Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ayn Rand

 Ayn Rand published her provocative and award winning novel Atlas Shrugged in 1957, with the first draft beginning in 1946. Note, Karl Marx's  initial translation into English was provided by TB Bottomore from the London School of Economics and Political science in 1958.  Rand’s thought-provoking  inspiring novel created a stir to say the least.This essay pertains to  the  importance of  work productivity..

Ayn Rand's  objectivism is a philosophy described  as "the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."  Her philosophy falls within the motivational history of thought. 

A brief overview of the history of motivational thought   follows:  Briefly, Socrates ,Plato and Aristotle's position were  A.  Socrates believed that knowledge and virtue are identical and that right knowing leads to right acting.  In other words, knowledge is good and knowledge leads to virtuous action B.  Plato equated good with knowledge.  Knowledge is good, it can control the passions and is supreme to emotion.  C.  Aristotle believed the highest goal of human life is happiness with the activity of reason.  Essentially , his  emphasis was on virtue through knowledge and reason.  Man could control his passions with the use of knowledge and rationality.. Simply put, knowledge, reason, virtue were motivators  that lead to man’s happiness.

Later,  followed the Age of Enlightenment with its many divergent thinkers such as Bacon, Goethe, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Kant, Locke, Paine , Hobbes, Rousseau etc..  Enlightenment was described as the use of reason, with goals, of rationality, that equal knowledge, freedom and happiness. In fact,  Hobbes claimed that "desires" like hunger or thirst, sex, fear, lead humans with their competitive component  to conflict and  it’s the state that can protect the individual and permit him to gain some satisfaction from his desires..Rousseau condemned society and its influence on man as he believed that society generates egoism and as a result, man's needs and capacities do not correspond to one another, and that it leads him to frustration.  In other words, man is good, but spoiled in a bad society.   

A somewhat  different point of view came from prominent  philosophical Existentialists  such as Arendt, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, Jaspers  etc  .They questioned man’s nature. and denied the primacy of rationality.  They pointed out that impulsions are associated with human nature, and that experience provided by books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television have a great emphasis on the subjective experience of truth which is external or intersubjective.They also wrote about man's inauthenticity , his alienation and  his difficulty in living a genuine life . Unfortunately, the standardization of mass society, mass communication ,propaganda and conformity, contributes to  the individual being  hopelessly lost.  

Also, Spinoza, Freud, Murray and others theorized about the unconscious,  life and death drives, urges, and the use of defense mechanisms that distort  man’s reality.  In fact, psychoanalysis was the treatment employed to assist  the individual to develop a true understanding of the motivational  dynamics occurring  within  the self.  Additionally,  Murray's ego needs like  the concept of abasement describes man's pursuit of pain, injury, which is irrational. In other words, objectivity, reason and truth are difficult to obtain because of man's irrationality tendency. Freud's treatment was predicated on the belief that psychoanalysis could assist iman in  finding, interpreting reality, the  truth about themselves and that  productive work and love are signs of mental health and his humanness. Similarly, Rand believed that  productive achievement is man's noblest activity .

Enter protagonist John Galt, the inventor of the "motor" , the leader of the intellectual and productive strikers who are opposed to the looters and moochers.. The looters profited from  the hard-earned wealth and the productive function of the others.  The looters were  also proponents of high taxation, government ownership, government spending, government planning, regulation, redistribution. They were bureaucrats and government officials  who confiscated the  earnings of others by the implicit threat of force.  For example,  grain from Minnesota was withheld and confiscated  from some for another  interest group . Some  citizens starved , others did not . Additional examples of  being exploited - nationalized industries , monopolies ,and with the  railroad legislature regulators that legally sold supplies for their own profit.  They also used force to secure property from the people who produced or earned

The moochers were unable to produce anything of value themselves.  They appealed to the moral right.  They enabled the lawful seizure by the government.  They were the needy expliters ,freelancers and believed they were entitled.

John Galt’s soliloquy  beautifully encompasses  Rand’s philosophy . "I'm on strike…..  Live for yourself  …  No such thing as Original Sin ,not serving others ,....  Don't give up the pursuit of your own happiness in order to serve others."  Work will change when you're ready to pronounce this oath .  "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man and ask another man to live for the sake of mine."

Pertaining to productivity also leads us to Karl Marx's ideas pertaining to work within capitalism..  Marx wrote about the notion that the essence of man's existence is alienated from his essence and that in reality he is not what he potentially is.  He is not what he ought to be and that he ought to be what he should be.because of his work.

Work was the active relatedness of man to nature which also includes intellectual  as well as artistic activity.  According to Marx, "labor is alienated because the work has ceased to be part of the workers nature and consequently he does not fulfill himself in his work, but denies himself as a feeling of misery rather than well-being, which is not developed freely or are his mental and physical energies.  He is physically and mentally exhausted .’  

