Thursday, June 29, 2023

Tragedy of Dementia


Dementia is a progressive loss of cognitive function, in stages,  reversible or  irreversible,  accompanied by memory, learning  and   personality disturbances interfering with normal daily living.  It’s also a term for numerous symptoms related to 50 different dementia disorders that affect the brain. Moreover , Alzheimer's disease accounts for 75% of all dementias over age 65.  This disquisition depicts nonreversible moderate  dementia  .

Symptoms for irreversible dementia affecting executive ego functions are characterized by different degrees of impairment and can be described as follows: 1.  Memory problems for recent events such as  not remembering a recent party attendance; going to a particular restaurant or store; a previous conversation;  forgetting seeing a particular movie ; and repeating the same question over and over 2.  Words recall  difficulty , especially nouns, calling a television a radio, a cell  phone a  camera, remembering a family member's name and song lyrics  3.  Mislaying items such as  car keys, cell phones, dog leash, articles of clothing and household items  4.  Inability to recall content pertaining to  reading a novel, TV news broadcast ,  movie dialog , and conversations. 5. Problems pertaining to recall , personal  history , such as names of previous friends and former residences  6.  Problems with numbers as in counting backwards from 100 by 7’s, adding , subtracting ,division and multiplication  7.  Balancing a checkbook 8.  Paying bills 9.  Following recipe directions 10.  Withdrawing from conversations because  of not being able to follow  and/ or remembering the right words.   On the other hand, procedural memory is relatively intact.   Eye - hand and gross motor movement  such as with  hiking, swimming, tennis, pickleball, fly casting , riding a bicycle, kayaking, and driving  a motor vehicle  are not impaired .

Memory capacity  is a key as far as  ego executive functioning is concerned. Memory is a process of acquisition, storage and retrieval of information.  It's about the past, the present and the future and  helps the individual  to learn from  successes and mistakes  in order to make reasonable predictions. It affects nearly everything  that individuals do .

With dementia, there are problems  with short-term working memory. In short term memory one has to pay attention to information  that is received from perception. Attention serves as a filter, storing only certain stimuli for a given time  from 10 to 30 seconds and then forgotten.  With dementia, there are severe difficulties with short-term memory.  Also, problems in long-term memory occur with declarative memory  which is remembering dates, historical facts, telephone numbers, names of people etc.  There's episodic and semantic declarative memory . Episodic declarative memory is  a memory  of last night’s dinner  or what happened on a particular birthday. It's time based life events in one’s autobiographical memory. Semantic  declarative memory is memory of facts that is not tied to a particular time.  Memories include the type of car driven ,phone numbers, arithmetic operations or  a general fund of knowledge.

With dementia, learning is severely problematic.  Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.  With  ego executive impairment, especially with memory deficits , how can one acquire knowledge or information and retain it for later use?  Problems with attention and working memory makes it difficult to take in an idea , store it  or encode it , so it becomes a long-term memory.  It is sometimes possible, in the short term , to rehearse the information over and over again  in order  for that memory to be retained.  However, the likelihood of it being remembered the next day is problematic.  It doesn't seem to matter if that information was positively reinforced .  In other words, reinforcement was ineffective.  What's more effective is a constant rehearsal of the information daily .  As far as developing insight, that is not likely to happen . New learnings are simply not stored and  therefore cannot be retrieved.  It's like they've been eliminated from the coordination of higher brain regions of the cortex and lower brain regions in the hippocampus. There is little memory bank of stored information 

In the beginning, everyone is born helpless, anxious and dependent on  survival from others.  During time ,the development of trust, self-awareness, autonomy, imagination, initiative, ability to learn ,reason and ability to contemplate the  past and visualize the  future  occurs while acquiring the ability to love and work .  Then, with dementia, there is a shock to one's self awareness.

Assuming that the individual went through the developmental stages with an intact identity, was athletic, received a college degree, married, had  children and a successful business career.  That individual was trusting ,autonomous , with meaning to life , set goals , had expectations ,and achieved success . Then, came  dementia.  Psychologically, there was a retrogression, in some ways similar to being  again a young child.  This mature adult is now becoming  significantly less autonomous and  more dependent.  The issue of trust becomes  paramount, and because of memory difficulties, the same question is asked over and over again as if doubting.  The ability to reason becomes diminished because of the inability to recall and bring up past knowledge and experience.  Thus, more anxiety and  insecurity surfaces.  Expectations , and initiative become compromised as a result of the inability to plan, organize, synthesize and assimilate information for future activities.  New learning is minimal with frustration . The Individual's self-awareness is focused on changes and limitations while identity diffusion with low self-esteem surfaces as one begins to believe they are ignorant and dumb.  

