Thursday, October 17, 2024

It's Character

 My disquisitions are triggered by something I've read, heard or an idea that I have pondered over time. Today's disquisition was selected in part from last week's focus on persona and character orientation and a recent conversation with Linda’s  son Buck.  Buck is 62 years of age.  I told him when I was 62 I ran Western States 100 .He replied defensively. In another conversation with him.I mentioned  that I was an age division winner  in that event and he congratulated  me. This disquisition incorporates  persona and character orientation.  

In my late 50s I discovered Ride and Tie; was finalizing a  divorce; retiring  from clinical practice and moved to the foothills.  In my 60s, my orientation, mask or persona  noticeably seen was primarily  athletic competitiveness. In fact, one of the reasons that I moved to the foothills had to do with my Ride and Tie friends. At age 60 , I began a concerted effort on equine endurance , running and ride and tie competitions. With the help of Tom C., Tony B.  and Michael S., I focused on endurance competitions with the main goal being Tevis..In 2000,  at Tevis, there were a host of ride and tie competitors  including Tom C. Tony B. Michael  S. Chris T. Becky S, Warren H and others .  I started off the ride with Michael S. and then for the last 40 to 50 miles rode with Warren H. Warren ,at the time, was one of 3 that finished Tevis,  Western States100 and  the Swanton 100 Ride and Tie . 

After completing Tevis,  I now focused on the Western States 100. A number of Ride and tie competitors have won that event . My significant running comrades included Linda R.  Bill J, Chris T ,  Bob E.,  Jerome B.  Chuck M .  William E. and others.    In 2001, I qualified for the race by running the  Helen Klein 50 . Later, I  was selected in the lottery and completed that run.. Standing in line receiving my completion award, I was  pleasantly surprised when race director Greg S presented me with an age division award.

Linda R.  Chris T.  Bill J and Steve  R were nice running associates at the time.  Linda R was the most valuable resource that year.  In fact, Bill J, one of my pacers, told me that she was just a little bit ahead of me at about the 85th mile marker.  At the 96 th mile marker,  pacer Jerome B said let's pick off these runners ahead and we did.  About a mile from the finishing line at Robie point, I had a number of my friends  greeting me that included my sister Bev,Tony , Debbie, Marisa, and  Bob E.   Bob E  said stop the lollygagging , let's get moving.

My third goal was to complete the Swanton Pacific 100 mile Ride and Tie.  I developed a significant and meaningful relationship with dear friend Jonathan J.  Jonathan was a defense attorney living near San Diego .  Gypsy was our  horse for that event.  I'm 68. Jonathan is significantly younger and a terrific competitor.  We won that event.  Currently , because of Warren’s passing, only three of us are still alive to have completed those 3 events. However, I’m the  only one to do so while in their 60’s .

Going into my 70s, I dealt with broken  neck bones after coming off of Gypsy during  a conditioning ride and didn't want to become like Christopher Reeve .  I retired from equestrian events, but still continued running athletic events.  I ran  many 50 K's,  won many awards and often was the oldest competitor in the race. Tony got tired of seeing so many of my awards on the floor that he built me a medal rack to hang the awards .

I had a lot of fun running with Tony.  We ran at least three times a week, with our Border Collies , Dale and Sherry.  We traveled all over the state of California running in various events.  We stayed at the residences  of Steve S and George H in Santa Cruz, Carrie B.  In Tiburon ;  and others that included Beverly  B.  in Marin ,, Pat and Mike at Donner Lake, Bill and Gwen in San Ramon , with Elaine , my  former son-in-law’s mother  and with Tony’s sister Penny in Malibu -Jonathan joined us for that event. We also stayed with a friend that Linda and I met in Loreto,Mexico whale watching who lived in the Oakland hills.  I  told Tony that we would stay with Tom Brady and Gisele in Atherton only if Tom was throwing a football somewhere else.. 