When man becomes alienated from himself., the product of labor becomes "an alien object which dominates him.  The relationship is the same as the relationship to the sensuous external world and natural objects are in alien and hostile worlds.  Capitalism interferes with the strength of his own creative work.  And secondly, the objects of his own work become alien beings and eventually rule over him, becoming powers, independent of his power . Labor exists for the process of production and not for the process of production for the labor."  Simply put, in capitalism, man's labor interferes with his ability to  fully develop himself. He becomes a servant or slave  to his oppressors. He also becomes unable to develop his true loving nature.He becomes obedient , non productive and  oppressed . This  exemplifies John Galt’s oath.

The importance and significance of work is clearly stated in Freud's quote "love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness."   In essence, work reflects our efforts to contribute to society. fulfilling our ego ideal ambitions ( meeting ego needs of achievement and understanding) and resulting in personal fulfillment which is associated and contributes to positive aspects of our self-esteem. Work that is productive  represents aspects by expressing our talents, skills and creativity while making meaningful contributions to society.   It's our productivity that enables us to make meaningful contributions to our society. That follows  in the direction of actualizing our human side.  It's the opposite of alienation ,and  corresponds with Rand’s thinking .  

Rand depicts a warning and prophecy of  a greedy, narcissistic,exploitive totalitarian government run by the powerful few. The head of state  ( our  newly elected president has never been associated with productive work) had his enemy Galt tortured because he wouldn't cooperate and submit even though he's promised a powerful government job.  In the end, this totalitarian government falls. The ideas of Marx, the existentialists, Freud, Murray and Rand pertaining to man are insightful , cogent and  associated with man's well-being.


Dad told me to  get an education and use my mind , not my back . He also said be your own boss.  Right on dad.


Cofer,C.N. & Appley, M.H. Motivation Theory and Research.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Phones and Violence

 An article titled "Phones Fueling Violent Scenes At US Schools" in December 15, 2024. edition of the New York Times was troubling to say the least.  Are the public schools out of touch and failing to provide an appropriate learning environment for our students ? How Is our  society contributing and making our learning environment dysfunctional  ?  How are  the parenting practices contributing to the violence?  This disquisition pertains to the above questions.

The article in question described a series of physical fighting , cyber bullying and taking part in aggressive disruptions occurring in a number of  public schools in our country.  These disruptions included a variety of aggression that included both boys and girls punching, kicking, turning over tables and chairs. In fact one student died  .Also, school officials were being thrown into lockers  as well.  Students shared and jostled to film these disruptions on their phones and provided an opportunity for  more students  to become involved  both actively and passively in the chaos. Some students were suspended.; police were hired and school boards became involved and received pressure from angry parents.  Instagram and Tik Tok were platforms used as well as publicity from  TV newscasts. Yes, phones are just one  contributing factor to this sadistic chaos.

Also contributing and an environmental and social factor is the school environment.  Are the teachers burnt out and disinterested; are the school administrators inept and powerless; and/ or are the school boards punitive, reactive, and  out of touch with their  primitive and punitive philosophy of what is appropriate as far as a meaningful education  along the understanding of adolescent development  and our history of violence ?

What about the social influence of our aggressive ,violent and inequality within our society?  The  history of man is associated with violence.  Fighting each other is not new.  Bullying with prejudice and hate against others is also part of man's behavior regardless of setting.  Filming violence is not novel.  For example, the filming of the Rodney King debacle years ago turned out positive and revealed police brutality and injustice.  Modeling, imitation and influence of radio ,TV ,movies, novels and now social media is associated with both positive and negative influence on behavior .  Perhaps, the school board might limit cell phone availability of their students during the school day.  Yes, that would cause separation anxiety for many.  Would it eliminate  or reduce the amount or frequency of fighting and  bullying behavior during the school day?  A necessary research project could evaluate the impact, if any, with a  policy regarding the phone. Does the availability of having that phone during the school day contribute to an increase in learning?

A few research findings pertaining to the acting out and delinquent adolescent are as follows: 1.  Within the rapid  physiological, psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth of the adolescent are major differences.  There is cognitive and intellectual development immaturity  with those in early adolescence .There is also more egocentricity and less empathy . With normal development they become more mature, with empathy for others .With formal thought, adolescents are  now able to reason,create hypothetical deductions with relativity and are strongly grounded in reality. Those immature adolescents are limited  both cognitively and morally.  2 When parents are cruel, inconsistent, sadistic or antisocial,  those teens fearing a cruel parent  may express hostility by placing it and acting out what was done to him on to others  3.  Those who identify with their parents  antisocial characteristics, also engage in their delinquency .  Girls may defensively identify with their father and become tomboyish.  4.  Those with disturbed parent  communication and openness, result   in developing a negative self-concept ,mistrust of the adult world,  more dependent on the peer culture for their gratifications, begin dating  earlier looking for that mother figure, don't do well academically, experience more psychological pain, and are  less happy and more critical of their environment.  5.  Families of divorce, mental and physical  illness, social and economic inequities, and  minorities are associated with teens who have more emotional, social, and academic difficulties. 6.  Those adolescents that idealize powerful acting out role models in their ego ideal tend to follow that leader and tend to lose themselves in group participation while becoming active followers.  7. Those with a negative self-concept.and Identity diffusion are more  anxious . The consequences result in the need to conform to the peer group  .These alienated teens see themselves as outsiders, and  persecuted .They turn towards the world with bitterness and revenge and they have a low capacity for academics and  yearn for intimacy with their unmet dependency needs  .