An insight as to how dementia  affects personality , we turn  to Freud,Jung and Fromm. Freud postulated primary and secondary narcissism and ;s attitudes of  introversion and extroversion .  Briefly, introversion is subjective with psychic  energy  directed toward self while extroversion is objective and  has psychic energy directed toward the outer world in man’s interpersonal and interactive tendencies. According to Jung, there is a blend of both  attitudes within each individual. Even though one tendency may be exhibited more prominently, the other exists in the unconscious. Specifically,  the attitude of introversion, if normal, is revealed by hesitating, reflective ,reticent disposition , and can be a shrinking away from social interactions . The extroversion type is characterized by an accommodating , apparently open ,a ready disposition and at ease in any given social situation. This type forms attachments quickly  and easily in a confident manner. 

Ericn Fromm , in his  interpersonal model of personality, incorporated various  external pressures like socioeconomics , politics and culture.  Fromm postulated  a number of personality types and  are related to Freud's secondary narcissism and Jung's extraversion characteristics. Fromm , to illustrate, depicted a marketing personality type or orientation pertinent  to our topic .  Fromm , takes into account profit, loss ,supply, and demand pertinent to the economic system. In order for material goods , self esteem  and identity success, within the culture, the individual has to be able to sell himself on the market.  This is especially important in areas related to selling various services to others  while relying on the importance not only of talent but of personality variables.  

Prior to dementia, the individual  interpersonally exhibited  trustworthiness, autonomy, initiative, reliability, cooperation ,attractiveness,  flexibility, open-mindedness , social proficiency,  efficiency, intelligence, adaptability, witty, generosity and  being solid.  These character tendencies translated into being an excellent salesperson, business owner, and being efficient with subordinates.  Within society , the individual was well-liked, popular, economically and socially  successful. The onset of dementia resulted in the impairment of executive ego functioning,  loss of autonomy , the predominant attitude of extroversion and a marketing personality .  There was an absence of  growth , optimism as the quality of life began to decline with retrogression , anxiety , fear and  dependency .The  former identity was being replaced in this final life stage  - sad , tragic and depressing  without a cure . Moreover, there is an atrophy, in the mind, of generativity which interferes with the active participation to conceive, reciprocate and /or to reproduce.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us, said J.R.R. Tolkien.


Fromm, Erich. Man For Himself  An Inquiry Into The Psychology Of Ethics.

Institute For Natural Resources . Understanding Dementia.

Jung, C.  G.  Psychological Types.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ruptured Freedom

 This disquisition relates to three articles found in the May  28, 2023 edition of The New York Times.  The articles are titled "Free at Last?";  "The Threat to Freedom Is Coming  From the States," and "The Content of His Character."  All three articles pertain to racism , discrimination ,  political power-  expanding or diminishing rights..

At the start of the republic, there were clear divisions between  slave states and the others.  It was important for the slave states to continue their enslavement and  to  have their “property’ represented politically.  On one hand, the compromise was that slaves  equaled 3/5 of a human  for representation  within  Jefferson's hypocrisy that all men were created equal. There was conflict and racism from the beginning for  power and control over humans. Subsequently , there was a civil war  over  independent economic  control of interests with the motto  "Don't Tread on Me." The 13th ,14th Amendments  and Johnson’s Civil rights legislation documented Federal power. Then, Dixiecrats became Republicans in protest of Johnson's Civil rights legislation.

John Randolph of Virginia was elected to the United States Congress at the age of 26.  He neither married nor had children .He routinely caused havoc with his verbal barbs.  He was a slaveholder and possessed 383 men women and children as property.  He wrote a number of wills,  flip-flopped and was ambivalent about his slaves, especially John White. Should they be emancipated ?

Randolph's family included half-brother , his niece and her children.  He once wrote regarding children : "I do most hardly test the nasty little wretches never wish to see one in my house."  Slaveholder Francis Scott Key, a  friend of Randolph ,was  the trustee for the enslaved,  In any event, on one hand, Randolph was pro slavery and on the other hand, he wished to free his property.  It was his wish to free his slaves that caused family rebellion from his scheming family members .Greed is expected to occur at one's passing.  The state of Virginia statutes indicated that if a slave was set free, he could no longer live in Virginia.  Randolph’s slaves were freed and wound up in Ohio.  In fact, John White because of the racism and discrimination in Ohio left that state and returned to Virginia, even at the risk of re-enslavement.


