebellion demands unity of the whole of Gaza. How many of the population were actually born in Palestine over 75 years ago ?  Their tyranny has become a crime against humanity..  Evil must be declared wrong and the people must be recognized as guilty.  The rebellion has gotten out of hand with the annihilation of others  and will end with  their destruction of self. Their rebellion  equates with  only irrationality and immorality.


Cartwright , Dorwin and Zander, Alvin.  Group Dynamics.

Fromm, Erich.  The Heart of Man  iIs  genius for good and evil.

Murray, H.  A.  Basic Concepts for a Psychology of Personality.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

 Last Tuesday, after my run, Linda and I left for Carmel.  We talked to Paul and he warned us about the traffic.  However, we had no difficulty  on our  journey.  We called Tony and wished him a happy birthday as he reached the youthful 72 years of age.  We also called Gwen around the Dublin area. and made plans to visit her and Bill on our  way back.  Tony and I, years ago, stayed with them before one of our  ultra runs, in the East Bay, likely Fremont or at Lake Chabot.

We passed  Mount  Hamilton, the home of  Dan Barger’s  Mustang Classic, where I met Tony and Jeff and was introduced to Ride and Tie.  After leaving San Jose, we passed Coyote. About 40 years ago, I met Veryl , a Saskatchewan born cowboy , bought my first horse named Nowata,  was introduced to border collies, went on many trail rides and participated in my first round up. Also, In this area was my first Ride and Tie-at Quicksilver.  During those competitions.  I met a number of individuals and formed meaningful relationships with Jerome, Linda, my Western states partner, and Jonathan.  For additional  information consult, It Has Nothing to Do With Age.

Entering the Seaside area, I recalled riding on the beach with my border collie and lab.  Wonderful memories.  We then reached Carmel, unpacked and met our host Philip.  He had a number of suggestions and we told him we were headed for Nepenthe at Big Sur.  He agreed that it was a wise choice.  Reaching that fabulous location, with my Michigan cap,  I met Isah, a fellow Michigan grad , and we talked about the current football season.  Even though the Wolverines are ranked number two in the nation, he was concerned about the upcoming game with Penn State at their  Happy Valley location.  We both agreed that that game would tell us more about the season and the hope for a national championship. We had a spectacular shared salmon dinner and the drive  both ways, along Highway 1 was spectacular, breathtaking and beautiful.

The next morning we shared  breakfast in the warm sun at the Stationary  restaurant in Carmel.  We window shopped and then headed for the sea at the foot of Ocean Blvd.  We found a place to park close to the beach, and took off our socks and shoes .  We met a young man who liked my Corvette . We engaged in conversation .Mark was a nurse and we talked about the hazards and difficulties with our current health insurance system.  We conversed about the abuses and the obstacles that overweight , unhealthy people are facing.  Linda and I then headed toward the Pacific and listened to the pounding waves, blue skies looking for dolphins.  We found some rocks and headed toward them for a place to sit down.  We were joined by two individuals, one a Michigan grad. Once again my Michigan cap  sparked an encounter. That of course led to Michigan football in the Big House.  She intends to take her partner to the Big House and he is ready to go.  We also talked about the 49ers and the Raiders.  We had a delightful interaction with them and enjoyed this spectacular setting.

Then we headed for Pebble Beach and the golf links.  We started at Spyglass and then found our way to the Hay for  a practice round of putting.  Linda was spectacular in her ability to sink those puts. Linda was introduced to a new putter by Mike who told her that this new putter is about 30 years old and designed for more accuracy.  Linda was impressed and wanted to talk to Sean at the Ridge for more information.  After leaving the Seventeen Mile Dr., we headed back to our abode and got ready for dinner.

For dinner, we decided on seafood and found a terrific place in town.   We didn't have reservations but were seated anyway. At the Flying Fish , we shared a wonderful artichoke appetizer and Yin Yang Salmon dinner delightfully arranged on two separate plates.  We thoroughly enjoyed that dinner and intend to visit again.  We did more window shopping after dinner and returned to our nighttime  location.