For those troubled teens, there is both the sadism of the aggressors and the passivity  and aggressiveness of the followers. The following  ego needs  are apparent . Affiliation ,being part of the group, a follower  with dependency . Aggression,to attack , fight; and act out .Exhibition to make an impression, to be seen ,to be heard by others ,.Abasement, submit to external force ,to accept punishment from those bullies are just a few of the ego needs met.

These troubled teens acted out, not alone, but in front of an audience.  That audience was not totally passive.  It filmed the event, thus reinforcing the  exhibition of the occurrence; the sadistic ,macho behavior,  which is necessary  to mask their insecurities.  The passive aggressive teens did not report the incident to authorities, but distributed it instead to other members of their "group" making everyone  complicit and a follower ,and part of this anti-social display . Those that did not report this incident to authorities have identified with the  acting out "group." All of them deserve  concrete consequences.  They used modern-day technology, not for the good of society but for their own narcissistic, inadequate selves , suggesting  a symptom of identity diffusion.

Phone technology can be a symptom of those highly dependent on this device and contribute negatively to society . Secondly,  psychodynamically the foundation for personality behavior occurs prior to adolescents.  Third,, the preponderance of negative social influences  occurring within the family and society contribute and expose the mental sickness of the culture.  If you're a teen athlete with special skills , artistically or intellectually gifted , you  are more  likely not to be a participant in this school chaos . Becoming a teacher once was associated with status and  an honorable profession ,doesn't seem that attractive today.  Unfortunately, acting out negatively by adults and adolescents is too ingrained in our culture. 


Mussen, P.H., Conger, J.  J and Kagan, J.  Child Development and  Personality.  

Offer, Daniel.  The Psychological World of the  Teenager.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Revisiting Mental Toughness


On February 10, 2011 I began writing weekly essays. I was delighted when Tony, for my 85th birthday, facilitated the collection of all my written essays with PixxiBook .  In essence, there are eight volumes in total, titled "It Has Nothing to Do with Age." Each hardbound cover has familiar photographs pertaining to those essays. This essay is revisiting the Mental Toughness comments that I wrote in 2015 employing a few personality variables . On the cover of Volume 4, are pictures that include  U of M’s  Big House stadium; U of M’s and NFL alumni Mike Keller, Jim Betts and myself at a table during Jim Brandstetter's U of M alumni  radio show with  U of M and NFL coach Jim Harbaugh; Denby and MSU  football coach Ed Rutherford; Ed Budde  All American and NFL great and I being photographed by the Detroit Free Press in our Denby football jerseys and a football ticket  of the historic Michigan -Ohio state game in 1969, being held by Jim Betts.  

A few examples from the 2015.essays include the mental toughness of Mohammed Ali, Joe Frazier, Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, the perseverance of the Hebrew people wandering in the desert with Moses for  40 years , Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark fame,  Lieut. Louis Zamperini, Viktor Frankel, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy.

In reference to personality development , the psychological importance of the caretaker is second to none. I was blessed and fortunate to have  my mother .  Mom was a mature 30 year old, self-assured, competent, smart, giving and nurturing.  Being a firstborn male ,mom directed her attention to my well-being. The mutuality of my ego requirements of warmth ,comfort ,security and safety needs  occurred during breast-feeding . I was blessed to experience well-established consistency, care and love.  With consistency, regularity and love,  I developed a sense of trust.  I could  then and later always count on mom being there for me.  Mom was my first important identification figure.  

During superego  development, the ego ideal is an organization used in evaluating experience and behavior.  It is considered an unrealistic part of the superego that has its origins in the narcissistic over evaluation of the self and an idealized image of parental power and perfection.  It's one of the major sources of dissatisfaction with it’s  unattainable for the most part.  However, the ego ideal is also responsible for a great deal of achievement as one is able to keep centered with a belief in one's potential capacities.  It also can lead a person to become better than he is, resulting in a considerable amount of accomplishments, which reinforces self acceptance.

Identification is another significant variable in personality development.  It can be conscious or unconscious, and initially one becomes like his parents. I was able to internalize the achievement, accomplishment, status,  competence ,nurturance and intellectual characteristics of my parents.  These internal " presescences" assisted with a  regulating influence with my behavior.  I was able to hold onto these character traits as they became  me whether or not mom and dad were present .Additionally  during development ,I identified with many others, especially those in the sports field.