Randolph's will was contested and he was criticized as being insane for freeing  his slaves.  Moreover,  some prejudiced  people ,in Ohio , did not want black neighbors. For these Wasps, prejudice, discrimination and exploitation was associated with their identity which is based on the historical  archetype of superiority and domination in the collective unconscious . Their underlying insecurity resulted  in their neurotic pursuit of power, possession , status and control. The idea, the reality of a black individual being equal, was  a threat  to their self-esteem and identity.  As a result, rationalizations of depressed land prices and wage competition suggests fear of being unable to compete and was a threat to their economic power and status .  The rationalization of racial mixing was a  fear of the reality of uninhibited sexual impulses and attraction to black skinned people .  The idea that you can have sex with 3/5  of a slave speaks volumes about the cognitive  dissonance of moral,and ethical hypocrisies . The idea that there's going to be a breakdown in the social order was a rationalization for fear of losing possessions, status , and being elite.  In fact, one Ohio newspaper editor complained of Virginians sending the emancipated into his state "what right have they to be pouring in upon us their helpless, new made free?"

Conflict of power  between the racist  states and the federal government continues and the question, are we really the United States of America ?  There has been a never ending battle for power and discrimination between these  states and the federal government.  Being 3/5 human sets the  ground-floor for depicting Blacks as less human, although they could out work the  whites.  The Civil War  and the Amendments to the Constitution did not end racism and discrimination as the  states have regained their power and control. under the umbrella of states rights ,gerrymandering and voting barriers.

Before the passage and ratification of the 14th amendment in 1868 , the Bill of Rights was understood to be a limit to national authority, meaning the federal government could not quarter troops in one's home, but the states could, if not limited by their Constitution. However,  Chief Justice John Marshall wrote about the 1833 opinion of Baron versus Baltimore that in essence the states were limited in their power granted in the Constitution and that the Constitution could not give the states that power. Slave states, however, made a mockery of the political and civil rights  for Blacks . These states continue to pursue repression while the national government remains silent.  Back to the 14th amendment, it was stated ….that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property , without due process of law; or deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.  However, state constitutions are creative and have the will , the ability to discriminate regardless of  the 14th amendment to the Constitution. Should Mississippi , with its two senators, have the same autonomy and power to exploit their citizens irrespective of  the  Amendments to the Constitution?  Perhaps, a better argument could be made for the state of California. This state  has two senators, irrespective of its large population; has a GSP of 3.598 trillion gross state product and is approaching the fourth largest economy in the world.  Minority economic and political control has been around for a long time. The Greeks did not allow noncitizens to vote and Adam Smith warned that the general populace  was not qualified and would take over minority wealth.

Currently, states like Texas, Ohio ,Arkansas ,Kansas ,Kentucky, Tennessee ,Georgia  and Mississippi are enacting legislation to limit democracy , voting,  guns and discrimination to stifle Democratic majorities in various parts of their state , like cities . These Republican-controlled state legislators are undermining fundamental principles of equality as well as access to the ballots and fair representation per June 4, 2023 article titled “States Are Stifling The Voices Of Cities And Their Voters “  The New York Times.

Johnson's legislation did not eliminate racism, hate  and discrimination from our country.  The treatment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. provides an example of racism,  bigotry , discrimination even though he was born into a well to do black family, Dr. King attended college, graduate school and became a  prophet for non-violence.  He was from Georgia and then married Coretta Scott . They married in Alabama at the Scott's family home near Marion.  They spent the first night of their marriage in the guest bedroom of the funeral parlor because no local hotel would accommodate them.  There were Hoover FBI documents, letters, oral histories and other material that illustrated the government's surveillance of Dr. King.  Also, he was imprisoned on 29 separate occasions; had shotguns fired into his family's house; bombs were found on his porch; crosses were burned on his lawn; he was assaulted in his face more than once. In 1968 in Harlem, he was stabbed in the chest with a 7 inch letter opener.  And this preacher advocated nonviolence.  This Gandhi -like figure was not treated with dignity nor respect, but instead treated  far worse than  the whining criminal Trump. 

Today the racist Republicans discriminate against  minimum wage , poor educational  opportunity, inefficient health care, gun legislation, voting rights , LGBTQ, abortion,  censorship , shutting down the government on spending for  people of color .  Once again , the pursuit of power and control of non-whites continues for racist  Republicans .  The federal government is limited.  when the Republicans filibuster in the Senate ,have a majority in the house, along with a biased Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the  republic was established to be controlled  by a bigoted few.


Anatoly Kuznetsov, a Russian boy of 12, witnessed in 1941 the execution of tens of thousands of Jews in an area just outside of Kyiv called Babyn Yar .As an adult ,he wrote about that event in the form of a novel  and  it was published in Russia in 1966. As a boy, he remembered his mother telling him, "You have your life ahead of you. Tolya, so just remember that this is the first sign of trouble-if books are banned, that means things are going wrong.  It means that you are surrounded by force, fear, and ignorance, that power is in the hands of barbarians."

