Associated with irrationality is the inability of experiencing life in the here and now , in part because of anxiety, and of being compromised by long work hours, low paying employment ,economic stress, drugs , alcohol, TV, apps, movies, novels, electronic devices, vacations, purchasing and some “addictions”. The 60s was called the Age of Anxiety with the abuse of Valium. Today is the Age of Addiction. Addiction is a repetitive involvement of behavior despite it being harmful to self and others. Do you know anyone that can leave home without their “ I”phone or other electronic devices ? Separation anxiety occurs when the device is missing or when it's not working properly. In fact, some create special pockets to carry their precious device. Research has found an association with a variety of mental illness traits with the over use and reliance on electronic devices. And ,it's also been reported that bulling on social media has resulted in suicide.
Truth has been distorted by the massive amount of propaganda, advertising ,and technology of algorithms. The political figures on TV frequently repeat the same without any reference or any depth but generalizations . It's true that there's been a flurry of executive orders, it's difficult to follow and remember all that's going on. Suggestion: follow the money ,check out the credibility of the source and the theme .
The dumbing down in our schools has also contributed to impaired intelligence , not being in the here and now and the inability to employ logic and reasoning.effectively Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims over four years with most being hateful and malignant designed for harm .He is still going strong as every one of his sentences indicate that he and his malignant lies are synonymous. Truth and beliefs are not always the same.
Do not rely on technical achievements or this government to give life meaning and solve human challenges is the third existential point.. The electronic addiction provides many examples of interfering with a meaningful and productive life and is also harmful to the brain .
Science created vaccines for Covid-19 and people were advised instead to purchase phony items . We now have Kennedy Jr being the top government public health official. His credentials are suspect and his attitude towards vaccines are outrageous. With a measles outbreak in Texas and deaths , medical people are attempting to educate the unfortunate about getting vaccinated for this most infectious disease.
Science and technology will not solve our problems in part because of all the crazy people in charge with malignant character, and the rest being like sheep,and following the crowd. Climate change denial is an example of discrediting science for profit. The March 2, 2025 edition of the New York Times titled "Trump Undoes Years of US Climate Policy In Just A Few Weeks" is an example. Science says that we are in danger from the climate and there's an absence of outrage, in part because manipulation and propaganda keeps the power structure in charge. This administration is cutting medical research funding as medical progress becomes limited. Also, are self driving vehicles more fun and safe? What about Tesla ?
Many are worried about the AI revolution. A few dangers include 1. When controlled by the scrupulous, the potential disaster and consequences are infinite for the rest . 2. The US is in competition with China for dominance. 3 . A I will replace too many humans in the workforce. 4 AI might wind up being smarter , with control and enslave man. In other words, this new technology does not necessarily solve man's being but creates additional stress, anxiety and worry. Further, it's not surprising that the billionaire tech people from Silicon Valley and elsewhere donated heavily to Trump. They certainly want to maintain their geopolitical control and keep ahead of China. As a result ,they need government funding and a steady supply of intellectual talent from India . In order to take advantage of that top 1% from India, the expansion of the H-1 B visa program is necessary. Also, no social media regulation keeps the algorithms intact for more disinformation ,power and control . In other words, skilled immigrants are okay so the American Empire can rule the world. along with keeping the algorithms and lies going etc.
Hollywood movies like Ex Machina, The Matrix and Inside Out and the novels Brave New World and 1984. perhaps foreshadows our future. Will AI and genetic engineering trap us and will we be controlled in an outer world dealing with human emotions ; being controlled by robots and without a” free will”? Will our brains be managed by a collection of biochemical mechanisms being manipulated by someone in some headquarters? That suggests that we may someday soon become at the mercy of an implementation of AI neurological engineering by a powerful entity
In tHuxley’s novel , people were controlled by biotechnology and social engineering through the use of love and pleasure as opposed to fear and hate. However, John the Savage who was reared in a real or primitive civilization can't adjust to the present form of government . And ,in the end, because of his inability to adjust to the new society, committed suicide.
Mass production , mass communication ,propaganda conformity ; societal forces and roadblocks also impede the development of humanism and morality . The development of a fully functioning human being with authenticity is the fourth existential point . Maslow’s Self Actualizing individual is one definition. In other words, societal forces get in the way of man dealing with his own existential crisis of insignificance, powerlessness, being alone and facing mortality . All the above interfere with man being able to love himself and others; be productive; utilize truth ,rationality; be autonomous and not worship false idols . It’s difficult to become authentic . Instead, today’s society distorts a productive being by putting forth myths pertaining to the American Dream, family, children and a home in the suburbs. And, chasing fantasy ,the capitalistic dream places many in an enormous amount of debt Some believe, it’s too late, and authenticity is no longer possible to obtain.
Our mind seems to be actively working whether we like it or not. The amount of energy we spend on an idea during consciousness or in a dream state suggests its relevance and importance. Beliefs, ideas, fictions depending on their strength and importance influence our actions. These beliefs, ideas, fictions come from a variety of lifelong experiences and fill the workings of our mind. The power of our species ,like authoritarians , depend on creating the fictions Our mind is susceptible , easily influenced and ,if agreed upon in numbers, form cooperative groups, political parties and/or cults ,In essence, the workings in the mind relates to authenticity or inauthenticity depending on the agreement or disagreement with known facts and objectivity. On the other hand, the authoritarians create their own beliefs, fictions irrespective of truth. It was easy for Trump to incite a mob on January 6, 2020 and attack the Capital and its police. Acting, submitting and believing the fiction of the stolen election is associated with being inauthentic.
Many illusions and propaganda interfere with the reality of man becoming authentic and instead, he attempts to fit in , join the crowd , becomes a number , a cog in the wheel ,on a treadmill resulting in inauthenticity. One example of conformity is when the TV camera focuses on college kids at a basketball or football game. They all yell, cheer, smile, put up a finger and shake all over.Inauthenticity is also exemplified with statistics on decreasing sex per certain age groups , Increases in suicide, child and marital abuse ,low college graduation rates for males, drug deaths, obesity, heart disease, and cancer with declining longevity.
Another example of inauthenticity occurred when 77 million “stated “ they were dependent on a person who : 1. Was impeached twice and a convicted felon 2. Whose primary concern is himself ,is transactional - will do for you only if you do for him 3 .Against the constitution, rule of law, government institutions, fair elections , people of color, the poor , public education, scientific research, freedom of the press,,free speech by others , climate change and truth 4. Favors authoritarians and the wealthy .5. Above the rule of law ,wants to rule like Putin . However, some might not be happy about the tariffs, cost of eggs and the threat to Medicare , Social Security, Medicaid, etc.. The contradiction of dismantling the government is okay but don't take away my Social Security.
In conclusion, there are a plethora of childhood problems .Parents are being overprotective , holding on tightly to their children in fright . Will their children be killed at school, in the supermarket, at a movie theater or in a crowd? It's obvious that strong, irrational impulses can't be controlled successfully or comforted by religious ,political or scientific endeavors, which are man made . In other words, if the existential crisis of being can't be dealt with effectively and is too anxiety producing, man can't achieve ,develop his potential and let alone live a holistic fulfilling and meaningful life ,especially in an authoritarian run technological society.
Fromm, Erich. The Dogma of Christ
Harari,Yuval Noah. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
The Real Battle To Define Trumpism Has Only Just Begun. January 19 2025, The New York Times