Detroit is a major sports city. The heroics of Ty Cobb, Charlie Gehringer , Al Kaline, Harry Heilmann, Hal Neuhauser, and of course my favorite Hank Greenberg.were well known .  I listened to Van Patrick on the radio, went searching for Art Houtman's house on E. Outer Dr. and enjoyed the exploits of Johnny Groth, the Detroit Tigers centerfielder.  The Detroit Lions that  I admired  included Dick Night Train Lane, Bobby Lane,Hunchy Hoernschemer , Cloyce Box , and especially my favorite identification figure Doak Walker.  As far as the Detroit Red Wings, Terry Sawchuk , Red Kelly ,Alex Delvecchio and the production line of Sid Abel , Ted Lindsay and of course my favorite Gordie Howe.  I remember when Eddie Shack of the Toronto Maple Leafs injured Gordie.  That occurrence was so upsetting that I hated that  player.  The Detroit Pistons on the other hand were so-so even with Dave Bing . My friend, player - coach Dave  De Busschere, in spite of his talent , couldn't bring the NBA  trophy to Detroit. I also listened on the radio  to the  1950 snow bowl game between U of M and OSU. Boxing greats Joe Lewis, Sugar Ray Robinson and Marvin Hagler were a few of the champion Detroiters.

During my elementary school years, I have a picture of me in a T-shirt, baseball hat and Levi's swinging a Louisville slugger  bat . I  also fondly remember my next-door neighbor Al Noseda at 14943 Evanston Avenue . Al bought me a terrific baseball glove.  Aunt Sarah ,a Tiger fan , took me to my first professional baseball game.During the day or after school I went searching for friends to start  or join a baseball or football  pick up game.  I loved  playing team sports. 

 During elementary school, John R. Tunis was my favorite author.  I read  and devoured books like The Kid from Tomkinsville, Rookie of the Year, High Pockets, and All  American, Thank you Wayne elementary school library .  I can't remember the librarian's name.  Also, my friend and fiercest competitor was Tom Smith.  In college, Tom played for Dan Devine's Missouri Tigers and played in the Orange Bowl  After college, Tom became an elementary principal and unfortunately was killed in an automobile crash. 26 years ago my love was Judy that I met at a 40th Denby high school reunion. Judy dated Tom while at Denby.

The experience of identity is awareness of the self as a distinct entity, it's a perception of self based upon infancy , childhood ,self-image.  mental representation of objects or persons of great significance.  It's a conception of self, which is an integration of  ego needs, capacities, significant identifications, defenses and roles.  The conception of self is based on body image within ego development.  Feeling comfortable about one's own body ,receiving closeness and acceptance from those who mean so much to the individual are also factors of importance.

During adolescence, I became interested in dads heavy free weight York  barbell set and his reference on strength and  physique.  Dad took me to wrestling matches that seemed real.  Bert Ruby and Leaping Larry  Shane were favorites. During weight lifting workouts ,I had my brother Ron and friends hand me weights so I could do bench presses.  I worked on becoming stronger  also in order to improve my ability to play football.  Lifting free weights assisted in my body image and I remember admiring bodybuilder Steve Reeves in the movies.   I also followed the achievement of Norm Shamansky , a Detroit fireman weightlifter preparing for the Olympics.  When about 15, I visited Dad at the University of Michigan Hospital and met Terry Sawchuk, also a patient. Dad had me demonstrating to Terry.,my physicality.  He asked me to lift up the chair with one leg while holding my arm parallel to the floor.

 My ego needs of achievement were extreme as I worked to accomplish something difficult, as I wanted to excel and surpass others.  My friend Bob Barr introduced me to lifting enormous amounts of weights . We would do partial squats with  600 pounds . My bench presses improved and I nearly benched 400 pounds.  In P.  E, with  football coach  JackRice, I did 60 push-ups in a minute and 25 to 30 chins with little difficulty.  Of course, no one in the class could come close to my physicality and strength.  I wrestled  Ed Budde, my football teammate.. Unfortunately, I couldn't put him down nor could he put me down.  Also I wrestled at the same time two football friends , one  a tackle and the other a fullback from  nearby Notre Dame high school. I had no difficulty throwing  them around. 

Dad was supportive of my athletic pursuits.  He attended football practices and  high school and college games.  He formed Denby's Dad Club and attempted to reinstate our undefeated team for the city championship .  He was known as Big Ray to my friends.  One holiday I carried mail at his Kerchaval post office.  He Introduced me to so many employees and proudly  told them about my achievements.  During those times, we had one TV and we watched football games. 

The  extreme ego need of abasement also played a significant part in my self perception identity .  I accepted potential injury and expected pain while playing football ,lifting weights and ultra running.  Overuse injuries are common, and unfortunately I didn't experience any serious injury while  playing football or lifting weights.

 In my Ride and Tie experience and my ultra running, I experienced many overuse injuries.  Ibuprofen, ice, heat, Monster of Massage, Jim of physical therapy and Matt the chiropractor were invaluable treatments.  Running  the Western States 100 miles illustrated the strength, drive , striving, tenacity and perseverance and depth of my ego needs of achievement and abasement.  I'm one of 4 individuals that has completed Western States ,Tevis and 100 miles Ride and Tie , but the only one to have completed these three events in my 60s. In my  late 70s, I was running  Salmon Falls and Jed Smith 50 k's.  These events became more difficult.  Just prior to my 80th, I ran the Jed Smith half marathon and enjoyed that competition.  Then came Covid -19 and  I decided not to run in any more competitive runs.  