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Asclepius or Geras


 Per WW to, I'm on my way according to their life expectancy calculator . Research, at this point, has found that activities and choices  either  significantly benefit or  significantly interfere with the brain and body’s  well being .  Further,  activities and choices pertaining to nutrition, physical and cognitive exercise overlap and benefit  both brain and body . This disquisition depicts a glimpse or representation of  my aging .

My story begins in 1939 in Detroit, Michigan.  Prior to elementary school, I had an asthma diagnosis.  As a result , to defeat that inferiority, I became interested in outdoor activities.  In elementary school, my favorite author was John R. Tunis.  He wrote stories about young athletes overcoming difficulties in achieving success.  As a young boy, dad took me to Belle Isle, an island in the middle of the Detroit River.  At that time they had a small  zoo, fed elephants peanuts and went on horse  and  horse and buggy rides. Dad gave me the reins . Aunt Sarah, a Tiger enthusiast, took me to my first Tiger baseball game and Al Noseda, our  special next door neighbor, purchased my first baseball glove.  In my neighborhood, on Wade street, were Glenn ,Don and Ken Pringle .They were older and were  the focus for pickup games.  Ken was a track and football player for Denby high school.

In elementary school, my best friend was Tom S.  We were  rivals.  In junior high, Tom S ,  Bob A  and I made up a spectacular three  on three basketball team. In those days no one had a jump shot but instead a two-handed push shot. Tom became one of the co captains on our Denby high football team and later played for  Coach Dan Devine at Missouri.  During adolescence, I put together a Parks and Recreation baseball team, solicited jerseys from neighboring businesses and called our  team "Rowdy."  Mom objected to  the name of our team.   In high school, my friends, like Dave  N, Ron P, Rick M, Roger C, Dave B.  Dick M , Rudy N  and others  played varsity sports.  I followed the Tigers, Lions, Pistons and Red Wings and had my favorites like Gordie Howe, Doak Walker , Johnny Growth,  Ted Gray Dave  Bing and others from  other teams. I  collected baseball and football cards.

After college and graduate school, I worked part-time for Parks and Recreation; and in my early 40s  began recreational running .  Soon after, Barbara and I purchased horses.  Eventually, we  bought a ranch in the Bay Area  in order to have our steeds with us.  After a few endurance events, I found out about Ride and Tie.  I remained passionate about sports .

My college , graduate school and professional life was associated with cognitive exercise. Dad  told me to use my brain and not my back.  I listened  and followed his advice.  Unfortunately, I sat on my rear end   during the day, providing consultation ,therapy etc. To keep alert, I drank Coke and because of the long hours, dinner was at a late hour.  On the other hand, I had morning's free to ride my horse.  In my late 50s, the marriage ended.  Around that time, Georgia gave me a  present , titled "Stopping the Clock." 

With additional information about "immortality,"  competing in Ride and Tie, and  retiring, my life focus was directed towards  play and health. I stopped drinking Cokes, eating granola and raisin bran for breakfast, fast foods, late  dinners and eliminated work and  relationship stress.  More positively , I learned more about  being an equestrian,   competitive running, nutrition , continuing education and other health suggestions from new athletic friends.  Incidentally, old friendships like Denny O, Wayne F and   Gary I  were also smart and athletic minded.  New competitive friends were also intelligent like Steve A,  Bob E ,Tony B,  Jerome B,  Jonathan J,  Dave H,  Paul K ,Linda R ,Doyle E,  Bill J,  TD , Mike K, Joan G , Audrey V, Jim H, Gordon P , Jim H and so many others  like  my spouse Linda  that accompanied me on my journey.  In other words, for the last 25 years, I ate and exercised my brain and body superbly .

Pertaining to mental and physical exercise, I obsessively trained with others and learned a great deal about shoes ,tights, orthotics ,  hydration, power bars, sports drinks, track work with Chris T etc.   Also, various running magazines and articles provided by Linda R added additional knowledge which included nutritional suggestions like the Mediterranean diet, flavonoids and flavanols , antioxidant compounds, omega-3 fatty acids ,caffeine , green and black tea and so forth.  Additionally, continuing education , ACT television program ,two  book publishings complemented and supplemented current information about mental illness, physical disease treatment, brain and body health , competition , perseverance  and so forth and  kept those neurons firing and telomeres lengthening. In addition, I formed a Monday Night Football group .