The next day we headed for our meeting with Gwen and Bill in Dublin.  She served a delicious brunch and we sat outside reminiscing about old times.  We initially met them when they bought a second home In Cool years ago. Gwen became a riding partner for Linda and they went on many trail rides.  We had  numerous dinners together , met family and enjoyed their company.  Bill's parents were missionaries in China and unfortunately this year has been difficult for both Gwen, with her back surgeries, and their daughter who has a bipolar diagnosis and has difficulty staying on her meds.  We met her two-year-old daughter Charity who was playing the guitar.  Bill and I discussed mental health and he thought we needed more therapists and suggested that educational and training requirements might be shortened in order to attract more therapists.  I disagreed and told him that it was important for a therapist to have a broad educational, cultural, and educational background.  I agreed that mental health problems are rising and difficult to treat.  I also told him that this country with all its problems has many crazies and helping people adjust also ,at times, seems insane . 

After leaving our friends, we headed for Ghirardelli  chocolate near Stockton.  Tony and I, after many ultra runs  in the Bay Area, would also have our reward at this location.  Linda and I shared a hot fudge sundae sitting outside enjoying the taste.  Linda bought other chocolates and we headed home after that reward.  We picked up Teddy and made  our way home.

During our stay in Carmel, a quote  by Anne Morrow Lindbergh  from her " Gift from the Sea."  We Americans, with our terrific emphasis on youth, action and material success, certainly tend to belittle the afternoon of life and even pretend it never comes. “ The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence, said Einstein.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Violent Republic


Peacemonger was the title of an article in the September 2, 2023 edition of The New York Times.  The  question is, if wars are the least rational  of human projects , why have there been so many of them all over the world in every era ?  The article traced wars beginning from the Roman Republic to Putin’s involvement in the Ukraine,  the Imperial China, Mongol conquest, feudal Japan ,carnage of European Christian clashes, pre-Columbian , Latin America, the two world wars, colonial incursions, communist conflicts and wars in the Middle East.  Why war is the focus of this essay .  .

According to the writer, wars began with the establishment of fixed agrarian settlements.  Briefly, the following variables for war : 1. Conflict between agriculturalists and pastoralists  2. The view that in the chaotic world, leaders make rational decisions to protect their interests and domestic politics  but often fail to deal with their miscalculations.  3.  Modern civilization is more violent , makes killing is easier, more organized, more legitimate and more efficient  4.  Wars vary widely depending upon differing ecologies, class, ethnicity,  domestic politics, ideologies, emotions with leaders competencies and desires.  5.  Greed status-honor- glory and  enjoyment of domination.  That's a lot of variables for war  .

Do the above 5 variables provide insight and explain the war against Native Americans ?   Native Americans occupied the continental United States, including Alaska prior to the migration of Europeans . The Native Americans established, created their own culture , mores and society and lived off the land and the waters. Then , Europeans and colonists invaded these shores.  These people  sadistically exploited, murdered and took possession  of all the land as if  entitled.  They apparently didn't ask for permission or barter for the use and occupancy of land and taking resources like the killing of game and fish. The colonists were given permission for this invasion by King George , the leaders of the 13 colonies and religious  leaders. Advanced weaponry, supplies , assistance from the Native Americans and  technical skills facilitated their take over .

Furthermore, a few  patriotic songs about God and  war include but are not limited to: 1.  Over There, Star-Spangled Banner, Oh Say Can You See, God bless America, America; 2.  For kids include F Is for Flag, America The Beautiful, Lil'  Navy Sailor .For adults include The Great Patriot's, Don't Tread on Me, The Last of the Mohicans ,Patriot Games 3.  Patriotic movies with John Wayne include The Searchers, The Green Berets, Wagon Train Rio Grande.  The Alamo, The Comancheros, Cheyenne Autumn, etc. Patriotism ,war heroes, and killing  the”enemy” are deeply rooted and play a significant element in our identity and our culture.