In order to meet my extremely  high levels of achievement, I had to set realistic goals which meant  a graduated series of successful completions, irrespective of the challenges, barriers or obstacles. Continued repetition of  goal setting success leads to a significant and higher level of aspirations  and expectancy of success . When the fear of failure of not completing the goal emerged , I trained harder.  Realistic goal setting success  leads to more successes . I expected success even when dealing with extreme  barriers and conditions.  I agree with Albert Bandura's statement "self belief does not necessarily ensure success, but self disbelief assuredly spawns failure .

There are many human examples of the term mental toughness.  When it comes to sports, the ego needs of achievement and abasement are apparent and necessary. Also, the personality variables of trust, ego ideal identifications and identity are some of the significant factors  necessary for tenacity, perseverance, and drive  for goal completion despite  all the hardships. The wise philosopher Epictetus  said, "it's the difficulties that show what men are."


I just got off the phone with cousin Rick . He told me his father passed away..  Shell was one of my favorite cousins.  Rick and I talked about his dad and the U of M and Lion's victories.  I'm now the second oldest member of the family.  It's hard to believe.


Cameron, Norman..  Personality Development and Psychopathology    .  A Dynamic Approach.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Parkinson's Disease


This essay  pertains to  Parkinson's disease and exercise and was triggered by the following:   Numbers one and two were found in The near Term.1. "  Recent years, cases of Alzheimer's and dementia have been rising.  While there are  no proven treatments or cures for age-related cognitive decline, some research suggests that  activities that are mentally engaging like playing chess and doing crossword puzzles help protect against symptoms of decline in older adults.  Other potentially protective activities include staying active, avoiding processed meats, getting enough sleep and maintaining social bonds. "  2.  "In 25 years, 81.6% of Americans are expected to be overweight or obese. This means a future filled with health complications including diabetes, cancer and heart disease."  3.  Linda had a consultation at the UC Davis Specialty Clinic .  There , I found a booklet produced by the Parkinson's Foundation titled Fitness Counts.  Unfortunately, our cousin Shelly has Parkinson's diagnosis and is in an assisted living facility in Orange County. This booklet had information and also words of wisdom for the brain and body..

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects 1 million people in the United States. It’s a movement disorder that can cause  tremors, slow movements, stiffness, and muscle cramping. The symptoms are diverse and usually develop slowly over time.  Parkinson's  disrupts brain networks that control movement and  also those linked to mood, behavior and cognitive thinking.  From a biological perspective,  Parkinson's results in low levels of  dopamine which leads to loss of effective communication between the higher brain structures of the brain called the cortex and the  part of the brain that manages more basic functions called basal ganglia. The dopamine system and other brain networks are disrupted, including those linked to mood, behavior, and thinking.  Currently there are no treatments that correct the brain changes that cause Parkinson's.  However, exercise  is considered the most beneficial treatment for those with this disorder .

Parkinson's symptoms progress and include: 1.  Slowness of movements; tremor; and rigidity 2.  Postural instability - trouble with balance and falls 3.  Changes in walking, difficulty turning, rapid small involuntary steps, retropulsion, dystonia, micrographia,, speech and swallowing changes.  4.  Constipation, incontinence 4. Cognitive changes, mood changes, hypertension, sensory changes, sleep disorders,and visual-spatial problems .  In other words, Parkinson's symptoms of mind and body affect productive living  and limit human interactions . 

Research has shown that exercising has a positive effect on health, quality of life and mobility.  Note   exercise programs  do not have to be limited to those with the Parkinson disorder .For instance, as everyone ages ,changes that occur in our bodies include 1.  Loss of tissue elasticity 2.  Mineral loss in bones 3.  Loss of muscle tone and mass.  Reported benefits of exercise include improvements in1. Gait and balance 2 . Flexibility in posture 3. Endurance 4.Working memory,and  decision-making, 5 .Attention and concentration .

 Exercise  has a positive effect on cognition or executive functioning such as planning activities, keeping a schedule and staying organized . Executive dysfunction can appear as problems measured by how many things you keep track of at the same time and problems focusing on a task and responding to changes.

With exercise, Cognitive Dual Tasking  is extremely significant .  A few examples of Cognitive  Dual Tasking is when two activities are performed -  one with a cognitive focus and another with the motor focus.. Boxing, Tai Chi, football  and dancing are examples.  For me, while running, I'm usually composing the draft of my next post. When  Linda and I play pickleball , it's skill-based, with a focus on balance, eye -hand coordination, reaction time and strategies .

Over 25 years ago, Ride & Tie was the perfect exercise .With cognitive dual tasking , one had to employ both motor skills and the executive functions cognitive decisions regarding when and where to tie the equine ,change partners, dealing with the vet check etc

In my read, It Has Nothing to Do with Age, all of the athletes were efficient with  cognitive dual tasking. In the their extreme competitions

We know that exercise improves muscle strength, flexibility, bone density and cardiovascular health.  It also leads to changes in the brain.  When beginning a new activity, the brain, not just your muscles, are learning movements.  The process of teaching your brain new patterns when there is a movement in an incomparable new place, or even learning a  different way to think is called Neuroplasticity.