 Broadly speaking, aging has significantly different  outcomes for us Homo sapiens. On the one hand, there can be pain, misery, distress, despair, dependency, regression and pessimism.  One can have a debilitating confining illness affecting the  body severely limiting  mobility along with inefficient treatment.  Further, one can have  a severe cognitive malfunction, limiting identity along with the loss of a fully functioning sense of self. Also, for some, it's a defeat , a giving up, a wish to end the discomfort  and a desire to pass . Contrasted, becoming older can be a positive adaptation with reflective practices .

 Our culture promotes and reinforces ideas and practices engulfing  youth , youthfulness with its illusions and mythology . However, in yesteryear  in the  Hebrew Bible, the word "old" had many different meanings . The terms had many variations . In contrast, English compacted them together.  For instance, In biblical times, there was a word for ancient golden times; days of old, as before time; all those far away long ago; for old people like Sarah and Job; for old age as "when my strength faileth."  Further,  in  Beowulf and Old English manuscripts, the word “old “ carried a positive meaning in 49 compound words that incorporated old. In only 8,  were they  clearly negative, like "old devil." Old  had positive connotations and were  associated with virtues such as nobility, mercy, esteem and power.  That changed with Shakespeare .He used “old " as an instrument to insult and ridicule . He frequently disparaged the word by coupling it with unpleasant partners such as” old and wicked,” “ old and miserable,” “ old and deformed” etc .

While aging , it's advantageous for your soul to  challenge your archetype , reframe current  terminology   and  eliminate  negative references to “old” like  “ old grouch, “old man,” “ old-fashioned” etc. and incorporate “ old “ and refer to it as lasting , endurance, caring,  perspective, appreciating, preserving, transmitting wisdom , understanding, experience ,knowledge and modeling a life of  being authentic  real with  gravitas , eccentricity and sensibility . Avoid the  caricatures of complaints:  rocking in a  chair  on the porch ; reciting old used to stories ; keeping track of all the passings   along with  complaints of aches, pains and surgeries . Become like Asclepius and not Geras. 

The Western States 100 , can be used as an analogy to the process of aging. Executive mental processes and cognitive abilities such as working memory, reasoning, mental flexibility , completing goals, planning , organizing, self-monitoring, paying attention, decision-making, problem solving, modifying behaviors, and self correction  is required and necessary for meeting  a challenging goal. To begin, there is a qualifying race; a specific starting time and ending time; on a designated trail with age grouping competition . Also, executive functioning is required for  trail navigation with the plethora of natural and physical barriers as well as self monitoring the mental and physical pain and/or injury during the grueling event  Perseverance, overcoming setbacks and relying  on wisdom, knowledge, sensibility and experience for completion is the process.  The unexpected occurs with unforeseen consequences. There is no straight path, but a series of ups , downs, twists, turns, roks, branches etc.  along the way. Moreover, one has  necessary and helpful affiliations  at designated aid stations. It's important to maintain an electrolyte balance with  proper hydration and energy during the event .  That's when a supportive crew provides assistance, knowledge, and feedback.  Moreover, one's pacers are very important and provide encouragement, suggestions ,  and motivational assistance.  Chuck M.  helped me get on the  scale at Rucky Chucky; Bill J. told me that Linda R was just ahead of me; and Jerome B said let's pick off these runners, and we did.   In other words, one has to endure , appreciate, understand , have wisdom, knowledge, and be authentic during the process with  the necessary nurturance, support and friendship with a range of emotions such as  anxiety, fear, excitement,  happy, boredom, joy ;with repetition of increasing obstacles, challenges and physical difficulties, without the reliance  of technological devices, and with uninterrupted silence and compilation ; a variability of thoughts such as, I'm looking forward to the next aid station, I ‘m surprised to see  Judy C at  Michigan Bluff, wondered  where was  my crew Bob E. and  Jim H.  at Green Gate, while laughing and joking with my sister,  Tony and Debbie B, Bob E, Marisa D  at Robie Point . At the finish I felt satisfaction, tiredness and relief .  And a very special acknowledgment to Bev, my sister, friend ,confidant  who accompanied me, on this journey, from start to finish. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact , said William James.


Hillman, James. The Force of Character and the  Lasting Life.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

We're Number 1


 A record 48,830 total gun deaths in 2021 reflected a 23% increase since 2019.  An estimated 42,915 people died in motor vehicle fatalities in 2021 and  that was a 16 year high according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Related, Sigmund Freud modified his theory after experiencing the mass destruction from World War I.  Originally,  he described  aggression, death  and man's  dark side with sadomasochism . Then, because of WW1 , Freud added a death instinct in order to more fully  describe man's evil.  Henry A Murray , included in his model of man , the  abasement need that depicted man’s masochism in  mutilating the self and his need for aggression   which described  the need to attack, injure or kill another. Importantly,  add Carl Jung’s brilliance with the collective unconscious to more fully understand man’s dark side . Incorporating aggression, sadomasochism , frustration , and the collective unconscious, this disquisition enlightens "why  there is so much gun violence in our country?" 