As the government developed,  factors such as Jefferson supporting the push westward  , the  exploration by Lewis and Clark; the Louisiana purchase, and with religious Manifest Destiny ideology ,  the occupiers pushed westward for economic opportunities.despite the  inordinate risks, hazards and dangers facing them. With cognitive dissonance, they focused on glory, acquisition, adventure , the benefits of success , and downplayed  Christian morality ,the hardship and other difficulties of reality . They affiliated and became members of  various groups as in wagon trains, in part , because these groups validated their own beliefs and aspirations.  In essence, dependence becomes a major source of attraction for group enterprise.  Also, their personal aspirations were met  and congruent with  the aspirations of the group. With group consensus., they engaged in riskier behaviors than they would have if left to their own accord . And their individual goals were met by group goals. As a consequence, political, religious, military superiority and ideology began to occupy all the land. In the process,  Native Americans were either converted, killed or put on reservations.  Treaties were broken and with the  financial and military power,  possession of land and waterways along with the status of the young republic was  becoming fulfilled.

The advantage and benefits of obtaining land  which means dominance and control over the natives was evident with a favorable outcome because of  superior military and industrial advantages.  The consequences for their acts of murder ,domination  , economics and exploration outweigh  their  human losses .Power, possession and status was extraordinary.  The probability of being successful in war was high , based on the military power and  resources along with the prospect of being rewarded . Military generals  were heroes and  there was admiration for Gen. Custer because he killed many.  Generals were rewarded and even became presidents along with Indian fighters like Kit Carson for  their ability to kill.  After all, they were killing savages, heathens and non-believers .

The motivation for participating in the war of 1812 and World War II are different, as we were attacked first.  So an eye for an eye and revenge are permissible.  World War II was necessary for economic, military, political and moral reasons.  What about the Spanish-American War, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan ?  Dwight Eisenhower had it right.  Ike described the  influence of the Military Industrial Complex. 

With war, there is a coordination of political, economic, military, and moral rightness.  The enemy is described in unflattering terms as savages, gooks,  slanted eyes etc .  The winners in war seem to benefit with more wealth , increases in military rank and political opportunities.  George Bush after invading Iraq was easily reelected for a second term.

There was no rationality for going to war with Iraq.  We armed Saddam and he assisted in beating up on Iran.  But, he committed the cardinal sin of interfering with oil  supply and rocketing Israel.  The consequences for our actions in Iraq have been creating more enemies, terrorists and empowering Iran. Since World War II, our motivation for entering war has been the Military Industrial Complex with neurotic pursuit of power, possession and prestige .  Follow the money. Ask who's going to benefit; who's expendable  but do not consider nor address consequences.  Our participation in World War II, aside from being attacked by Japan and Germany, was necessary.

In essence, the question of why war is as follows: 1.  Man has ego needs and with excessive neurotic tendencies seeks'' Dominance”. To control one's human environment .To influence or direct the behavior of others by suggestion, seduction, persuasion or command. To dissuade, restrain or prohibit.” Aggression “ To overcome opposition forcefully. To fight . To avenge . To attack, injure or kill another. To oppose forcefully or punish another.  2. To acquire. To hoard .To have control over all. To  “Possess “3.  “Achievement .” To accomplish something difficult. To master,  To manipulate, organize , physical objects, human beings or ideas . To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard 4. For “Status,” reputation, stature , standing   5. “Abasement . “ To submit passively to external force.  To accept injury, blame, criticism, punishment.  To surrender.  To become resigned to fate.  To admit inferiority, error, wrongdoing or defeat.  To confess and atone.  To blame, belittle,. To mutilate the self.  To seek and enjoy pain ,punishment, illness and misfortune.6.  Man  has  weaknesses  , is irrational, along with malignant egoism, egotism or narcissism.  7..  Morality diminishes with an imbalance of the  ego needs 8..  With the Collective Unconscious, man's memory and behavioral history repeats   9.  Within the above, and included are the institutions of politics, economics ,with the military industrial complex  10.  Leaders and advisors make war decisions about others going into battle 11. Man , being a social animal, makes wars inevitable.


Cartwright, Dorwin and Zander, Alvin.  Group Dynamics.

Murray, Henry . Explorations in Personality.