Exercising. results in the following : 1.  More effective use of dopamine by brain cells 2. Growth of new blood vessels, which helps the brain cells get needed  oxygen and nutrients.  3.  Improved use of energy by the brain or  better metabolism 4 Increased release of special proteins that strengthen connections-synapses between brain cells and growth of new connections 5.  Reduced potential harmful effects of the immune system with less inflammation.  6.  Growth of new brain cells.

Also important of course, for well-being is nutrition. It should be obvious by now that the capitalistic food industry complex is significantly contributing to making Americans sick.  That being said, Dr. Hyman provided examples of food that is medicine and contrasting with food that is toxic. All supermarkets  have a limited supply of organic foods and a plethora of products heavily laden with carbs, unhealthy fats, sugar, salt ,and products processed with unhealthy disease chemicals or pesticides .  

The seven recommendations  for well-being that I made over a decade ago  in my read are still  relevant.  Danger ahead as the mental  executive functioning and physical health of our nation is headed in the wrong direction.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

White Power

 Despite our Republic's short history, our extremely  high levels of ability and achievement are second to none. However, there’s more to our  economic , political, social , and religious  story.-power ,control and domination regardless of moral principles  A recent  and related examplie was illustrated with the slogan "Make America Great Again “ which was  simply a dog whistle for White Power. From a psychological perspective , this essay applies to a few of Henry A Murray's ego needs .

In  Dr. Murray's portrayal  of personality theory. He  employed many constructs such as  a description of motivational force with his construct of ego needs .It's motivational , a force within the person occurring in an environment based on human and human to human interactions. Further , In his model, the id represents both good and evil, while the  ego and its needs are hypothetical forces that are motivational  and that are accompanied by feelings, emotions, and are effective in providing desired ends..He hypothesized that the Superego was made up of the Ego Ideal  which represents personal ambitions and identifies with  the power ,ambition and story  of mythological and historical giants .These figures could range from Mother Teresa to Dillinger types  and a Conscience  that incorporates the rights-wrongs ,values, norms and  ethics of society. 

According to Murray, the existence of a need is based on the end result of behavior; a particular pattern or mode of behavior; selective attention to particular classes, stimulus objects resulting in the expression of a particular emotional effect; and it’s the expression of satisfaction when one particular effect is achieved or disappointment when that effect is not achieved.

His primary needs  are linked to physical satisfactions such as air , water ,sex or  urination and his  secondary needs occur and are derived from primary needs and can have physical satisfactions such as with  achievement ,exhibition ,aggression  and dominance .  There are overt needs expressed in mood and behavior, and covert needs which express themselves in fantasy and  dreams.  Some needs are limited to specific objects while some are more diffuse and generalized in various settings.  Some needs are proactive based upon what happens within the individual  while other needs are reactive and  are activated in response to some interaction, such as when one person. attacks another with a revenge response.  Other needs are  modal needs and are based on  performing certain activities for the sake of achieving excellence and rewarding.

Also, there’s  both a hierarchy and interaction of needs . Multiple needs may be gratified by a single cause of action and aggressive needs  can facilitate and gratify other needs.

With the concept of ego needs, results in a more complete understanding  of white  economic , political, religious and social power  A few of Murray's  needs  illustrate man’s  personal and interactive tendencies for survival and mastery over others which is associated and necessary for the accomplishment of white economic and political power. .To illustrate : 1.  Achievement is defined as accomplishing something difficult, being able to master, manipulate or organize physical objects, human beings or ideas while obtaining and overcoming obstacles in attaining a high standard.  Its ability to excel ,rival and surpass others.  2. Dominance is defined as controlling one's human environment by influencing or directing the behavior of others by suggestion, seduction, persuasion, command ;it's to restrain or prohibit 3. Aggression  is to overcome opposition forcefully, to fight for revenge and injury, to attack, injure or kill another , to oppose forcefully or punish another 4. Exhibition is to make an impression ,to be seen and heard ; to excite,fascinate, shock, intrigue, amuse or  entice others.

 Our Republic's  economic, politicaland social history is represented, in many ways ,in part, by the following occurrences symbolizing white power and the ego needs met  Power is defined as the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially in safe faculty or quality; capacity or ability to directly influence the behavior of others.  The following  few are illustrations of our  history of white economic , political and social power 1.The  policy and justification of Slavery - Achievement ,dominance  and aggression 2. Salem Witch Trials - Achievement, dominance and aggression  3. Being victorious in the Revolutionary War ,1812 War  and  both WW’s -  Achievement ,aggression , dominance and  exhibition 4.  Massacring Native Americans - Achievement ,aggression and dominance  5 .Jacksonian democracy- Widening  suffrage and restructuring federal institutions.-  Achievement ,dominance  and exhibition 6. Manifest Destiny ,god given permission - Aggression, achievement, dominance and exhibition 7..  Don't Tread on Me as an expression of defiance and resistance - Aggression , dominance exhibition 8.  Civil War - achievement, aggression, dominance, and  exhibition  9.  KKK -achievement, aggression, dominance,and exhibition 10.  Curtailment of Ivy League  admissions  - Aggressive, dominance and exhibition 11.Voting suppression - Aggression, dominance and exhibition 12.. Restrictive  Immigration  quotas on  immigrants from eastern and southern Europe- Aggression  and dominance  13.  Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  -Achievement, aggression, dominance and  exhibition 14.  Charles Wilson, "what was good for our country was good for General Motors and vice versa. -Aggression,  achievement , dominance and exhibition  15.  University of Texas, University of Arkansas and Penn State. Football teams were undefeated in 1969. Only  Penn State had black football players . Richard Nixon had Texas and Arkansas play for the national football college championship.  It was the last time that only all white players participated-  Achievement, aggression, dominance,and  exhibition.