Variables of  politics, education , income and life expectancy  are significant and related to the “why?” Frustration leads to aggression that's directed toward self or towards another. Having, within  capitalism  has to do with  a number  of factors that include but not limited to  health and  level of education . Who is able to keep up with the Joneses and who is falling behind ?   If not keeping up , as in  health and/or income , then hostility surfaces based  on “poor me “ ,“ I’m being left behind and replaced .“   These represent feelings  and attitudes of envy, jealousy  and hate. It’s easier, not to take responsibility for self , and instead blame as in scapegoating  . 

Politically , Fox News, social media  etc evoke fear, hate and blame in order to bamboozle their supporters for  power and control. . Blame Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Antifa, Jews, Asians, Blacks, immigrants, etc. for the problems.  Do not blame the out-of-control spending by the military that allows the military-industrial complex  characters to amass   greed, fortune and profits . CEOs of large corporations, oil companies, pharmaceuticals, food industry, etc. play a significant role in contributing to inflation.  We know some of the players that are taking advantage of the income inequality in the country.  Less than 1% of the population  are doing just fine.  Don't criticize  capitalism  or expect the elite to pay their share of taxes.  The political chicanery provides a great job of masking the root causes, the pain ,the misery  and instead focus on irrationality and illusions .Raising the debt limit, the non ethical  behavior of supreme Court justices, Trump , Ukraine - Russia  etc.  fill the air, not the in depth causes .

Life expectancy and killing weapons are symptoms of  disease  and pertain to state political control with its various laws and regulations. For instance ,the 5 states with the lowest life expectancy :1.  Mississippi -R 2.  West Virginia - R 3.  Louisiana- R 4.  Alabama - R 5.  Kentucky- R . 50  countries have surpassed us in life expectancy  since the 1930’s.  More die younger in states with conservative policies . Next,  statistics regarding  the number of gun deaths per 100,000.  The 5 highest include: 1.  Mississippi-R 2.  Louisiana-R 3.  New Mexico  D 4.  Alabama--R 5.  Wyoming-R .  The highest number of gun ownership per state per capita include: 1.  Mississippi  95%--R 2.  North Dakota 82%-R 3.  South Dakota  74%.-R  4.  New Jersey  68%-D 5.  Iowa 61% -R.  One poll had 67% that stated that the highest reason for gun ownership of guns was for protection ( an attempt to diminish fear and anxiety}  .  Purchase an assault weapon for sadistic destruction and killing. Who are you going to kill ? 

 A few socioeconomic statistics.  New Mexico -D  and Alaska -R have the lowest eighth grade reading scores.  The 6 states with the lowest Pre-- K-12  rankings : 1.  New Mexico-D  2 .Oklahoma-R  3. Arizona-R  4.  Alaska -R 5. Nevada -D 6. West Virginia -R . States that have the lowest per capita income include the following:  1.  Mississippi-R.  2.  Arizona- R 3.  New Mexico-D 4.  West Virginia-R 5.  Alabama-R . Political party control in 2021 includes  these 5  Republican states: 1.  Mississippi 2.  Louisiana 3.  Alabama 4.  Wyoming 5.  Arizona. Their life expectancy , gun death, wealth and educational level  rankings suck.

 Carl Jung 's analytic theory ,included a concept called the Collective Transpersonal Unconscious, which according to him ,was the most powerful and influential system within the psyche . It was like a museum of acquired characteristics incorporating the wisdom of the ages or  a storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from man's ancestral past.  The  collective unconscious is the psychic residue of man's evolution. According to Jung, images, or archetypes are formed in man's  deep unconscious.  These idealized images play a role in character and personality development, which affects behavior determination.  They can and do disrupt rational processes and distort reality. These images are predispositions to perceive the world  in the unconscious, but do not appear frequently in thinking.  For instance, the predisposition of good, supreme, powerful, humane, just , lovable  “Ruler “ can be represented in  Richard the Lion Heart or the predisposition of evil, aggressive, destructive , exploitive,  sadistic, megalomaniac, hateful, despicable  like Henry VIII or  the hero demon like Hitler.  These archaic aspects of life deep in the unconscious may engulf the life  of an individual spirit in darkness and destruction. To deny the relevance of the deep unconscious can result in  cases of mental illness.