 Tony and I ran many local races such as Way Too Cool, Salmon Falls  and Jed Smith 50 milers and 50 K's. On  one Jed Smith run, Mark R was going  to set an American 50 mile record run in his age group.  Mark passed us a number of times. Tony and I assessed his stride while laughing.  At that event.,Mark introduced us to Megan  A\, a world-class runner, and the new Western States  race director Craig T. Mark R and I have a couple things in common.  Aside from ride and tie, we were both winners in the Cool Ride and Tie  that Linda and I hosted. Also, We were both age division winners in Western  States in 2002.  Mark finished ahead of me in third place.that year..

Over those years.  I had many pacers that included Chris T, Randall H.  Sue S and Matt.  A most important event that  followed certain races included going for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins in El Dorado Hills and Ghirardelli  in.Lathrop. 

Also in my 70s, I bought a computer, had an  email address thanks to Tony, and produced  a  TV show with Tony . We interviewed numerous exceptional athletic individuals.  These interviews can be found on YouTube.  The link is I  also  wrote two books, made presentations in Chautauqua , had book signings etc.I Interviewed terrific individuals who were 65 years or older that were still competing in unique extreme sports in s“It  Has Nothing To Do With Age.”.  Sad to say, I've attended a few of those friends' funerals as well. I also started writing weekly essays on subjects pertaining to health, psychology,  competition,  current political issues etc..  As a result, these activities were noticeable as my cognitive  mask incorporated executive ego functioning . I listened to my father when he said “ use your brain , not your back .”  Being intellectually curious and writing about subjects that are interesting to me, is a passion  .

In addition to my athletic and cognitive masks, I now wear the  noticeably seen mask of nurturance . in my 80’s , Covid -19 dominated and the  American population was put on the defensive to wear a protective mask or not; to vaccinate or not   Linda and I had no trouble wearing a mask and made sure to get our vaccinations and booster shots on a regular basis.  The implications were apparent to me despite all the craziness of remedies put forth by Trump . I had a conversation during this period with a neighbor who told me that he almost died, but would still not wear a mask or receive any vaccine because he was now  immunized.

Also, Linda's symptoms of Hydrocephalus dementia became more apparent.  I assist her daily, helping to maintain memory with a number of strategies.  I have a few ideas to deal and combat the progressive disease of memory loss.that do not include Prevagen . Last December , she broke her hip ,assisted her along with nurses,and physical therapists as she regained her strength and mobility.She was physically fit and we began playing pickleball again.

I came up with the brilliant idea to purchase a golf cart so that she could follow me on my daily runs.  For two months , we did just that.  Last month  she displaced both sides of her ankle when the golf cart tipped over, trapping her underneath.  Although still wheelchair-bound, she has now begun driving the golf cart again.  My goal is to keep her off her left leg as much as possible so she can heal as quickly as possible.  So far she is healing.

The philosophical question "who am I?"  has intrigued me for many years.  Psychologically, the answer doesn't lie simply in one's profession.  It's  about character.  It's true that we present a persona in so many settings with so many others.  For me, my masks include  competitiveness,  cognitive executive productive rational ego functioning, with superego qualities of nurturance . These qualities   have been present my entire life and describe my  character. Note, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Dad was an undefeated  president in union elections over 20 years.  Mom was competitive and  had difficulty finding people to play her  in the game of Scrabble.  Dad was extremely intelligent,  and had a tremendous way with words while making points.  Mom was also intelligent with a terrific memory . She typed  a draft of my dissertation. Dad was nurturing in fighting for the rights of all the workers, I was amazed to hear about  all of his accomplishments at one of his retirement dinners.. He attended my football  practices , games and headed a  litigation team  when our football team was disqualified from playing in the championship game.  Mom  nurtured  her  children and  was a lovely caring  woman .In fact ,our cousins told me   that she was their favorite aunt.


There is a 50 mile American River equestrian ride and a  separate 50 mile American River Trail run.  I have the record for the most completions for this combination.I admit that in my 60s and 70s, I had more fun than presently. Too many friends have passed.  In part, it has something to do with age. 

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