It's clear that the meeting of man's ego needs is good and beneficial for his survival but can have unintended negative consequences for others.. With that being said, the government in our Republic is dominated by  a white power Supreme Court;  a white power, Congress; a  proposed white power cabinet of 11  whites out of  12 ; white power billionaires and the greediness  of  a white power felonl as president. The next four years will result in the meeting of ego needs of  achievement, aggression , dominance and exhibition for the benefit of some and prejudice, discrimination  and control against others. Rember, the meeting of ego needs for survival has both positive and negative consequences.


Murray, H.  A.  Explorations in Personality.


My father, as a union president  for 20 years, fought discrimination .I also have a picture of him and others with the governor of Michigan signing into law a bill protecting postal workers from dog attacks.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

An Evil Force


An article in the November 24, 2024 edition of The New York Times provided the background for this essay.  A set of dynamics occurred in another Christian country that's familiar to all of us. The individual and social psychology of Homo sapiens are similarly apparent irrespective of his community .

This country has a largely Christian  population ,and in fact, was  recently visited by the Pope.  An elementary school teacher said that she hoped the pope's presence would help the community fight against the evil that's plaguing her life. Is his supernatural messaging  superior ? This country, with its profitable multinational firms ; increased infrastructure and technological improvements has brought  significant economic fortunes to a very few and/or economic disparities .The majority of the population is plagued with economic uncertainty and limited access to education and healthcare resulting in fear ,anxiety and anger ..

Some envious, anxious and hateful others have scapegoated, spread lies, employed misinformation,and  rumors, on a minority, based on supernatural archaic and the irrational. beliefs  The perpetrators rationalized and seeked "revenge" on those they blamed for their misfortune . These alienated fearful perpetrators acted out hate and employed prejudice for their  ills. These individuals aggressively and  sadistically subjected employed power,domination and cruelty against their neighbors.

Unfortunately, the  media, some religious leaders and pastors and even the court system have reinforced  and perpetuated the craziness.  In other words, individuals with  prestige , power and possession, with  the traditional institutions assisted in reinforcing these  irrational and crazy beliefs. Lying comes easy to man, while finding truth remains problematic . Man has ego needs or instincts that are associated with man exploiting man  irrespective of religious, political or economics . It’s Homo sapien history..

The title of the article "When  a Medieval Scourge, Sorcery, Is Blamed in a Tragedy."  In Papua.  New Guinea individuals were tied and burned with hot metals over various parts of their body.  They were accused ,blamed for being sorcerers and participating in black magic.  Women sat naked and blindfolded on a sheet of metal with a fire burning below . Explanations for this cruelty given included a death , illness or some other tragic event. One message was :”all the sorcerers must repent and stop “.  

Violence increases along with fear, stress and tension . Also, black magic and witchcraft have origins in ancient civilizations for the benefit of some .  Don’t forget our  Salem Witch Trials occurred in  the late 17th century .Sadism , hate and exploitation are forces that have a multitude of dynamics and vehicles for expression .in any part of the world ,in any time, where there’s discontent in the society. .Psychodynamically speaking ,when  the impulsive ,aggressive and destructive  Id dominates along with the irrationality, archaic ,religious  beliefs within  the Ego as well as when there exists  sinister ego ideals or role models ( Hitler types ) and an ineffective conscience within the Super Ego  spells insanity for that community.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Supreme Court


Government pertains to the system of control for a country in which people are governed.  Supposedly, although not specifically stated in the Constitution, we have  a philosophy of the separation of powers between the church and state . Separation means removing the government's ability to give preferential treatment to one religion and also to support a plurality of religions and religious beliefs.. Yet, with the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe versus Wade, banning  abortions, punitive legal penalties to healthcare providers and individuals assisting with abortion , we have no separation, but a morally and psychologically punitive based law  decision that is harmful to prospective parents and their siblings.. This disquisition addresses this immorality and wickedness.

Turning to the origins of Judaism  5785 years ago, although little  was known about the physical world, man's behavior was most accurately depicted in how he behaves toward his parents and others with the 10 Commandments.  However, there were no significant external consequences administered for swearing, lying, cheating, stealing, adultery and  killing for these actions .  