Taking into account our history, Anglo-Saxons, Christians, Puritans arrived centuries ago.  Arriving, they in due time, brought slaves, wiped out the Indians , discriminated against other religions, burned witches , rationalized manifest destiny ideology, established the KKK, had a Civil War , hated  others etc .  There is plenty of evil, power, demons, prejudice etc embedded in the collective unconscious of Wasp’s in our country. 

In comparison, and taking into account Freud , Murray and Jung, Switzerland had a firearm death rate, total in 2017 of 214.  The number of registered firearms in 2017 corresponds to around 10.3 registered guns per 100 residents.  A sample of  rational regulations include : The  gun purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit over the age of 18 ,  not have a criminal record with conviction for a violent crime  etc.  In order to purchase ammunition , must  be over 18 years of age and a copy of the criminal record for three months, an individual who has not yet reached the age of 18 may freely acquire ammunition if used for shooting immediately and under supervision. Weapons must be kept in a safe place and protected from access by an authorized third person, loss of  firearms must be reported to the police immediately.  Further, the vast majority of firearm related deaths are  suicide; gun crime is few and far between . 

Switzerland's life expectancy is over 84 years of age; ranked 6th in the world's best countries for educational system; second in comfortable retirement; 8th in racial equality ; 6th in raising children; 2nd in starting a career, and  5th for females. Overall, Switzerland has low unemployment, skilled labor force with the highest gross domestic product per capita in the world.  The country's strong economy is powered by low corporate tax rates,  a highly developed service sector ,financial services and high-tech manufacturing industry.  Their citizens have won more Nobel prizes, registered more patents per capita than many other nations and ranks number one compared to other countries on measures of adventure, agility, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, heritage, movers , open for business , power ,quality of life and social purpose.

 Switzerland is one of the oldest surviving republics. Since 1848 ,industrialization has transformed the traditional agricultural economy.  Swiss neutrality during the world wars and the success of the banking industry furthered the cause of Switzerland as one of the world's most stable economies. Prior, the French army invaded Switzerland and Napoleon and enemies fought numerous campaigns in Switzerland that ruined many localities . In 1814-15,  The Congress of Vienna established Swiss independence when the European powers agreed to recognize permanent Swiss neutrality.  However, Germany  WW !! , considered invading Switzerland  but never attacked  Also, an attempt by Switzerland's small Nazi party to influence Switzerland  politically failed miserably, largely due to Switzerland's multicultural heritage, a strong sense of national identity,  a long tradition of democracy and civil liberties.  And the Swiss press vigorously criticized the Third Reich.  Switzerland joined the United Nations and their women gained the right to vote in 1971. Currently Switzerland is not a member state of the EU. In 2014 ,Swiss voters approved a referendum to reinstate quotas on immigration to Switzerland.  Following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine,  Switzerland decided to adopt all EU sanctions against Russia . Switzerland participates in humanitarian missions and provides relief supplies to the Ukrainian population. 

With limited knowledge about the history of Switzerland, I propose that the collective unconscious  of Switzerland ‘s citizens is significantly different and less toxic; their level of fear ,anxiety ,and frustration  is profoundly less when contrasted with that of many in the Republican controlled state .  They are more secure , with their identity and well being. Yes, in their history, they have had death and destruction.  However, there is no  comparison, when it comes to the United States. Their economy is not based on economic slavery and they did not have a Civil War  .  They have no manifest destiny ideology; they, with Jung, Einstein , etc. have not engaged in two world wars, nor, with their intellectual brilliance, developed weapons of mass destruction.  They do not have military bases all around the world , have an overdeveloped military budget with the same degree of economic inequality.  They also don't kill their citizens. Furthermore, their citizens are skillful when it comes to shooting and they have actual rules, regulations and laws pertaining to firearms.  Yes, they have mental health issues in the population and some commit suicide. Their educational system ranks above ours , with more equitable income and less frustration, hate and discrimination. 

In summation, Homo sapiens began life helpless , fearful , anxious, insecure and dependent. Psychological needs vary in intensity and purpose like abasement , masochism , aggression or sadism  within the development of character and personality .  With interpersonal relations ,humans experience  degrees of frustration  resulting in aggression, sadism and masochism  along with elements within the psyche of the  collective unconscious.  All the above are affected by many factors, including socioeconomic, religious, political , etc. within a culture, society or country. Our country's collective unconscious  and idealized images , for many, are not congruent and contrary with the expectations within  their reality  of a limited education , diminishing  middle class income , debt,  poor health and a  decreased life span. They are fearful , anxious,  impotent  and exhibit jealousy, envy and hate . Wasp power , prestige and possession eludes them along with their  emasculated identity . They are fragile , alienated and covet  to identify with power , prestige and security . Enter the Wasp  Republicans , a tribe associated with supremacy, discrimination,  exploitation , prejudice and hate. They preach  being head of family, king of his castle,  masculinity, male dominance, with a  subservient wife and kids . The party resists change but not division, discrimination and hate. It fuels toxic messaging like make America great which means bring back slavery , with more prejudice and killing ; with its propaganda of lies as in Second Amendment nonsense -they are coming for you, they are going to take your gun etc . which is fear and anxiety based . As a result, the sickness and insanity of murder are expected to continue within our Republic.  Yes, we are unfortunately  number 1.


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Jung, C.C. The Integration of Personality.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Explicit Memories


This Memorial Day brought back explicit ,episodic and semantic memories.  Memorial Day commemorates many of our countries fallen during the various  wars.  I remember individuals that served in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam.  However, I do not know of anyone who lost their life during those horrendous events.  This disquisition incorporates long-term memories brought into consciousness that include Ride and Tie, Western States 100 and  friends associated during these past 25 years .

A long time ago, I heard that Ride and Tie participants were elite athletes.  Then ,I found out about the Western States 100 historic run and  about the many who competed in that event. The present competition included Jim Howard, Brian Purcell and Tom Johnson , winners of that run.  That's  elite competition.  All this started in 1997 at Gibson Ranch (semantic) during an endurance and Ride and Tie event.  Then in 2001, I met Linda Raposelli Rodgers at mile 16 (semantic) on that  trail, one of the aid stations for that race.  She suggested we enter and compete.

In 2002,  I learned about the training runs.  The first occurred in January and started at Green Gate and ended at  Placer High school in Auburn-the finishing  point.  The second occurred during Memorial Day weekend, on a Saturday, and started near Robinson Flat and ended in Forest Hill; on Sunday, the run began in Forest Hill and ended at Drivers Flat; and Monday started at Green Gate and ended at the finish line in Auburn.  Total distance for the three days was about 70 to 75 miles.

I have participated in many training runs over the years.  However, one training run , episodic memory, with Tony , stands out in particular.  It was a Sunday and began in Forest Hill.  Tony and I had done numerous training runs over the years.  At Drivers Flat, Tony remarked that he lost his keys.   He called Debbie from Forest Hill and she picked us up.  Later ,Tony indicated he knew where he lost his keys-it was when he went to the bathroom.  Okay, we then started out from Drivers Flat and headed back towards Forest Hill in search of his keys.  He remembered where he took the dump and found his keys.  We then ran back to Driver's Flat.  I don't remember if we had driven in his truck or car on that day . 

This Memorial Day ,I started out late for my morning run.  I have about 7-8 different loops which I alternate.  I had, that day in my consciousness  , projects that I needed to complete.  In any event, I headed towards the third gate and  then ran towards the Western States Trail.  Incidentally, I had not run that particular loop in about three weeks .  I heard voices and saw runners on the trail.  I asked if there was a run ?  They replied, Western States training run.  Of course, as a flood of  episodic memories erupted from my unconscious, it's Memorial Day.  I asked one of the runners if he knew Craig Thornley and he said he did.  I replied and told him Frank Lieberman said hi.  He repeated my name a few times and said he would.

I had a couple of insights during that run.  First, I noticed a lot of females participating in the trail run.  That brought to mind Plato's Eros myth Symposium.  Plato  talked about the original unity of man who was divided , according to Zeus , into two halves, and after this division, each desiring his other half, they came together and threw their arms about one another eager to grow into one.  Ponder that idea for a while.  The second insight was that I did not have to beat or stay in front of anyone. It was okay to be passed on the trail, and didn't experience a narcissistic injury  when passed by young good-looking women.  I was able to think, reflect, bring up episodic memories , enjoy the surroundings and acknowledge the compliments when they told me, "Good job." 

  I have evolved.  It was almost like playing again. I didn't have to concern myself with time ; I didn't have to go to the track to work on speed ; I didn't have to perform repeats; I didn't have to run hills, etc. I could run happily, beautifully and no longer have to concern myself with overuse injuries.  I am now able to run relaxed and ponder about what I'm going to write with a smile on my face.

It's true that our memories change over time and some aspects of our memory improve as we age.  It's also true that  memory is linked to  emotions, physical sensations and  environment.  Not only that, it informs us who we are and helps us plan and look to the future.  I am thankful that I have had wonderful memories over this past quarter century.  I have met neat people and developed significant friendships while competing.  Our  memory defines us, gives meaning and solidifies identity.  


Brickel, Tony and Lieberman, Frank.

Lieberman, Frank.Bo's Warriors .  Bo Schembechler and the Transformation of Michigan Football.

Lieberman frying.  It Has Nothing to Do With Age Stories of driven athletes who compete in extraordinary sports.