About 2000 years ago man created the immaculate conception, soul, son of God , dying for your sins,   angels, Satan and " abortion” with additional ideas and provided " answers" to this life and the life hereafter  with no scientific evidence, but use of the word faith. Jeremiah  stated, "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."  Wow, what an idea and  God’s in the bedroom too?  How did Jeremiah know so much ?.  In any event, it's been  said that an abortion is attacking a human being with a human destiny ,being prepared by God to receive an immortal soul and eternal life with grace .Questions like is an abortion of sin and what type of sin; does an embryo have a soul at conception  and is an abortion, equivalent to murder are questions pertinent  to some ..

Individuals believe many things  including  the use of magical thinking based on their psychology of identifications, ego need structures and wanting to be part of the group.  Not everyone has the same religious or non-religious beliefs. To have a  federal law based on a particular religious belief which discriminates against others is one reason why the Puritans left England.  Further , a number of states with abortion on the ballot voted to legalize abortions.  During this past presidential election, 8/10 states voted for Trump and the legalization of abortion.How’s that for inconsistency . Anyway, put Roe versus Wade on a national ballot. 

To enact a law which prohibits the individual to seek medical treatment for a certain condition is not in accord with public health , a concern for the health and welfare while living , punitive, exploitative, sadistic and controlling . It’s a right to pursue happiness according to Jefferson. It's illogical to think that a religious view , based on the supernatural ,supersedes  medical based science.  Further, and to threaten fines and imprisonment on medical providers is both cruel and sadistic.  Morality is based on distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad. The overturning was immoral  .Moreover,, there is a psychological component  regarding this decision with many unintended consequences as well.

Turning to psychology, it has been well established that child-rearing is both extremely difficult and challenging.  Successful  emotional maturity, socioeconomic factors and child-rearing  practices can lead to positive mental health or set the stage for mental illness precursors.  With that being said, it's very important for the prospective parent or parents to have made this important decision based on their maturity and knowledge about developmental lines and child-rearing practices.  A few questions pertinent  to be addressed include the following: 1.  When should a mother substitute be introduced?  2.  When should she leave her child for work?  Because of maturation differences, it's not necessarily based on age 3.  Breast or bottle feeding based on the clock or demand.  4. When and how should toilet training be introduced  5.  Family medical issues requiring surgery of parent or child 6.  The birth arrival or adoption of another child..  The focus of these questions pertains to the concern and importance about how the child experiences them  These events pertain to, and turn into psychic realities, affects  anxieties and fantasies with  their consequences

Being knowledgeable  about developmental or egocentricity is also important.  In this first phase of object constancy,  the mother or mothering person are perceived as existence of her own This means that whatever happens in the interaction is understood from the aspect of  satisfaction or frustration from the wishes .For instance, It's the every preoccupation with  the mother, her concerns or involvement with other family members ,,with work,outside interests , her mental or physical illness  In other words, her absences are built and transformed into experiences of potential rejection and /or desertion .In other words, developing a sense of trust is problematic.

Erik H.  Erikson developed eight psychosocial crises in "Childhood And Society."  These crises follow along developmental lines and either successful resolution or unsuccessful resolution affects each succeeding phase. His first psychological crisis is  being able to develop a sense of trust versus  developing a sense of mistrust.  The importance of understanding the child's experience in this first cris phase is paramount.  Of course there are degrees of trust and mistrust.  Needless to say, the importance of developing trust pertains to oneself and to the world at large cannot be understated.  Being able to trust has positive implications for being able to deal more effectively with psychic crises that follow . Without trust there cannot be well-being.  Without trust there can't be a successful ego executive functioning.  Without trust there cannot be a  well developed moral conscience.

Mistrust is associated with anxiety, alienation,  suspiciousness, paranoia, and being susceptible to outlandish, irrational, threatening ideas. These individuals have difficulty taking responsibility and become victims in which they blame their woes on external forces they scapegoat hate with the negative and pessimistic mindset of the overall are looking to the future and focus on the past misfortunes. It's obvious when there's mistrust between family members, spouses ,with the community and with the politicians,  government, its institutions, a corrupt system with  the rich getting richer and the rest poorer .They certainly can’t trust the immigrants  and people that believe differently or their future .Mistrust does not bring happiness, satisfaction  but anxiety ,dread ,doom ,gloom and worry.

To force a female to give birth , against her right, irrespective of her physical or psychological condition is  cruel, punitive  and sadistic.  Females have many reasons regarding making the difficult decision of abortion. And yet the implications of her being emotionally able to provide the most reasonable and proper child-rearing becomes questionable with  the backdrop  of additional stress of this law. Who would want to be the embryo in an unwanted pregnancy?  I do not see any psychological advantage for the embryo.  We already have more than enough of these anxious, mental health aggrieved crazies in our Republic and we don't need  this inhumane ruling to perpetuate  and make things worse .  The well-being of that embryo is at stake and needs to be addressed despite all the negative odds. I don't know what happens , other than death  in the afterlife, but I do know about life in the here and now. Those Supreme Court justices that took away a women's right to choose medical treatment exhibited a harsh,  cruel and punishing conscience with that ruling.